Electronic Arts’ space-faring RPG is our Unreal Engine 3 game. While it doesn’t have a built in benchmark, it does let us force anti-aliasing through driver control panels, giving us a better idea of UE3’s performance at higher quality settings. Since we can’t use a recording/benchmark in ME2, we use FRAPS to record a short run.

Mass Effect 2 ends up being another game that AMD that AMD struggles at. It’s not a game we’d normally classify as being shader-bound, but looking at the 6800 series performance relative to the 5800 series, it’s either that or texture-bound. In any case the 6850 is still competitive with the GTX 460 1GB, but the 6870 falls behind NVIDIA’s competing cards by several frames per second.

Meanwhile it’s interesting to note that this is the only game where the 6800 series doesn’t dig itself out of a hole in CF mode. Both the 6850CF and 6870CF are where we’d expect them to be relative to the 5870CF/5850CF if we took a simple extrapolation of their performance.

DIRT 2 Wolfenstein
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  • Donkey2008 - Friday, October 22, 2010 - link

    Can you provide a link to your website so I can read your review of the cards? That would be awesome.
  • Natfly - Friday, October 22, 2010 - link

    Sure, right here: http://tinyurl.com/36ag36d
  • BlendMe - Friday, October 22, 2010 - link

    So you're telling me I can get two 6870 and spend lest money, use less power and have more performance than a GTX 480? I like the idea of going back to what made the 48xx cards so great. Small, cheap and expandable.

    Can't wait for the rest of the line up.
  • tpurves - Friday, October 22, 2010 - link

    how is it that the nvidia cards go UP in framerate when you increase the resolution from 1650 to 1920 and add 4xAA? Did you mix up some test run numbers?
  • mapesdhs - Friday, October 22, 2010 - link

    It's a pity the charts don't include SLI results for the EVGA 460. I would like to have seen
    how close it came to 470 SLI, given the 470s inferior power, GPU load temp and noise
    results. The 470 GPU load temps under Crysis for just one card are particularly scary;
    the idea of using two 470s SLI, and even more so oc'ing them, seems like a recipe for
    thermal mayhem - alien astronomers with IR telescopes would wonder what the heck
    they've spotted. :D

    The price drop on the 470 is interesting, but the EVGA 460 still looks like a better buy
    because of the power/heat issues, especially so for those considering SLI (as I am),
    and also the fact that the EVGA is as good or better than the 6870. This graph is the
    one that interests me:


    The stock 460 SLI is clearly nowhere near as good as 6870 CF or 470 SLI, but given
    a single EVGA 460 matches the 6870, I'd really like to know how two EVGAs perform.
    Any chance you could add the data later?

    On the other hand, one could assume the 6870 should have some oc'ing headroom,
    but toms' review didn't show that much of a gain from oc'd 6870s.

    The 6870 here in the UK seems to be about 200 UKP (Aria, Scan), though the XFX
    version looks to be an exception (178 from Scan). The EVGA is 174 (Scan, but no
    stock yet). For those who don't want to spend that much, the 800MHz Palit Sonic
    Platinum 460 has dropped down to only 163 (last week it was 183). I almost bought
    two of the Palit cards last week, so I'm glad I waited.

    Obviously the pricing is all over the place atm, and likely to wobble all over again
    when the next 6xxxx cards are released. Either way, despite the lack of major
    performance increases atm, at least there's finally some pricing/value competition.
    I think I'll wait until the dust settles re pricing, then decide. Quite likely many others
    will do the same.

  • AtenRa - Friday, October 22, 2010 - link

    Why did you run at 1920x1200 and not 1920x1080 ??

    most 1920x1200 monitors are extincted from the market and 1920x1080 is becoming the defacto resolution.
  • Lunyone - Friday, October 22, 2010 - link

    Well with bowing down to nVidia on the selection of "what" GPU to use, you have lost all credibility in my eyes. Even Tom's Hardware took a higher road and agreed to use the "hand picked" GPU, but limited the clocks to near stock settings, so there was a more "real" world comparison. Who nows if this isn't the first time that this has happened at Anandtech. I notice no rebuttals on Anand's part, so I'm guessing that they are quite amazed that people are seeing how one sided this issue is. This article wouldn't affect my purchase, since I look a several sites to draw a conclusion from. But my confidence in quality and fair reporting from Anandtech's reviews have been compromised, IMHO. I don't know if I will put any merit to any on Anand's reviews, time will tell.
  • Sunburn74 - Friday, October 22, 2010 - link

    Gee. You know whats all this about Anandtech losing credibility? Nvidia specifically asked them to test one card and the consumer benefits from having this information. Its not like anandtech didn't include the reference gtx460 as well. Anything that tells the consumer more about how valuable his dollar really is, is a good thing imo.

    I currently have an oced radeon 5850 and it annoyed the hell out of me trying to justify whether or not the extra 30 bucks I eventually ended up paying for it, was worth it. There weren't any reviews at the time you see...
  • SandmanWN - Friday, October 22, 2010 - link

    You can't gauge value of an overclocked card against a stock card. You have no idea what the other card can do. What you are saying is nonsense if you really put two seconds into thinking about what you just said.
  • mindbomb - Friday, October 22, 2010 - link

    we are talking about factory oc'd cards.
    It's not like Anand was playing around in rivatuner.

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