Windows 7 Application Performance

We're testing out a few new additions to our Bench database, so what we've got here are some updated application tests run under Windows 7. The CPUs compared are going to be different since we don't have as much historical data, but we'll be building it up over the coming months.

x264 HD Encoding Performance

It's what you've all been asking for - our x264 encoding test with an updated version of x264. In this case we're using TechARP's x264-HD 3.03 bench and x264 version 1342.

x264-HD 3.03 - 1st Pass

As expected. The dual-core chips just can't compete with the triple and quad-core competitors.

x264-HD 3.03 - 2nd Pass

7-zip Benchmark & Performance

We use WinRAR for our compression test under Vista, but more and more users are switching to 7-zip. The performance is more CPU dependent so we're going to look at it. First up is the built in 7-zip benchmark:

7-Zip Benchmark - 32MB Dictionary

With no I/O bottlenecks the benchmark scales very well with CPU speed and core count. As a result, our faithful Clarkdales don't look all that great. In the real world though, Clarkdale performance (at least from the i3s) is respectable.

Here we're taking the same 300MB set of images from our WinRAR test and are compressing them using 7-zip. We divide file size by completion time to get compression speed in KB/s:

7-Zip 300MB 7z Archive - Max Compression

Sonar 8 Multi-track Audio Export

We've had some requests for digital audio workstation benchmarks so we're adding a multi-track audio export from Sonar 8. Performance is expressed in KB/s:

Sonar 8 - Multitrack Audio Export

This is one of those situations where the i5 661 performs well for its price, but the real stars are the i3 540/530 again. They perform like CPUs much more expensive than they are.

Archiving, Excel, & Content Creation Performance Gaming Performance
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  • marc1000 - Monday, January 4, 2010 - link

    Indeed, I want an Atom+ION, but it has not yet come to public availability in Brazil. And Intel is killing ION with the new Atoms, so I believe I won't ever see a Atom+ION board here, because the stores will only launch only the "newer" Atom boards (that is, IF they even launch it...)
  • efficientD - Saturday, January 9, 2010 - link

    The other problem with and atom setup is the low cost no L3 cache Athalons. With a decent 785G mainboard, you can get much better performance in only a slightly bigger package for about the same HTPC money. That is the direction I would go if I could build an HTPC right now.
  • IntelUser2000 - Monday, January 4, 2010 - link

    The reason for high idle and in some way, high load power is due to the Asus board. Not only that, but the H57 chipset.

    The Intel H55 mobo will lower power consumption enough to get it below the i5 750 and i7 860.
  • Kaleid - Monday, January 4, 2010 - link

    Would these be chips on would dare to overclock considering the foxconn socket problems that has been reported here @ anandtech?
  • Zool - Monday, January 4, 2010 - link

    Its quite confusing now, with 9 desktop and 11 mobile i-xxx cores now. Not a single digit shows core numbers or the gpu on the new 32nm cpus.
    Actualy its a total mess now for a average user.
  • marc1000 - Monday, January 4, 2010 - link

    I second your opinion!!! Perhaps Intel hired some marketing folks from Nvidia!!! =D
  • Harry Lloyd - Monday, January 4, 2010 - link

    So which chip is responsible for HDMI Audio - the CPU, or the H5x chipset?
    Can we get HDMI audio support with a Lynnfield CPU?

    And one other thing - I assume we can use HDMI audio without haeving to use the integrated GPU (for display) when we have a PCI-E card?
  • DigitalFreak - Monday, January 4, 2010 - link

    The GPU on the processor.
  • Alberto - Monday, January 4, 2010 - link

    The main problem is the Motherboard, likely an early sample not much optimized. Both Xbit Lab and The Tech Report have found a lower idle system power consumption in the new Intel plataform versus the Lynnfield solution. Maybe This article needs of a fast update :-)
  • Alberto - Monday, January 4, 2010 - link

    The italian site have discovered even better results. Over an Intel DH55TC motherboard this new cpu is IMPRESSIVE at idle.
    Intel seems right again.

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