
After testing for this review, one thing is clear in my mind – the performance of CPUs paired with a single GPU is hitting a limit. As games get more complex, those designing the graphics and physics engines know that shifting calculations onto the GPU gives a greater boost in performance. If an engine is written to take advantage of the GPU, then the CPU does not really matter for the most part. If you can transfer textures over to the GPU and keep them in memory, the work of the CPU is essentially done apart from light maintenance or interfacing with the network.

Perhaps a better test would have been with more mid-range GPUs, such as 660 Tis or 7790s; with limited memory on the GPU itself, having that faster CPU and faster DDR3 memory might make a big difference. However the ecosystem may be that a gamer can buy a good GPU and not have to worry that the CPU might be a bit underpowered. Unless you need the performance of a big CPU, the big GPU should be a main priority if it means the CPU is less of a concern at the higher GPU/resolutions.

There is also scope for those using less powerful GPUs, such that the CPU could matter a lot more in this scenario. With limited memory, the CPU would have to organize more texture copies between the memory and the GPU, causing other aspects of the system to become the limiting factor. This is very important when interpreting our results. However, our results for our testing scenarios show several points worth noting.

Firstly, it is important to test both accurately, fairly, and with a good will. Choosing to perform a comparative test when misleading the audience by not understanding how it works underneath is a poor game to play. Leave the bias at home, let the results do the talking.

In three of our games, having a single GPU make almost no difference to what CPU performs the best. Civilization V was the sole exception, which also has issues scaling when you add more GPUs if you do not have the most expensive CPUs on the market. For Civilization V, I would suggest having only a single GPU and trying to get the best out of it.

In DiRT 3, Sleeping Dogs and Metro 2033, almost every CPU performed the same in a single GPU setup. Moving up the GPUs and DiRT 3 leaned towards PCIe 3.0 above two GPUs, Metro 2033 started to lean towards Intel CPUs and Sleeping Dogs needed CPU power when scaling up.

Above three GPUs, the extra horsepower from the single thread performance of an Intel CPU starts to make sense, with as much as 70 FPS difference in DiRT 3. Sleeping Dogs also starts to become sensitive to CPU choice.

We Know What Is Missing

On my list of future updates to this article, we need an i5-3570K processor, as well as dual and tri-module Piledriver and an i7-920 for a roundup. I will have a short window soon to rummage in a large storeroom of processors, which will be a prime opportunity for some of the harder to acquire CPUs. Haswell is just around the corner and should provide an interesting update to data points across the spectrum, in most of its desktop forms. From now on I will aim to cover all the different PCIe lane allocations in a chipset, as well as some of those odd ones caused by PLX chips.

If you have a specific processor you would like me to test for a future article, please leave a note below in the comments, and we will try to cover it. :) Top of that list is an i5-3750K, followed by Haswell, then some more AMD cores. I have 29 more processors on my 'ideal' list (if I can get them), but if anyone has any suggestions that I may not have thought of, please let me know. If I am able to get a hold of Titans, I may be in a position to retest across the board for NVIDIA results, meaning another benchmark or two as well (Bioshock Infinite perhaps).

Recommendations for the Games Tested at 1440p/Max Settings

A CPU for Single GPU Gaming: A8-5600K + Core Parking updates

If I were gaming today on a single GPU, the A8-5600K (or non-K equivalent) would strike me as a price competitive choice for frame rates, as long as you are not a big Civilization V player and don’t mind the single threaded performance. The A8-5600K scores within a percentage point or two across the board in single GPU frame rates with both a HD7970 and a GTX580, as well as feels the same in the OS as an equivalent Intel CPU. The A8-5600K will also overclock a little, giving a boost, and comes in at a stout $110, meaning that some of those $$$ can go towards a beefier GPU or an SSD. The only downside is if you are planning some heavy OS work – if the software is Piledriver-aware all might be well, although most processing is not, and perhaps an i3-3225 or FX-8350 might be worth a look.

A CPU for Dual GPU Gaming: i5-2500K or FX-8350

Looking back through the results, moving to a dual GPU setup obviously has some issues. Various AMD platforms are not certified for dual NVIDIA cards for example, meaning while they may excel for AMD, you cannot recommend them for Team Green. There is also the dilemma that while in certain games you can be fairly GPU limited (Metro 2033, Sleeping Dogs), there are others were having the CPU horsepower can double the frame rate (Civilization V).

After the overview, my recommendation for dual GPU gaming comes in at the feet of the i5-2500K. This recommendation may seem odd – these chips are not the latest from Intel, but chances are that pre-owned they will be hitting a nice price point, especially if/when people move over to Haswell. If you were buying new, the obvious answer would be looking at an i5-3570K on Ivy Bridge rather than the 2500K, so consider this suggestion a minimum CPU recommendation.

On the AMD side, the FX-8350 puts up a good show across most of the benchmarks, but falls spectacularly in Civilization V. If this is not the game you are aiming for and want to invest AMD, then the FX-8350 is a good choice for dual GPU gaming.

A CPU for Tri-GPU Gaming: i7-3770K with an x8/x4/x4 (AMD) or PLX (NVIDIA) motherboard

By moving up in GPU power we also have to boost the CPU power in order to see the best scaling at 1440p. It might be a sad thing to hear but the only CPU in our testing that provides the top frame rates at this level is the top line Ivy Bridge model. For a comparison point, the Sandy Bridge-E 6-core results were often very similar, but the price jump to such as setup is prohibitive to all but the most sturdy of wallets.

As noted in the introduction, using 3-way on NVIDIA with Ivy Bridge will require a PLX motherboard in order to get enough lanes to satisfy the SLI requirement of x8 minimum per CPU. This also raises the bar in terms of price, as PLX motherboards start around the $280 mark. For a 3-way AMD setup, an x8/x4/x4 enabled motherboard performs similarly to a PLX enabled one, and ahead of the slightly crippled x8/x8 + x4 variations. However investing in a PLX board would help moving to a 4-way setup should that be your intended goal. In either scenario, at stock clocks, the i7-3770K is the processor of choice from our testing suite.

A CPU for Quad-GPU Gaming: i7-3770K with a PLX motherboard

A four-way GPU configuration is for those insane few users that have both the money and the physical requirement for pixel power. We are all aware of the law of diminishing returns, and more often than not adding that fourth GPU is taking the biscuit for most resolutions. Despite this, even at 1440p, we see awesome scaling in games like Sleeping Dogs (+73% of a single card moving from three to four cards) and more recently I have seen that four-way GTX680s help give BF3 in Ultra settings a healthy 35 FPS minimum on a 4K monitor. So while four-way setups are insane, there is clearly a usage scenario where it matters to have card number four.

Our testing was pretty clear as to what CPUs are needed at 1440p with fairly powerful GPUs. While the i7-2600K was nearly there in all our benchmarks, only two sets of CPUs made sure of the highest frame rates – the i7-3770K and any six-core Sandy Bridge-E. As mentioned in the three-way conclusion, the price barrier to SB-E is a big step for most users (even if they are splashing out $1500+ on four big cards), giving the nod to an Ivy Bridge configuration. Of course that i7-3770K CPU will have to be paired with a PLX enabled motherboard as well.

One could argue that with overclocking the i7-2600K could come into play, and I don’t doubt that is the case. People building three and four way GPU monsters are more than likely to run extra cooling and overclock. Unfortunately that adds plenty of variables and extra testing which will have to be made at a later date. For now our recommendation at stock, for 4-way at 1440p, is an i7-3770K CPU.

What to Take Away From Our Testing

Ultimately the spectrum for testing this sort of thing is huge - the minute you deal with multiple GPUs in a system, testing different GPUs, testing different resolutions, testing different quality settings, and then extrapolating those across the normal array of benchmarks we apply to a GPU test, we might as well spend a month just looking at a single CPU platform!

We know the testing done here today looks at a niche scenario - 1440p at Max Settings using very powerful GPUs. The trend in gaming, as I see it, will be towards the higher resolution panels, and with Korean 27" monitors coming into the market, if you're ok with that sort of monitor it is a direction to take to improve your gaming experience. 4K is on the horizon, which means either more pixel pushing power or lower resolutions/settings if you want the quality. Testing at 1440p/max settings is something I like to test as it pushes the GPU and hopefully the rest of the system - if you're a gamer, you want the best experience, and finding the hardware to do that is one of the most important things in that process (after getting good at the game you want).

So these results are offered in order to aid a purchasing decision based on our small sample size. No sample size is ever going to be big enough (unless you are able to test in Narnia), but we hope to expand on this in the future. Consider the data, read our conclusions - you may have a different interpretation of the data. Let us know what you think!

GPU Benchmarks: Sleeping Dogs
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  • Patrese - Wednesday, May 8, 2013 - link

    Awesome article, thanks! Is it possible to include some sort of gaming physics testing? Now that PhysX is beginning to catch some momentum, I'd be great to see if a 8-module AMD processor handles physics stuff better than a 4-core comparable Intel one, and at what point does a dedicated physics card starts to make sense, if at all.

    I’d be also nice if a “mainstream gaming” article could be made too. Benchmarks at 1080p with cards like the 660Ti and 7850, for instance. No need for 3 way SLI/CF on those, so you'll not need as much time in Narnia. :)
  • araczynski - Wednesday, May 8, 2013 - link

    interesting read, although i find it too focused to be of much general use (or useful future reference). i'd like to have seen for example how an E8500 holds up (too big of a gap between E6500 and i52500), as well as at least ONE game i would even bother playing (skyrim/witcher/etc). and of course like you mentioned, even a slightly bigger sampling of graphics cards. (i think you mentioned that).

    anywho, i realize this wasn't meant to be anything exhaustive (i do appreciate having the CPU/GPU benches available here as a good reference though), and i do like the detail/explanation length you went into.

    so thanks :)
  • xinthius - Wednesday, May 8, 2013 - link

    But AMD offers good price to performance at lower tiers, they should be recommend.
  • yougotkicked - Wednesday, May 8, 2013 - link

    Regarding your comments on the role of artificial intelligence in game performance/programming: I've just finished a course in AI, and while implementations may vary quite a bit from game to game, many AI programs can be reduced to highly-parallel brute-force computation, simply evaluating the resulting states of many potential decisions for a numerical representation of their desirability, then selecting the best option from the set of evaluated actions. Obviously this is something that will vary greatly from game to game, but in games with many independent AI managed elements, I would expect a certain amount of the processing to be offloaded to the GPU.

    Other than that I agree with you on the demands of AI in games; my professor (who specializes in game AI and has experience in the industry) said that the AI is usually given about 10% of the CPU time in a game, so it's rarely a limiting factor.

    I'm still working through the whole article (really enjoying it so far) so I'm sure I'll have many more comments/questions later.
  • IanCutress - Wednesday, May 8, 2013 - link

    Based on previous CUDA experience, CUDA doesn't like a lot of IF statements in its routines. So if you're offloading different AI parts onto the GPU, unless all the elements are being put through the same set of if commands (and states), it won't work too well, with some warps taking a lot longer than others if there is large branch deviation. It's a task suited to MIMD environments, like a CPU. Then again, it really depends on the game. Clever AI is already here, because we confine it to a self-created system. One could argue that the bots in CounterStrike are not particularly smart, but the system can put their accuracy up to 100% to make it harder. It's a lot of give and take, perhaps. It is times like these I wish I did CompSci rather than Chemistry :) I need to take one of those MIT online AI courses. You know, inbetween testing!

  • yougotkicked - Wednesday, May 8, 2013 - link

    I suppose conditionals would make offloading some AI components to the GPU impractical, but there still remains a subset of AI computations which seem very GPU friendly to me. State evaluation functions seems like a prime example, the CPU would be responsible for deciding which options to evaluate, building an array of states to be evaluated by the GPU. These situations probably don't come up very often in FPSs, but in something like Civilization I can see it being quite common.

    I've actually got to head over to that class now, I'll ask the professor if he knows of any AI's using GPU computing in modern games.
  • airmantharp - Wednesday, May 8, 2013 - link

    Like Ian said, GPU's aren't good 'branch' processors, but I do see where you're coming from. Things like real physics, audio environment maps, and pre-render lighting maps could be fed to AI routines running on the CPU. This would allow for a much greater 'simulation awareness' for AI actions.
  • yougotkicked - Wednesday, May 8, 2013 - link

    I spoke with my professor and he said that as far as he knows, many people have discussed to prospect of using GPU's for AI, but nobody has actually done so yet. He's going to ask some friends of his at some major game studios to see if they are working on it.

    He did agree with me that there are some aspects that could be computed on a GPU, but a lot of the existing AI methods are inherently sequential, so offloading it to the GPU will require new algorithms in many cases.
  • TheQweaker - Thursday, May 9, 2013 - link

    You may wish to check nVidia's GTC conference web site where you can find some GPU AI Research. Also, nVidia published various PDF slides on GPU Path Planning.

    If you look deeper in some specific AI Domains such as, say, AI Planning (first used in F.E.A.R. in 2005, lately used in KillZone 3 and Transformers 3: The Fall of the Cybertron) you can find papers investigating the use of GPUs.

    On of the bottom line of current GPU AI research is that GPUs crunch large numbers of data very fast so, currently, there is not much hope in using the many GPU threads for tiny amounts of data of state space search.

    Hoping this helps.

    -- The Qweaker.
  • yougotkicked - Thursday, May 9, 2013 - link

    Thanks for pointing me towards those papers, they look pretty interesting and I've been looking for a topic to write my final paper on ;)

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