Simultaneous MultiThreading (SMT)

Zen will be AMD’s first foray into a true simultaneous multithreading structure, and certain parts of the core will act differently depending on their implementation. There are many ways to manage threads, particularly to avoid stalls where one thread is blocking another that ends in the system hanging or crashing. The drivers that communicate with the OS also have to make sure they can distinguish between threads running on new cores or when a core is already occupied – to achieve maximum throughput then four threads should be across two cores, but for efficiency where speed isn’t a factor, perhaps power gating/clock gating half the cores in a CCX is a good idea.

There are a number of ways that AMD will deal with thread management. The basic way is time slicing, and giving each thread an equal share of the pie. This is not always the best policy, especially when you have one performance dominant thread, or one thread that creates a lot of stalls, or a thread where latency is vital. In some methodologies the importance of a thread can be tagged or determined, and this is what we get here, though for some of the structures in the core it has to revert to a basic model.

With each thread, AMD performs internal analysis on the data stream for each to see which thread has algorithmic priority. This means that certain threads will require more resources, or that a branch miss needs to be prioritized to avoid long stall delays. The elements in blue (Branch Prediction, INT/FP Rename) operate on this methodology.

A thread can also be tagged with higher priority. This is important for latency sensitive operations, such as a touch-screen input or immediate user input elements required. The Translation Lookaside Buffers work in this way, to prioritize looking for recent virtual memory address translations. The Load Queue is similarly enabled this way, as typically low latency workloads require data as soon as possible, so the load queue is perfect for this.

Certain parts of the core are statically partitioned, giving each thread an equal timing. This is implemented mostly for anything that is typically processed in-order, such as anything coming out of the micro-op queue, the retire queue and the store queue. However, when running in SMT mode but only with a single thread, the statically partitioned parts of the core can end up as a bottleneck, as they are idle half the time.

The rest of the core is done via competitive scheduling, meaning that if a thread demands more resources it will try to get there first if there is space to do so each cycle.

New Instructions

AMD has a couple of tricks up its sleeve for Zen. Along with including the standard ISA, there are a few new custom instructions that are AMD only.

Some of the new commands are linked with ones that Intel already uses, such as RDSEED for random number generation, or SHA1/SHA256 for cryptography (even with the recent breakthrough in security). The two new instructions are CLZERO and PTE Coalescing.

The first, CLZERO, is aimed to clear a cache line and is more aimed at the data center and HPC crowds. This allows a thread to clear a poisoned cache line atomically (in one cycle) in preparation for zero data structures. It also allows a level of repeatability when the cache line is filled with expected data. CLZERO support will be determined by a CPUID bit.

PTE (Page Table Entry) Coalescing is the ability to combine small 4K page tables into 32K page tables, and is a software transparent implementation. This is useful for reducing the number of entries in the TLBs and the queues, but requires certain criteria of the data to be used within the branch predictor to be met.

The Core Complex, Caches, and Fabric Power, Performance, and Pre-Fetch: AMD SenseMI
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  • zangheiv - Thursday, March 2, 2017 - link

    Hard to believe how a company like intel that repeatedly and knowingly engaged in illegal acts and other tactics to monopolize the market and cheat the consumers into high-prices, can still have dumb happy consumers after Ryzen
  • lmcd - Thursday, March 2, 2017 - link

    Some people like 256-bit vector ops I guess :-/ who would've guessed?
  • Ratman6161 - Thursday, March 2, 2017 - link

    Have to agree. To me, the i7-7700K seems like the better bargain right now. Then again, I'm looking at a $329 I7-6700K motherboard and CPU bundle and the 7700K isn't really all that much of an upgrade from the 6700K. But in the final analysis, after all this reading, I'm still not seeing anything that makes me want to rush out and replace my trusty old i7-2600K.
  • Meteor2 - Friday, March 3, 2017 - link

    +1. Maybe, as Rarson says above, a 4C/8T Zen might clock fast enough to challenge the 7700K. But in the workloads run at home, the 1800X does not challenge the (cheaper) 7700K.

    HPC and data centre are completely different and here Zen looks like it has real promise.
  • Meteor2 - Friday, March 3, 2017 - link

    ...Sadly the R5s are clocked equally low.

    Limited by process, I guess.
  • Cooe - Sunday, February 28, 2021 - link

    Again. You're an absolute idiot for thinking that the only "workloads done at home" are 1080p gaming & browsing the web.... You are so out of touch with the desktop PC market, it's almost unbelievable. Here's hoping you were able to aquire some common sense over the past 4 years.
  • cmdrdredd - Saturday, March 4, 2017 - link

    " I'm still not seeing anything that makes me want to rush out and replace my trusty old i7-2600K."

    I agree with you. I have an overclocked 3570k and I don't see anything that makes me feel like it's too old. I'm mostly gaming on my system when I use it heavily, otherwise it's just general internet putzing around
  • Jimster480 - Thursday, March 2, 2017 - link

    Sorry but this is not the case.
    This is competing against Intel's HEDT line and not against the 7700k.

    2011v3 offers more PCI-E lanes only if you buy the top end CPU (which ofc isn't noted in most places) a cheaper chip like the 5820k for example only offers like 24 lanes TOTAL. Meaning that in price comparison there is no actual comparison.
  • Ratman6161 - Thursday, March 2, 2017 - link

    Well, whomever is trying to compete against, I7-7700K is about the top of the price range I am willing to spend. So Intel's 2011V3 lineup isn't in the cards for me either. AMD really isn't offering anything much for the mid range or regular desktop user either. In web browsing, office tasks, etc, their $499 CPU is often beaten by an i3. Now, the i3 is just as good as an i7-6900K too and in at least one test the i3 7350K is top of the charts. Why does this matter? Well, where does AMD go from here? If the i3 out performs the 1800x for office tasks, what will happen when they cut it to 4 cores to make a cheaper variant? Seems like they are set up for very expensive CPU's and for CPU's they have to sell for next to nothing. Where will their mid range come from?
  • silverblue - Thursday, March 2, 2017 - link

    Something tells me that if I decide to work on something complicated in Excel, that i3 isn't going to come anywhere near an R7. Besides, the 4- and 6-core variants may end up clocked higher, we don't know for sure yet.

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