Usability & iOS 7

The iPad Air remains one of the best consumer tablet experiences around. The OS and Apple’s first party applications are both extremely well suited to the tablet, and there’s a very healthy ecosystem of third party applications to fill in the gaps left by Apple.

Lately Apple has been doing wonders to limit those gaps. Both iLife and iWork suites are now free with the purchase of any new iOS 7 device, including the iPad Air. Previously each of the three iLife apps set you back $5 a piece ($15 total), while the iWork apps were priced at $10 a piece ($30 total). Apple has truly embraced its role as a devices and software company and is using the latter to help sell the former. On the one hand this is an admission that the market is growing more competitive, as tossing in free software is a great differentiator. On the other hand, freeing up iLife/iWork is a vote of confidence in Apple’s ability to continue to demand a premium for its hardware. Neither suite comes preinstalled on the iPad Air, but upon a visit to the App Store users are reminded that they can get all six of the apps for free if they should desire to. I suspect part of the reason that they’re not bundled by default is to avoid eating up space on the devices with less NAND by default.

The core iOS apps are quite approachable and easy to use. Applications like Safari and Mail make great use of the high resolution screen. Obviously the same can be said for things like Photos and iPhoto. The virtual keyboard experience is great on the large display (especially in landscape mode). Honestly, if there was a good Google Hangouts app (the Android version is much better in my experience) for iOS 7 I think I could be very comfortable and productive on the iPad Air.

I find that task switching is far better on the iPad than it is on the iPhone since multitasking gestures are supported. A four finger swipe left/right between applications or up/down to bring up the task switcher is so much quicker for me than a double tap of the physical home button. Similarly a five finger pinch to get back to the home screen from any application is significantly faster. The new iOS 7 multitasking UI feels so much more at home on the iPad’s large display as well.

My only complaint about task switching on the iPad Air is that UI frame rate will regularly drop below 30 fps during some of these transitions. The added GPU performance on the A7 doesn't seem to really impact things compared to the A6X, so I’m fairly convinced at this point that the solution to the problem will have to come in software. It’s quite reminiscent of the Retina MacBook Pro UI frame rate issues under Mountain Lion, although not nearly as bad (and I’m hoping it won’t take a year to get these ones resolved).

The release of iOS 7.0.3 addressed (at least partially) some of my concerns around the OS. As I already mentioned, stability on 64-bit platforms seems somewhat improved - at least compared to the initial release of iOS 7. The other big improvement in my mind is the ability to turn off/reduce the transition animations. The impact to usability on the iPhone 5s is huge, but it’s also pretty significant on the iPad Air. The animations themselves are pretty but I find that they get repetitive after continued use.

Memory Size & The Impact of 64-bit Applications

The iPad Air, like the iPhone 5s, ships with 1GB of LPDDR3 memory. Apple frowns upon dissection of review samples but I think it’s a safe bet that we’re not talking about a PoP (Package-on-Package) configuration but rather discrete, external DRAM here. It’s also probably a safe bet that even the iPad mini with Retina Display will ship with 1GB of memory as well.

Something I didn’t have time to address in my iPhone 5s review was the impact of 64-bit applications on memory usage. I actually ran some tests after the 5s review hit but never got the chance to share the data, so I figured now is as good a time as any to do just that.

Unlike traditional desktop OSes, iOS doesn’t support paging to disk (or in this case, NAND). Application data can either reside in memory or the associated process is terminated and has to be reloaded the next time you request it. It’s a decision likely made to both maintain user experience and limit the number of program/erase cycles on the internal NAND.

The good news is that iOS was architected to run on as little hardware as possible and as a result tends to be quite memory efficient. There are also power implications of going to larger memories. The combination of these two things has kept Apple on the conservative side of increasing memory capacity on many iDevices.

The move to a 64-bit platform however does complicate things a bit. Moving to a larger memory address space increases the size of pointers, which in turn can increase the footprint of 64-bit applications compared to their 32-bit counterparts. So although there’s clearly a performance uplift from app developers recompiling in 64-bit mode (more registers, access to new instructions), there’s also an associated memory footprint penalty. Since the iPad Air and iPhone 5s don’t feature a corresponding increase in memory capacity, I wondered if this might be a problem going forward.

To find out I monitored total platform memory usage in a couple of scenarios. Before measuring I always manually quit all open apps and performed a hard reset on the device. Note that the data below is reporting both clean and dirty memory, so it’s possible that some of the memory space could be recovered in the event that another process needed it. I hoped to minimize the impact by always working on a cleanly reset platform and only testing one app at a time.

I looked at memory usage under the following scenarios:

1) A clean boot with no additional apps open
2) Running Mobile Safari with 4 tabs open (two tabs, two tabs, all showing the same content)
3) Infinity Blade 3 (64-bit enabled) sitting at the very first scene once you start the game
4) iOS Maps in hybrid view with 3D mode enabled, with a WiFi assisted GPS lock on my physical location
5) Google Maps in the same view, under the same conditions. I threw in this one to have a 32-bit app reference point.

In general you’re looking at a 20 - 30% increase in memory footprint when dealing with an all 64-bit environment. At worst, the device’s total memory usage never exceeded 60% of what ships with the platform but these are admittedly fairly light use cases. With more apps open, including some doing work in the background, I do see relatively aggressive eviction of apps from memory. The most visible case is when Safari tabs have to be reloaded upon switching to them. Applications being evicted from memory don’t tend to be a huge problem since the A7 can reload them quickly.

The tricky part is you don’t really need all that much more memory. Unfortunately as with any dual-channel memory architecture, you’re fairly limited in how you can increase memory capacity and still get peak performance. Apple’s only move here would be to go to 2GB, which understandably comes with both power and financial costs. The former is a bigger concern for the iPhone 5s, but on the iPad Air I would’ve expected a transition sooner rather than later.

Although things seem to have improved with iOS 7.0.3, the 64-bit builds of the OS still seem to run into stability issues more frequently than their 32-bit counterparts. I still see low memory errors associated with any crashes. It could just be that the move to 64-bit applications (and associated memory pressure) is putting more stress on iOS’ memory management routines, which in turn exposes some weaknesses. The iPad Air crashed a couple of times on me (3 times total during the past week), but no where near as much as earlier devices running iOS 7.0.1.

Battery Life Final Words
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  • rituraj - Wednesday, October 30, 2013 - link

  • dugbug - Wednesday, October 30, 2013 - link

  • Kevin G - Wednesday, October 30, 2013 - link

    Whoa, 6 issue architecture in a phone/tablet? Apple wasn't kidding when they said 'desktop class' performance. I'm wondering what low level power management voodoo they have going to pull that off.

    The flip side is that if Apple wanted to build a real desktop/server class chip, they look like they could pull it off and be competitive with Intel. Disable Turbo and throttle down a Haswell to 1.4 Ghz and do a performance and performance per watt comparison. I fathom that Intel still leads but Apple's A7 design will be seriously competitive.

    I am in agreement that Apple should have moved to 2 GB of memory here. One could argue the merits of keeping with 2 GB on the phone but in the age of retina displays on tablets, it'll seem constrained over the long term. This would have been an ideal way to distinguish the iPad's hardware from the iPhone in terms of hardware features/performance. Ditto for not going with a 128 bit wide memory interface. Hell, it would have made sense for Apple to build the die with a 128 bit wide bus but only use the full width in the iPad.
  • ananduser - Wednesday, October 30, 2013 - link

    Intel's Atom runs a full size desktop OS. That's more of a load on it than simple mobile software like ios. The best ARM can muster is not even close to Intel.
  • Arbee - Wednesday, October 30, 2013 - link

    iOS is OS X (true BSD UNIX) with a different top level GUI. Similarly, Android is creeping towards feature parity with desktop Linux, although they have farther to go on audio and MIDI, and Windows Phone runs the real NT kernel. They're all a lot less different from a "full size desktop OS" than you seem to think.
  • Kevin G - Wednesday, October 30, 2013 - link

    There is an Android port for x86 which would put Atom SoC's like Baytrail on equal footing.

    The thing is that the Cyclone core is wider than even Haswell: 6 vs. 4. (For reference Silvermont is 2 issue.) Haswell likely has a higher throughput of instructions considering its x86 ISA (more load/stores for example) and different balance of execution units.
  • errorr - Wednesday, October 30, 2013 - link

    It is reportedly a very buggy port and DALVIK is broken which means it is useless. Plus it is not 64bit enabled yet which hurts bay trail.
  • Wilco1 - Thursday, October 31, 2013 - link

    Cyclone may well be 6-issue, but that's not unusual: Cortex-A15 is 8-issue. This is a design decision based on whether to use a single big issue queue or multiple separate issue queues (there are advantages/disadvantages either way). However it seems likely it is 4-way decode, just like Haswell. And the decode rate determines the sustained performance.
  • KPOM - Wednesday, October 30, 2013 - link

    Perhaps battery life came into play. Remember, Apple doesn't add specs for the sake of winning spec wars. They may also be trying to discourage developers from simply writing RAM-hungry apps that will leave the iPhone 5c and iPad 2 behind. 64-bit is supposed to be a smooth transition.

    Plus, I'm sure they're looking to keep some reasons to upgrade to an "iPad Air 2" or "iPad Pro" next year. 2GB would be nice, but I don't think 1GB will be a problem for most users.
  • YuLeven - Wednesday, October 30, 2013 - link

    As we're kindly reminded in every other tablet's review about things like 'this tablet is good, but it don't have the number of tablet optimized that the iPad has', I would kindly like to remind you a couple of small... well, shortcomings of the iPad. Ups, I said that.

    The iPad is good, but it can't open two apps at once.
    The iPad screen is great and sharp, but it's 4:3 aspect ratio is far worse than 16:9 for video watching, specially TV (Netflix, Hulu) shows.
    The iPad is bright, but its far more reflexive than Surface's.
    The iPad is good, but you don't have USB mass storage mode.
    The iPad is good, but you can't expand your memory.
    The iPad is good, but you can't use your external HD, pendrive, printer, mouse and other hardware stuff via USB port.
    The iPad is good, but office experience on it falls short of the one on Windows RT.
    The iPad is good, but you can't have a browser running on the background, for exemple for listening to some youtube music video while you have two other apps running on the front end.
    The iPad gestures are good, but multitasking by a simple swype from the left feels better than having to using four finger at once.
    The iPad is light and it's ok to use the cover as a stand, but it feels less confortable than having a real, sturdy quickstand.
    The iPad thousands of apps are great, but some of them are worse than using the actual website: Facebook and Pandora, for example.
    The iPad is good, but its experience using a remote desktop is worse than on other tablets.

    Well, the list goes on.

    Not that the iPad is a bad tablet, quite the opposite actually. But as reviews usually like to remind us of things that Android/Windows RT tablets can't do - and the iPad always can, as a matter of fact -, I wanted to recall some things that Android/Windows RT do superbly - and the iPad don't, as a matter of fact -.

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