Battery Life

Battery life is comparable to that of other Honeycomb tablets at just under 9 hours for our WiFi web browsing/multitasking battery life test and around 9.5 hours for video playback. With a different display panel it's not too surprising to see some variance here. The Galaxy Tab does worse than the Eee Pad Transformer in our general use test and better in our video playback test.

General Usage - Web Browsing, Email & Music Playback

Video Playback - H.264 720p Base Profile (No B-Frames)

Only the Eee Pad Transformer can deliver the Honeycomb experience with substantially longer battery life thanks to its optional external battery/keyboard dock.

A Beautiful Display Performance
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  • Jamestownsend - Tuesday, June 14, 2011 - link

    Actually, the iPad 1 beats it in a lot of areas. its not nearly as buggy or sluggish. Plus the iPad 1 is actually useful. It can do more than just browse the internet and play ad-sponsored angry birds...
  • vision33r - Friday, June 17, 2011 - link

    You're in idiot. I mentioned the Tegra 2 with a dual core CPU is not even faster than many single core CPU by much.

    The iPad 2's A5 spanks the Tegra 2 so hard it's not even a contest.
  • medi01 - Monday, June 13, 2011 - link

    7 inch version sales are already above 1 million.
  • Wizzdo - Tuesday, June 14, 2011 - link

    iPad2 still beats it with a great OS (which gets very significant perks with the soon-to-be-released iOS5) and significantly faster graphics.

    Samsung gets the nod slightly on the hardware side but a pitty they had to sacrifice a memory card slot to do it which would be the only real advantage (other than a slightly better display) over an iPad2 for me.

    Plus, who knows if it'll ever get a descent OS upgrade and it will be obsolete in 4 months due to Kal-El.

    I think I'll stick with the iPad2. A hot body without a good brain is pretty much only good for one thing ...uhh... looking at.

    *I find it troubling that Samsung would bite off the hand that feeds them and likely abuse Apple's trade secrets (Apple is suing them) to produce this. It takes quite a few points away from any rewards I would give them for their hardware improvements and makes me question the integrity of the company in general.
  • abrar - Monday, June 13, 2011 - link

    so why i should go from my currently Tab P1000 (andr 2.1) to the new Tab 10.1??

    just to upgrade to honey comb ?

    at least samsung should have implemented HDMI....
  • ph00ny - Monday, June 13, 2011 - link

    I could have sworn i saw the damn thing plugged into the TV using the HDMI cable into the MHL adapter. Also you can always use wireless DNLA
  • Johnmcl7 - Monday, June 13, 2011 - link

    Not planning on giving up my P1000, the main disappointment is the lack of onboard ports - no hdmi, no SD card slot and no USB port (for connecting storage devices). The fact the 10in model is double the size but has even less (no microSD slot) seems a bit of a joke to me. Having used an Ipad 2 I can't say I understand this need to be small particularly given the large sacrifices needed to achieve that.

  • g1011999 - Monday, June 13, 2011 - link

    I think all honeycomb devices on the market have 1GB RAM.
  • g1011999 - Monday, June 13, 2011 - link

    At least for my Asus Transformer.
  • Anand Lal Shimpi - Monday, June 13, 2011 - link

    You're right, it has been fixed :)

    Take care,

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