Moving The Smartphone Target Market

It may seem obvious but part of point of trips is to generate dialogue. Huawei is interested in what we have to say about the perception users outside China have of them, as well as our opinion on their latest product trends, and we’re interested in Huawei both internally for how they work, generating ideas/products, but also externally and how they approach different markets, especially moving into North Americas and expanding in Europe.

While Huawei has been on the periphery of most tech media since the launch of the P1 and the P2, and more prominently so with the Mate 7 and the P8, they are still a brand with little recognition outside of technology enthusiasts in the West. Huawei is well known in China, and product launches are well attended with lots of interest, as well as deep discussions with the media, but it is only recently that they have begun to extend invitations to similar outlets in the west. Part of it is to explain their story, their philosophy, and the other part is to explain to journalists such that they can run their own interpretation, providing Huawei smartphone reviews with at least an element of analysis about the company in general at the same time.

A cynic might argue that in order to get a foothold into the US or expand in EMEA, there needs to be a combination of a large targeted marketing campaign as well as a definitive product individualization, such as an Apple device, or a Samsung, though to LG’s Flex or HTC’s characteristic look.  But even then, HTC’s current situation is in a state of flux despite heavy marketing for a number of reasons, meaning that a big push has both potential risk and reward. As part of this trip, we discussed with Huawei on how exactly we perceive the smartphone market, what are the interesting elements of it and how Huawei can open up to us with both information, structure, and sampling.

It was quite telling that during a roundtable discussion, the journalists around the room were asked what sort of products they were interested in. It was almost a unanimous chorus pointing towards the flagship models for two main reasons – firstly, most other companies provide flagship devices, so there is a rolling comparison and knowledge of an adapting market, but the second point was that the flagship devices typically bring in more variance, engineering prowess and showcase the best of the company talent. Both points are certainly true, and I (Ian) personally can’t disagree with their responses.  

The Huawei Mate S - the company's current flagship device

My argument was slightly different, especially if we compare to the industries I regularly write about; from my perspective, I’d prefer to test the popular devices. With a $600 smartphone, everyone has an opinion on the design, the hardware, the benchmark results, or simply fanboyism, but not everyone has $600 to spend. While a lot of users might discuss the virtues online, or debate over small details, the reality is that a good portion will opt for something around the $250-$300 range for their main device or family devices, depending on contract, region, availability and other features. This is similar to when we get $2000 laptops, or $500 motherboards – lots of discussion, but in reality fewer people will buy them and go for the $800 2-in-1s or sub-$160 motherboards.

Andrei brought up a good point regarding this, which relates back to the first point about mainly reviewing flagships – if you test in the $250 range for smartphones, then there are 80 or so devices to choose from and the review either has to be in a vacuum comparing to almost nothing or based on the limited knowledge of what exactly is in the market, as it's impossible to review every alternative that exists out there. It provides an interesting dilemma for companies like Huawei and their competitors, because depending on what the media wants to look at will dictate what products the manufacturers will sample for review and/or how many are distributed. Thankfully Huawei are open on this and are willing to entertain our future device requests. 

This becomes all important for entry into their non-standard regions, if they feel that there needs to be more presence that just a flagship model. Huawei over the years has slowly reduced their smartphone lineup from around 80 new models a year to fewer than 25, even though most of us only ever discussed three or four of those in 2014/2015 (P8/P8 Lite, Mate 7 and Honor 6). Chances are that the metric of devices moving into the west should increase over time, in both flagship and mid-range markets especially.

It’s Just Another Smartphone Manufacturer™ Discussing Corporate Structure, Strategy and Kirin 950
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  • Ryan Smith - Saturday, December 5, 2015 - link

    "Earnest question to editors: Would you have gone if the trip wasn't free?"

    No, honestly not. And that's not because we don't like covering Huawei - they're a big part of what's going on in the world of smartphones - but there is a major opportunity cost to a trip like that. One trip like that would cost as much as covering several companies in the US/EU for us. We do have to be mindful of our costs - I don't need to point out that many of our readers know how to use ad blockers - so foreign trips are not something we frequently get to make.

    But conversely that doesn't mean Huawei isn't worth covering. Only that it's in their own self-interest to invite us out if they want to make sure we have a chance to see their facilities. After all, we could always decline it if we weren't already interested.
  • s.yu - Sunday, December 6, 2015 - link

    lol, on Edge, 100% ad pass-through.
  • ummduh - Sunday, December 6, 2015 - link

    re: adblock

    This reminded me to turn on AdBlock's "allow some advertising" option, and then I went ahead and whitelisted Anadtech too, since I do quite enjoy reading and using this site. Reloaded Anandtech, and WHAM! Big ol pop up right in the middle of the screen that you have to click away to be able to continue. THIS is why we have AdBlockers. Whitelisting has been revoked.
  • masimilianzo - Sunday, December 6, 2015 - link

    Is Andrei the one on the right of Ian? Or on the left?
  • Ryan Smith - Monday, December 7, 2015 - link

  • s.yu - Sunday, December 6, 2015 - link

    There seems to be some serious latency problems with the comment system, or are comments under this post heavily moderated because of heated discussion?
  • Ryan Smith - Monday, December 7, 2015 - link

    We do engage in very occasional moderation, but there's no "latency" in comment publication. Anything posted should be immediate.
  • s.yu - Tuesday, December 8, 2015 - link

    It really wasn't. The correction about the incorrect speculation on pronunciation I posted earlier, I posted it, went on to post some other reply, then flipped through the pages again and noticed that it was gone. So I reposted it and left a copy in the clipboard, hit refresh, came back to check, and it was gone again. So I pasted the copy directly, then refreshed, and it was gone again, tried again, and got the same results. The last time I tried I added another sentence, but again it disappeared after a refresh, but I wasn't so persistent to try a fifth time, so I left it that way. After a day, I came back, I found all four posts there. I don't know where the glitch might have been.

    BTW, the pronunciation is pretty easy, even in English, because it's not difficult to find English words as reference, so this helps in identifying the phonemes. I don't know what the problem was.

    So first, treat "Hua" as a full syllable, but treat "Hu" and "a" as half a syllable each. The "Hu" is highly similar to "who", in English, and it's probably the most accurate direct representation, so just pronounce the "Hu" as "who", only shorter, as its treated as half a syllable. As for the "a", it's nonexistent in American English, but exists in British English, like the stiff-tongued version of the "ar" in "hard". Again, shrink that stiff-tongued "ar" to half a syllable and pronounce it in a single syllable along with the "Hu", and you're past the "Hua".

    As for the "wei", really simple. It's basically a "way". There's no perceivable difference between the two, except for the tone. In regions around Beijing, the accent might turn the "w" into a "v", so you get a "vey", or the "vai" in "vain", but in standard Mandarin it's still "w".

    If you're even meticulous about the tone, then try pronouncing the two syllables like a question each, like "Hua?Wei?" And the tone would sound like the correct Chinese pronunciation too, but this is practically useless beyond actually communicating in Chinese.
  • s.yu - Tuesday, December 8, 2015 - link

    Oh, regarding the "who", the "English who" is again more accurate than the "American who", so try making a little more room in your mouth and don't let your tongue obstruct the air flow.
  • zodiacfml - Sunday, December 6, 2015 - link

    Wow, I did not learn anything nor found intriguing! Yet, there's something respectable about them with their approach which is almost like Apple, where they can sell their devices for a higher price than their competitors.

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