Mid Quality Performance

Since our evaluation so far has been focused on performance with Star Swarm’s most resource intensive Extreme setting, we wanted to shake things up by trying a lower quality setting.

In this case Star Swarm’s various quality levels adjust both the CPU and GPU workload, with the Mid quality setting reducing both the number of draw calls generated and the amount of work generated per frame for the GPU. As a result we’re not adjusting just the CPU or the GPU workload, but it can give us an idea of what to expect from DirectX 12 and Star Swarm at lower settings more suitable for weaker systems.

Star Swarm D3D12 CPU Scaling - Mid Quality

Even with this lower quality setting, the CPU results tell us that only the GTX 980 is truly CPU bottlenecked with 2 cores. Everything else from the 290X on down can reach its GPU limit with a relatively weak CPU.

Star Swarm GPU Scaling - Mid Quality (4 Cores)

Star Swarm GPU Scaling - Mid Quality (2 Cores)

Overall the numbers are different, but the lineup is the same whether it’s Extreme quality or Mid quality. Every vendor still sees massive gains from enabling DirectX 12, though the overall gains aren’t quite as great as with Extreme quality. Meanwhile GTX 750 Ti in particular continues to see the weakest gains from DirectX 12, at only 14% for a 2 core configuration, thanks to a combination of NVIDIA’s lower CPU consumption and earlier GPU bottleneck.

DirectX 12 vs. Mantle, Power Consumption Frame Time Consistency & Recordings
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  • akamateau - Thursday, February 26, 2015 - link

    I think that Anand has uncovered something unexpected in the data sets they have collected. The graphs showing frame time and consistency show something else besides how fast Dx12 and Mantle generate frames.

    Dx12 and Mantle frame times are essentially the same. The variation are only due to run-time variations inside the game simulation. When the game simulation begins there far more AI objects and draw calls compared to later in the game when many of these objects have been destroyed in the game simulation. That is the reason the frame times get faster and smooth out.

    Can ANYBODY now say with a straight face that Dx12 is NOT Mantle?

    Since Mantle is an AMD derived instruction set it acts as a performance benchmark between both nVidia and AMD cards and shows fairly comparable and consistant results.

    However when we look at Dx11 we see that R9-290 is serious degraded by Dx11 in violation of the AMD vs Intel settlement agreement.

    How both nVidia and AMD cards be essentially equivalent running Dx12 and Mantle and so far apart running Dx11? That is the question that Intel needs to answer to the FTC and the Justice Department.

    This Dx11 benchmark is the smoking gun that could cost Intel BILLIONS.
  • Thermalzeal - Wednesday, March 4, 2015 - link

    Looks like my hunch was correct. Microsoft reporting that DX12 will bump performance on Xbox One ~20%.
  • Game_5abi - Monday, March 9, 2015 - link

    so if i have to build a pc should i go for fx series due to their more cores or there is no benefit of having more than 4 cores (and should buy a i5 processor)?
  • peevee - Friday, March 13, 2015 - link

    "The bright side of all of this is that with Microsoft’s plans to offer Windows 10 as a free upgrade for Windows 7/8/8.1 users, the issue is largely rendered moot. Though DirectX 12 isn’t being backported, Windows users will instead be able to jump forward for free, so unlike Windows 8 this will not require spending money on a new OS just to gain access to the latest version of DirectX. "

    But this is not true, Win10 is only going to be free for a year or so and then you'll have to pay EVERY year.
  • Dorek - Wednesday, March 18, 2015 - link

    "But this is not true, Win10 is only going to be free for a year or so and then you'll have to pay EVERY year."

    Wrong. Windows 10 will be free for one year, and after that you pay once to upgrade. If you get it during that one-year period, you pay 0 times.

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