Gaming: Final Fantasy XV

Upon arriving to PC earlier this, Final Fantasy XV: Windows Edition was given a graphical overhaul as it was ported over from console, fruits of their successful partnership with NVIDIA, with hardly any hint of the troubles during Final Fantasy XV's original production and development.

In preparation for the launch, Square Enix opted to release a standalone benchmark that they have since updated. Using the Final Fantasy XV standalone benchmark gives us a lengthy standardized sequence to record, although it should be noted that its heavy use of NVIDIA technology means that the Maximum setting has problems - it renders items off screen. To get around this, we use the standard preset which does not have these issues.

Square Enix has patched the benchmark with custom graphics settings and bugfixes to be much more accurate in profiling in-game performance and graphical options. For our testing, we run the standard benchmark with a FRAPs overlay, taking a 6 minute recording of the test.

All of our benchmark results can also be found in our benchmark engine, Bench.

AnandTech IGP Low Medium High
Average FPS
95th Percentile


Gaming: World of Tanks enCore Gaming: Shadow of War
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  • mazz7 - Monday, November 25, 2019 - link

    I really thought that Anandtech viewers are smarter than others, but then i see the comments, I am really wrong about that ;p
  • martixy - Monday, November 25, 2019 - link

    The amount of happy this makes me...
    Also, I'm glad to see y-cruncher in the test suite. It's been my goto power virus/perf benchmark since around the 0.5 versions.
  • boltcranck - Tuesday, November 26, 2019 - link

    World of Tanks enCore is outdated, you should benchmark with the WoT enCoreRT
  • wolfesteinabhi - Tuesday, November 26, 2019 - link

    there us a cositant typo at several places .... 3960X is typed as 3950X
  • Torrijos - Tuesday, November 26, 2019 - link

    It would be interesting to present all the benchmarks in 2 graphs... The raw results, and then Bench/$.

    In order to have an idea of the financial benefits.
  • CraigIsSatoshiBsvIsBitcoin - Tuesday, November 26, 2019 - link

    Looking forward to picking up a 64 core CPU for $200 in a couple of years..
  • peevee - Tuesday, November 26, 2019 - link

    Don't hold you breath. Well, maybe 64 in-order RISC cores. Not the same at all.
  • liquid_c - Tuesday, November 26, 2019 - link

    Gotta love how many people praise AMD and sh*t on Intel for this but just as many seem to forget that when AMD was in Intel’s place, they overcharged *way* more than Intel did / does. As a matter of fact, the 32c/64t gen3 TR costs 200$ more than last gen’s similar offering. The second AMD felt they caught a gust of wind, they slowly started inflating prices.
    I’m all for competition and i would love it if both Intel and AMD had some sort of control over final pricing (in my country, the 3900x costs ~700$...) but i have this distinct feeling that if things continue at this pace, AMD will become Intel 2.0, pricing and milking wise.
    Bottom line - neither of the two are truly consumer friendly but memories fade and time tells its story at a slow pace.
  • M O B - Tuesday, November 26, 2019 - link

    AMD isn't in Intel's place, and the last time there were (2003), they didn't overcharge.

    As for selling a 32-core CPU for $2000 on a brand new process node that also offers ECC, PCIe 4.0, and is 100W under the closest competitor--that isn't a position Intel has been in before. Even in 2012 Intel wasn't destroying the competition so utterly in single-core, multi-core, node, and feature-set at virtually ever price point.

    What Intel will sell you is a 3 year old process node for $2000 like they did for the last 2 years. Rest assured that if Intel was in AMD's shoes right now that 32-core would be $3,000 and not have ECC support.

    Plus, AMD has a $750 16-core that is plenty for the enthusiast market. This is truly a workstations CPU.
  • Xyler94 - Tuesday, November 26, 2019 - link

    And Intel gets a pass on the 28 core overclocked Xeon that is priced at almost 4K?

    Listen, everyone wants to pay nothing for their products. But this chip isn't exactly cheap, and AMD is giving a heck of a deal on a processor Intel can't hope to make with their current processes. Remember that AMD's 64 core behemoth of a CPU only costs 7k, while Intel charges 10K for... 28 cores.

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