NZXT has been expanding at a quite rapid pace in the recent years. Back in 2017 the company introduced its first motherboard, but ceased to offer PSUs. This month it is re-launching its first new PSUs in years. The NZXT E-series power supplies are made by Seasonic and support active monitoring of power consumption across the 12 V rail as well as temperature, which are their key features.

UPDATE 7/18: As it appears, NZXT used to sell PSUs from 2010 to 2016, but then ceased to offer power supplies. Therefore, the company is now re-entering this market.

The NZXT E-series PSUs are based on Seasonic’s Focus+ Gold platform featuring the PMBus architecture. The lineup includes three modular power supplies compliant with the latest ATX specification and rated for 500, 650, and 850-Watt output. Just like many other advanced PSUs, the new NZXT power suppliers use Japanese capacitors that can handle temperatures of up to 105°C as well as support overcurrent protection for the 12 V rail. Furthermore, the new PSUs also carry the 80 Plus Gold badge.

One of the key selling points of the NZXT E-series PSUs is built-in wattage monitoring for the 12 V rail. The monitoring is handled by the company’s CAM software, which works only with Windows 10 operating system. In addition to monitoring power consumption, the CAM application can also manage rotating speed of fans and activate Silent, Performance, or Fixed preset modes.

NZXT E-Series PSUs Output Specifications
  500 W 650 W 850W
Rated Combined Rated Combined Rated Combined
+3.3V 20 A 100 W 20 A 100 W 20 A 100 W
+5V 20 A 20 A 20 A
+12V 41 A 492 W 54 A 648 W 70 A  840 W
-12V 0.3 A 3.6 W 0.3 A 3.6 W 0.3 A 3.6 W
+5Vsb 3 A 15 W 3 A 15 W 3 A 15 W
Total Power 500 W 650 W 850 W

NZXT’s E-series PSUs are now available from the company’s website in the U.S. NZXT’s partners on Europe and other countries will start selling the new power supplies starting in late July. As for pricing, the most affordable NZXT E500 PSU costs $125, whereas the most powerful model rated for 850W is available for $150. Meanwhile the 650-W model is priced at $135. All the new PSUs are backed with a 10-year warranty (just like Seasonic’s Focus+ Gold), which is a rare feature for relatively inexpensive power supplies.

NZXT E-Series PSUs Connectivity Specifications
Connector type 500 W 650 W 850 W
ATX 24 Pin 1
EPS 4+4 Pin 1 2
EPS 8 Pin -
PCIe 6+2 Pin 2 4
4P Molex 3 6
Floppy -

Related Reading:

Source: NZXT

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  • rocky12345 - Tuesday, July 17, 2018 - link

    They look like good units the only part I question is the monitoring part mainly because it requires the use their software which I heard is not all that good and just another resource sucker. At least they are made by a very good company and NZXT just puts their sticker on it I would hate to think just how bad these would be if they tried to make a PSU themselves being that they are a new player in this sector. Price wise they are not to bad but after doing the exchange from US to CAD funds on the $150US model that puts it at $200CAD which is approaching a bit on the high sode for a mere 850 Watt maybe if they had a model without the monitoring stuff it could be more like $165CAD.
  • Dr. Swag - Tuesday, July 17, 2018 - link

    Is NZXT insane? Those prices are a solid $40-$50 above focus+ golds just for monitoring. I doubt many people would pay that much for monitoring... These psus need at least a $30 price drop to be competitive.
  • The Chill Blueberry - Wednesday, July 18, 2018 - link

    And they're ugly. (Only seen the one picture though)
  • RefrigeratedTP - Wednesday, July 18, 2018 - link

    Wait, people actually care about what their power supply looks like? They’re all ugly! PSU shrouds are a thing for a reason.
  • dgingeri - Tuesday, July 17, 2018 - link

    I have 2 monitoring power supplies from Corsair, a HX750i and a HX1000i, and I love them. However, if NZXT can do better in the software department than Corsair, then I would switch. The big thing will be the software.
  • PeachNCream - Tuesday, July 17, 2018 - link

    2006 called. It wants that mini USB connector back.
  • dkan43 - Tuesday, July 17, 2018 - link

    Sorry but you're wrong by saying that "today [NZXT] it is launching its first PSUs." NZXT has made many psu's, mainly the HALE series. Please do your research before you post an article with incorrect information.

  • RefrigeratedTP - Wednesday, July 18, 2018 - link

    Why sign your name on an internet post which has your username on it? Lol
  • bery - Tuesday, July 17, 2018 - link

    NZXT has been making PSUs for years. I remember buying their Hale82 units 5 years ago.
  • Byte - Tuesday, July 17, 2018 - link

    NZXT Hale 82 were fantastic since they were Seasonic sourced. Mines still humming along great.

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