** = Old results marked were performed with the original BIOS & boost behaviour as published on 7/7.

Gaming: Ashes Classic (DX12)

Seen as the holy child of DirectX12, Ashes of the Singularity (AoTS, or just Ashes) has been the first title to actively go explore as many of the DirectX12 features as it possibly can. Stardock, the developer behind the Nitrous engine which powers the game, has ensured that the real-time strategy title takes advantage of multiple cores and multiple graphics cards, in as many configurations as possible.

As a real-time strategy title, Ashes is all about responsiveness during both wide open shots but also concentrated battles. With DirectX12 at the helm, the ability to implement more draw calls per second allows the engine to work with substantial unit depth and effects that other RTS titles had to rely on combined draw calls to achieve, making some combined unit structures ultimately very rigid.

Stardock clearly understand the importance of an in-game benchmark, ensuring that such a tool was available and capable from day one, especially with all the additional DX12 features used and being able to characterize how they affected the title for the developer was important. The in-game benchmark performs a four minute fixed seed battle environment with a variety of shots, and outputs a vast amount of data to analyze.

For our benchmark, we run Ashes Classic: an older version of the game before the Escalation update. The reason for this is that this is easier to automate, without a splash screen, but still has a strong visual fidelity to test.

AnandTech CPU Gaming 2019 Game List
Game Genre Release Date API IGP Low Med High
Ashes: Classic RTS Mar
DX12 720p

Ashes has dropdown options for MSAA, Light Quality, Object Quality, Shading Samples, Shadow Quality, Textures, and separate options for the terrain. There are several presents, from Very Low to Extreme: we run our benchmarks at the above settings, and take the frame-time output for our average and percentile numbers.

All of our benchmark results can also be found in our benchmark engine, Bench.

Ashes Classic IGP Low Medium High
Average FPS
95th Percentile


Gaming: Shadow of War Gaming: Strange Brigade (DX12, Vulkan)
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  • LordanSS - Tuesday, July 9, 2019 - link

    My 2700X set up for 85W TDP single clock boosts to 5Ghz, given enough cooling (280mm liquid cooler).

    5Ghz. Last generation.
  • RSAUser - Monday, July 8, 2019 - link

    You saw a better performance per clock, these chips hitting 4.65 is about the same performance as 2000 series hitting 5GHz.
  • 5080 - Sunday, July 7, 2019 - link

    Gaming performance benchmarks really shows what sad state the gaming industry is in that we still have to rely on single core performance.
  • Korguz - Sunday, July 7, 2019 - link

    Maxiking where did you read that we were promised this ??? you are bashing AMD for making promises.. what about all the promises intel has made over the years?? i dont see you bashing them for that. didnt intel promise 5ghz ?? but yet... we only see that in ONE chip, and its a special binned chip, in limited quantities... and practically needs exotic cooling
  • Maxiking - Tuesday, July 9, 2019 - link

    8700k, 9900k, special edition of 8700k.

    It is one chip sure. The difference is Intel can reach its boost on a single core for unlimited amount of time unlike AMD and its sporadical 100ms long 4.55ghz boosts and when confronted they lie on twitter there is not such thing as boost in their CPU anymore lol. What does have Intel with this?
  • Korguz - Tuesday, July 9, 2019 - link

    geeze.. drop this BS already.. maybe intel can. but how much power is it using to achieve this ?? 150 watts on what intel says is a 95 watt cpu ?? just drop this crap already, you obviously have NO real proof, other then your own BS words.. cause if you did.. you would of posts links to this garbage
  • StormyParis - Sunday, July 7, 2019 - link

    I'd be really interested in a recap of which CPU includes which optionnal features. It's been my experience that Intel mostly, but also AMD a bit, play a shell game with advanced mutimedia, virtualization, security,... extensions and it's a pain to suss out which CPU supports what.
  • RSAUser - Monday, July 8, 2019 - link

    AFAIK AMD support hyper V, no issues with docker for me. Check your use case though, think there was a small feature AMD did not support, but can't remember what it was, didn't affect me for docker or if rendering video.
  • 0ldman79 - Sunday, July 7, 2019 - link

    Still reading, but one minor complaint, the latency graphs, I can either easily read the key or see the entire graph while clicking the button, but not both.

    I have to zoom out to see the entire graph then the text gets pretty small.

    Not a huge thing, just an ease of access thing. The graphs have extremely interesting info, but it's not easy to read them.
  • futrtrubl - Sunday, July 7, 2019 - link

    "While going from X370 at 6.8 W TDP at maximum load, X470 was improved upon in terms of power consumption to a lower TDP of 4.8 W." This is the opposite of what the chart right above it says.

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