The Talos Principle

Croteam’s first person puzzle and exploration game The Talos Principle may not involve much action, but the game’s lush environments still put even fast video cards to good use. Coupled with the use of 4x MSAA at Ultra quality, and even a tranquil puzzle game like Talos can make a good case for more powerful video cards.

The Talos Principle - 3840x2160 - Ultra Quality

The Talos Principle - 2560x1440 - Ultra Quality

At 4K Ultra quality the GTX Titan X won’t quite break 60fps, but at 53.4fps it’s not too far off. Compared to the GTX 980 this is another 35% performance advantage, though the lead over the GK110 cards is a bit smaller than normal at 40% and 47% for the GTX 780 Ti and GTX Titan respectively.

Meanwhile since I haven’t had a chance yet to address how GTX Titan X compares to NVIDIA’s flagship Fermi card, GTX 580, this is a good time. GTX 580 actually holds up decently here, delivering 32fps at 1440p, however GTX Titan X offers 3 times the performance, and more still in VRAM limited situations, showcasing how far ahead Big Maxwell is over Big Fermi over 4 years later.

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  • chizow - Tuesday, March 17, 2015 - link

    AMD fanboys went apeshit when AT used non-ref cooled GTX 460s that showed those cards in better light than the reference coolers, AMD fanboys need to pick a story and stick to it tbh.
  • evolucion8 - Tuesday, March 17, 2015 - link

    Ahh, we can't never miss your daily dose of AMD bashing under any GPU article, thanks for the fun.
  • shing3232 - Tuesday, March 17, 2015 - link

    Yep, it is quite entertaining.
  • Kutark - Tuesday, March 17, 2015 - link

    Entertaining but still accurate. Fanbois are fanbois, they're stupid regardless of what side of the isle they're on.
  • chizow - Tuesday, March 17, 2015 - link

    Like I said, happy to keep the AMD fanboys honest. as I did again here.
  • Stuka87 - Tuesday, March 17, 2015 - link

    That had nothing to do with non-ref cooled 460's. It was using FTW versions, which were heavily overclocked vs stock clocked AMD cards. It had nothing to do with what cooler was on them. Just the overclocked being portrayed as though they were standard edition cards. The article was later changed as I recall to state that they were overclocked cards and not stock 460s.
  • chizow - Wednesday, March 18, 2015 - link

    Its the same difference, the AMD cards are no more "stock" with custom coolers than those FTW editions. AMD baked an overclock into their boost that they weren't able to sustain without extravagant cooling. And when I mean extravagant cooling, I am talking about the Cadillac Aluminum Boat we used to be like "Oh wow, maybe one day I will fork out $60 for that massive Arctic Cooling cooler".

    So yeah, now you get "stock clocked, stock cooled reference cards", if you want AMD to show better in benchmarks, have them design either 1) better cooling or 2) less power hungry cards.
  • chizow - Tuesday, March 17, 2015 - link

    @Ryan, we can't revisit all the nerdrage and angst from AMD fanboys over EVGA sending you non-reference cooled GeForce cards because they were too good over reference? Funny what happens when the shoe is on the other foot!

    My solution: AMD should design cards that are capable of comfortably fitting within a 250W TDP and cooler designed to dissipate that much heat, and not have to resort to a cooler that looks like an Autobot. I'm not kidding, briefly owned a Sapphire Tri-X 290X and the thing doubles as its own appliance.
  • Stuka87 - Tuesday, March 17, 2015 - link

    Stop stating that it was because of the cooler. As I mentioned above, FTW cards are heavily overclocked and should not be portrayed as standard edition cards.
  • MrSpadge - Tuesday, March 17, 2015 - link

    Go back and read that article. The factory-OC was clearly stated.

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