Battlefield 1 (DX11)

Battlefield 1 returns from the 2017 benchmark suite, the 2017 benchmark suite with a bang as DICE brought gamers the long-awaited AAA World War 1 shooter a little over a year ago. With detailed maps, environmental effects, and pacy combat, Battlefield 1 provides a generally well-optimized yet demanding graphics workload. The next Battlefield game from DICE, Battlefield V, completes the nostalgia circuit with a return to World War 2, but more importantly for us, is one of the flagship titles for GeForce RTX real time ray tracing, although at this time it isn't ready.

We use the Ultra preset is used with no alterations. As these benchmarks are from single player mode, our rule of thumb with multiplayer performance still applies: multiplayer framerates generally dip to half our single player framerates. Battlefield 1 also supports HDR (HDR10, Dolby Vision).

Battlefield 1 1920x1080 2560x1440 3840x2160
Average FPS
99th Percentile

At this point, the RTX 2080 Ti is fast enough to touch the CPU bottleneck at 1080p, but it keeps its substantial lead at 4K. Nowadays, Battlefield 1 runs rather well on a gamut of cards and settings, and in optimized high-profile games like these, the 2080 in particular will need to make sure that the veteran 1080 Ti doesn't edge too close. So we see the Founders Edition specs are enough to firmly plant the 2080 Founders Edition faster than the 1080 Ti Founders Edition.

The outlying low 99th percentile reading for the 2080 Ti occurred on repeated testing, and we're looking into it further.

The 2018 GPU Benchmark Suite and The Test Far Cry 5
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  • Gastec - Friday, September 28, 2018 - link

    Watch out for those online scammers, you are in their target demographics ;)
  • Writer's Block - Monday, October 1, 2018 - link

    always buy up-front.
  • BurntMyBacon - Thursday, September 20, 2018 - link

    @DigitalFreak: "He has a point. People are willing to pay $1000 for a phone, $1000 for a CPU, but $1000 for a high end graphics card is outrageous?"

    Fair point, but I tend to take the opposite approach and ask why people will pay more for a phone than a high end graphics card. ;')
  • Spunjji - Friday, September 21, 2018 - link

    We're not having a fit over price, we're just not happy about it. A lot of people are digging deep to justify it, though, including making spurious arguments about the cost of things that have nothing to do with gaming GPUs. That strikes me as... not rational.

    $1000 phones are a great analogy, incidentally, but not for the reason you thought. It's another market area where manufacturers noticed people were sweating their assets for longer, so flimsy justifications were made for increasing the cost of entry to sustain margins. People buy it because they want it, not because it's good value.

    Nvidia want to walk in here singing about a brave new world of Ray Tracing and then they tell me the cost to ride is $700+. To that I am saying nooooo thank you.

    Does my not caring affect Nvidia much? No. But this is a forum, this is where we share opinions. Stop trying to act like only your opinion is rational and everyone else's is childish or misinformed.
  • Gastec - Friday, September 28, 2018 - link

    I will NEVER pay €1000 for a smartphone. Unless of course ultra-inflation will....certainly happen in the next 15 years, when €300 now will be €1000 tomorrow. It has already started in the USA.
  • godrilla - Wednesday, September 19, 2018 - link

    Raytracing did you read the article ?
  • Ranger1065 - Thursday, September 20, 2018 - link

    Pathetic creature.
  • Gastec - Friday, September 28, 2018 - link

    Soundeth like a true Avram Piltch's padawan :)
  • V900 - Wednesday, September 19, 2018 - link

    BTW: Why do I get the distinct impression, that most of the people complaining about the price, would insist that it’s a totally fair and reasonable price, if this was an AMD graphics card?
  • Qasar - Wednesday, September 19, 2018 - link

    if this was an amd card.. it still would be too much, and i still wouldnt get one...

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