Content Creation Performance

We were a bit surprised by the close race in the Multimedia Content Creation Winstone tests, but it does look like the Athlon 64 FX-62 can still be pretty competitive in some areas:

Multimedia Content Creation Winstone 2004

The Core 2 Extreme X6800 is still faster by 5.7%, but no where near the huge performance increases we saw on the previous page.  Looking at SYSMark's ICC tests however, the picture changes dramatically:

SYSMark 2004 - Overall Internet Content Creation Performance

When AMD introduced the Athlon 64 X2 we saw SYSMark 2004 scores hit new, never before seen, highs. 

SYSMark 2004 - 3D Content Creation Performance

SYSMark 2004 - 2D Content Creation Performance

SYSMark 2004 - Web Publishing Performance

With Intel's Core 2 Extreme X6800, our performance expectations are reset once more.  In all of the Content Creation tests, the Core 2 Extreme outpaces the FX-62 by anywhere from 27% to 28%.

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  • bob661 - Tuesday, June 6, 2006 - link

    To be honest, I thought it would be a bit more than shown here but it's still pretty good. If I was an OCer I'd jump on this. Since I'm not, I won't be buying one for myself. My wife will get one since I'm sure some of my customers will be interested in this platform and I want to be familiar with it.
  • thestain - Tuesday, June 6, 2006 - link

    You need higher resolutions and everything turned on to highest imnage quality settings to test this and.. the fsb limit will be more than likely exposed by this sort of test. Test it! Yes, Battlefield 2, etc.. could bring the system to a crawl, so.. ?? does this mean it is not important?

    I have a Dell 2405.. set to 1920X1200... I don't change this for games.. and most still play... some crawl.. a little, but.. I am a prospective buyer for the top cpus from Intel and AMD.. and.. while Conroe looks awfully impressive, it worries me that real world enthusiast class gaming test are not being done.

    No excuses.. they need to be done!!

    Try 1920X1200 resolution.. if you need to put the cards in SLI on both boards.. and this is important.. since Intel chipsets limit SLI.. but it still needs to be tested.

    Turn on everything to the highest setting.. everything.. and lets see how Intel's cpu handles this kind of stress on system memory.

    and.. if Anandtech and Intel are afraid to do this.. it is very telling indeed.

  • JarredWalton - Tuesday, June 6, 2006 - link

    First, limited testing time and hardware limits what benches can be run. Second, SLI doesn't work on anything but NVIDIA chipsets, which don't exist for Core 2 Duo yet, so single GPU results are the only option for apples-to-apples. (CrossFire should work on 975X Core 2 Duo, but wasn't available at the time.) Third, I have a 2405FPW as well, and I can run everything from 2.0 GHz X2 3800+ to 2.6 GHz FX-60 with a single 7900 GTX GPU and get essentially the same performance at 1920x1200.

    If you're only going to play games at WUXGA, massively upgrading processor performance won't help. End of story - at least until GPUs that are twice as fast become available. This is not an excuse; it is reality. Benchmarking CPUs under GPU-constrained situations doesn't make sense. You can see the results of CPU scaling with a single 7800 GTX in">this X2 overclocking article; 7900 GTX would scale better, but eventually you still run into GPU limitations.

    None of the above changes the fact that Core 2 Extreme is substantially faster than FX-62 in current applications. SLI/CF support in the future should actually benefit more, as there's CPU overhead associated with such configurations. Video encoding will also benefit greatly from Conroe's improved architecture.

    In regards to your above comment about 2004 benchmarks, 2005/2006 versions of SysMark and Winstones do not exist, which is why we continue to use older versions. We would love to run PCMark06 and a bunch of other benchmarks (we had some of them available), but time constraints did not allow for comprehensive testing. Rest assured that we have seen nothing from Conroe that indicates serious problems in any applications; at worst it is slightly outpacing FX-62 performance, and at best it can be 50% faster. In general, a 20-25% performance advantage over FX-62 is common.
  • DigitalFreak - Wednesday, June 7, 2006 - link

    Yeah, what he said. :-)
  • neweggster - Tuesday, June 6, 2006 - link

    No offense Mike but did you say enthusiast? DELL is no where part of that word. LOL DELL, just the sound of them makes me gasp. In all good fun and humor, no offense. =)
  • Calin - Wednesday, June 7, 2006 - link

    That Dell is the monitor. I think even real enthusiasts have nothing against Dell monitors
  • peternelson - Tuesday, June 6, 2006 - link

    In the table of processors, 805 and 820 are shown as "2Mx2". This is incorrect.

    Both of these processors only have "1Mx2". Please amend.

    Also weren't there some other new low end procs like 925 on the Intel roadmap, due to launch around the same time as Conroe? These may be more attractive than 805 or 820, neither of which can do virtualisation.
  • eRacer - Tuesday, June 6, 2006 - link

    The Pentium D 945 (3.4GHz, 2x2MB, no VT) should be on that list as well. It is on the July 23rd price list for only $163.">Intel price list
  • thestain - Tuesday, June 6, 2006 - link

    2004 benchmarks.. Don't you have 2006"

    Poeple who pay the top price to buy these cpus will not be playing games or running applications at 1024 x768,

    At least test these two systems at 1600X1200 or higher.

    Do you have any multi-threaded test? Something newer?

    Anantech is testing the Core 2 Duo at where it will perform best and this is somewhat suspicious. Does anyone who spends the kind of money people will dish out for the x6800 really use an old, rusty monitor with 1024 X768 resolution?

    Conroe might kick butt, but at least give a platform where it goes beyond being tested for single core performance at high resolution, ok??
    Some of us would like to see how it can perform when breaking a sweat in a multi-tasking environment..

    and.. those early memory bandwidth results.. sure are not consistent with the rest of the results are they, any ideas as to why?
  • rqle - Tuesday, June 6, 2006 - link

    i can benchmark a 1ghz cpu with SLI/Crossfire at 2500x2500 and compare it to an AMD64/conroe and claim the AMD64/Conroe is only 3FPS faster OMG WTH.

    isolating variable, isnt that what you learn in 4th grade science project.

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