DiRT 3

For racing games our racer of choice continues to be DiRT, which is now in its 3rd iteration. Codemasters uses the same EGO engine between its DiRT, F1, and GRID series, so the performance of EGO has been relevant for a number of racing games over the years.

DiRT 3 - 2560x1600 - DX11 Ultra Quality + 4xAA

DiRT 3 - 1920x1200 - DX11 Ultra Quality + 4xAA

DiRT 3 - 1680x1050 - DX11 Ultra Quality + 4xAA

First it loses, then it ties, and then it starts to win.

After a very poor start in Crysis NVIDIA has finally taken a clear lead in a game. DiRT 3 has historically favored NVIDIA’s video cards so this isn’t wholly surprising, but it’s our first proof that the GTX 680 can beat the 7970, with the GTX 680 taking a respectable 6% lead at 2560. Interestingly enough the lead increases as we drop down in resolution, which is something we have also seen with past Radeon and GeForce cards. It looks like Fermi’s trait of dropping off in performance more rapidly with resolution than GCN has carried over to the GTX 680.

In any case, compared to the GTX 580 this is another good showing for the GTX 680. The 680’s lead on the 580 is a rather consistent 36-38%.

DiRT 3 - Minimum Frame Rate - 2560x1600

DiRT 3 - Minimum Frame Rate - 1920x1200

DiRT 3 - Minimum Frame Rate - 1680x1050

The minimum framerates reflect what we’ve seen with the averages; the GTX 680 has a slight lead on the 7970 at 2560, while it beats the GTX 580 by over 30%.

Metro 2033 Total War: Shogun 2
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  • SlyNine - Sunday, March 25, 2012 - link

    Well, the driver themself can take more CPU power to run. But with a quad core CPU the thought is laughable. Back in the single CPU/core days it was actually an issue. And before DX9 (or 10) Drivers were only capable of accessing single cores I believe.
  • SlyNine - Sunday, March 25, 2012 - link

    Then look for an overclocked review. Anandtech is always going to do an out of the box for the first review.

    This is what they(amd/nvidia) are promising you, nothing more.
  • papapapapapapapababy - Monday, March 26, 2012 - link


    YESSS OMFG i cant wait to play the latest crappy kinect port with this!.... at 600.000.000 FPS and in 3-D! GTFO GUYS! REALLY....

    just put this ridiculously large, ugly, noisy, silly, and overpriced, toxic waste where it belongs: faaar away from me, ( sensible user) inside one bulky OnLive cloud server. (and pushing avatar 2 graphics, no HDps2 ports)
  • henrikfm - Monday, March 26, 2012 - link

    Most monitors have 60Hz refresh rate, you can't benefit from higher frame rates because only 60 frames are drawn.

    By looking at the benchmarks and considering a resolution of 1920, the latest cards fail in 3 games to deliver at least 60fps: Crysis, Metro and BF3. In the first two games the HD7970 beats de GTX680, only loses in BF3 where nVidia has a clear advantage (in my opinion AMD has to work in drivers for BF3).

    So, the GTX680 is faster when the speed really doesn't matter because you're already around 100fps. The guys who are running multiple monitors and higher resolutions will have also money to buy multiple GPU setups, and that is another story.

    Still the GTX680 is a better card, but for $500 I would expect a card to deliver at least 60fps at 1920 for a 2008 released videogame like Crysis. Neither nVidia nor AMD can do that with a single GPU, it's disappointing.
  • gramboh - Monday, March 26, 2012 - link

    I'll agree about Metro because there is a sequel (Last Light) coming out in Q1-2013 which will presumably be similar in the graphics department.

    Crysis is irrelevant other than for benchmarking, who still plays it? Single player campaign is entertaining for the eye candy once through (in 2008).

    BF3 is the game that matters because of the MP component, people will be playing it for years to come. AMD really really has to improve performance on the 7950/7970 in BF3, I won't even consider buying it (vs. the 680) unless they can make up some significant ground.
  • CeriseCogburn - Tuesday, March 27, 2012 - link

    I just have to do it, sorry.
    You forgot Shogun 2 total war, the hardest game in this bench set, that Nvidia wins in all 3 resolutions.
    You also forgot average frames are not low frames, so you need far above 60 fps average before you don't dip below 60 fps.
    Furthermore, all the eye candy is not cranked, driving the average and dips even lower when it is.
    You got nothing right.
  • b3nzint - Monday, March 26, 2012 - link

    back in 7970 review, its got cool stuffs tech. like PRT, MST hubm, DDMA and bla bla bla. why gtx680 dont have sh** like that. pardon my english. its like this thing is built only for 1 purpose only and thats a success. thanks
  • mpx - Monday, March 26, 2012 - link

    This new Nvidia card supposedly has an architecture that burdens CPU with scheduling etc. It may mean that it requires a faster CPU than ATI cards to reach similar performance. And since fast CPUs are expansive it may mean it's actually more expansive.
  • BoFox - Monday, March 26, 2012 - link

    The key word in your first sentence is "supposedly".

    I see no evidence of this. It actually does far better in Starcraft 2, a game that already burdens the CPU. It also excels in Skyrim, while still doing just fine in Civilization V, which are also the most CPU-intensive games out there.
  • BoFox - Monday, March 26, 2012 - link

    In SC2 which is a very CPU-dependent game, the card still does amazingly well against the rest of others. The same also goes for Skyrim, beating the red team by a whopping percentage.

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