Gaming: F1 2018

Aside from keeping up-to-date on the Formula One world, F1 2017 added HDR support, which F1 2018 has maintained; otherwise, we should see any newer versions of Codemasters' EGO engine find its way into F1. Graphically demanding in its own right, F1 2018 keeps a useful racing-type graphics workload in our benchmarks.

We use the in-game benchmark, set to run on the Montreal track in the wet, driving as Lewis Hamilton from last place on the grid. Data is taken over a one-lap race.

All of our benchmark results can also be found in our benchmark engine, Bench.

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  • Maxiking - Thursday, November 7, 2019 - link

    Shame you don't complain so much about AMD CPUs unable to reach promised boost clocks as much as you care about Intel power consumption. We get it, you are poor, you could finally afford 8 cores thanks to AMD yet loosing to Skylake refresh crippled by security patches so venting your frustration here. Difficult time to be an AMD fan, especially after the first gen threadripper support drop fiasco, suddenly a new socket and no backward compatibility is not an issue. Don't hate things just because you can't afford them. Fridays for future is up today again, vent your problems there, thanks. Anyway, bye, a private plane is waiting, gonna have a pizza for dinner in Italy to piss off Greta because I can.
  • jonbar - Friday, November 8, 2019 - link

    "Skylake refresh crippled by security patches" - you must be kidding, right? It shouldn't have those security holes. Please stop talking shit about poor because people here talk about optimization - the best for the least money at a price point. And please stop bashing AMD's ryzen - it's not bulldozer, without ryzen this shit here would be sold as "Intel i11 Unobtanium Edition" for 1k$ and you, rich boy, would have 6 cores or more only on LGA 2011.
    Nobody hates a product - I don't like Intel practices - 5% increase per generation to the point. Where my i7 3840qm is 10-15% slower than 7700hq with a 4! generations gap.
    Speaking about private planes - nobody gives 1 cent on rich boys approach on tech at this level because, while you can afford stupid - the rest of us have to be smart. Now you can fly eat your pizza:)
  • Korguz - Friday, November 8, 2019 - link

    wow maxiking... resorting to insults and name calling still ?? still believing all the intel bs ?? still believe intels bs about how much power their cpus use ?? talking like you have money is supposed to impress people ?? good for you.. nice to see you are also arrogant rich spoiled brat
  • Maxiking - Friday, November 8, 2019 - link

    How dare you? Where did I name call anyone? If someone is fat and I call them fat or if they smell and I tell them so, it is not an insult, it is called stating a fact.

    I see you still do not get the TDP does not mean power consumption, it is even stated and explained in the review.

    If I were you, I would be more concerned about 1700x, 1800x, 2700x, 3900x TDPs and AMD misleading marketing about boost frequencies because there have been so far 3 bios patches which were supposed to fix the issue and guess what. Nothing has changed. People have to use a makeshift custom power profile created by a geek in order to get closer to the promised boost clocks.

    Typical AMD, I give it 3 months till he starts fixing their awful gpu drivers aswell.
  • Korguz - Friday, November 8, 2019 - link

    calling people poor.. among many other things in previous posts by you.. and yes it is an unsult to call some one fat.. or they smell.. but, i bet you do that because either your selfesteem, and self worth is so low, you have to say things like that to make your self feel better..
    yet you still cry about ryzen and the clock speeds.. but yet. you STILL refuse to admit the fraud intel calls is tdp spec ?? so what ever maxipadking . go back to your cave...
  • Maxiking - Sunday, November 10, 2019 - link

    Yeah, my self esteem is so low that I regularly visit Mercedes and BMW showrooms only to tell them how they cars are overpriced and my Dacia is cheaper and can perform the same and consuming less gass like you do. If Intel TDP is fraud, so does is AMD's one and their promised boost clocks and video on youtube where they promise you can overclock chips even further with sufficient cooling. What do they mean by that? Ay, and what about the bulldozer fraud?
  • Korguz - Sunday, November 10, 2019 - link

    yea sure you do, your the one who is probably poor... you are becoming the worst intel shill on here now.... all you EVER do is talk. if you are so sure amd is committing fraud as you claim, then put your supposed money where your mouth is, and take AMD to court,m or shut up
  • Maxiking - Monday, November 11, 2019 - link

    Again, it is you, you and only you perpetuating lies. I never come here first talking **********, I only reply to amdfanboys comments.

    I do not own any AMD cpu, I do not buy subpar products so I can not take them to court.

    Anyway, if you are so sure about Intel wrongdoings, take them to the court. EZ.

    Unfortunately for you, it is AMD who lost at court and got caught misleading about that parody on cpu called bulldozer. Claiming to possess 2 times more cores than they actually had.

    This is your AMD marketing in a nutshell

    QQ more. Deal with it.
  • Korguz - Monday, November 11, 2019 - link

    maxipadking.. you are so full of it... what about the intel lies about its 10nm nodes for the last what.. 6 years being on track ?? what about the lies about their not doing anything wrong to prevent amd feom selling its products ?? among various other things over the years that you so easily for get... you never come here 1st ?? BS actually.. you DO buy sub par products.. intel is sub par now.. but in your intel blindness.. you just dont see it... intels marking has been worse over the years then amd.. deal with that.

    keep QQing more about it... your good at it..
  • Gastec - Tuesday, November 19, 2019 - link

    Maxiking, this is a tech site, not your favourite social network for trolling. Your shameless trolling should be punishable with a ban.

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