Benchmarking Physics

We've had a lot of responses about the benchmarking procedures we used in our first PhysX article. We would like to clear up what we are trying to accomplish with our tests, and explain why we are doing things the way we are. Hopefully, by opening up a discussion of our approach to benchmarking, we can learn how to best serve the community with future tests of this technology.

First off, average FPS is a good measure of full system performance under games. Depending on how the system responds to the game over multiple resolutions, graphics cards and CPU speeds, we can usually get a good idea of the way the different components of a system impact an applications performance.

Unfortunately, when a new and under used product (like a physics accelerator) hits the market, the sharp lack of applications that make use of the hardware present a problem to consumers attempting to evaluate the capabilities of the hardware. In the case of AGEIA's PhysX card, a sharp lack of ability to test applications running with a full compliment of physics effects in software mode really hampers our ability to draw solid conclusions.

In order to fill in the gaps in our testing, we would usually look towards synthetic benchmarks or development tools. At this point, the only synthetic benchmark we have is the boxes demo that is packaged with the AGEIA PhysX driver. The older tools, demos and benchmarks (such as 3DMark06) that use the PhysX SDK (formerly named Novodex) are not directly supported by the hardware (they would need to be patched somehow to enable support if possible).

Other, more current, demos will not run without hardware in the system (like CellFactor). The idea in these cases would be to stress the hardware as much as possible to find out what it can do. We would also like to find out how code running on the PhysX hardware compares to code running on a CPU (especially in a multiprocessor environment). Being able to control the number and type of physics objects to be handled would allow us to get a better idea of what we can expect in the future.

To fill in a couple gaps, AGEIA states that the PhysX PPU is capable of handling over 533000 convex object collisions per second and 3X as many sphere collisions per second. This is quite difficult to relate back to real world performance, but it is appears to be more work than a CPU or GPU could perform per second.

Of course, there is no replacement for actual code, and (to the end user) hardware is only as good as the software that runs on it. This is the philosophy by which we live. We are dedicated first and foremost to the enthusiast who spends his or her hard earned money on computer hardware, and there is no substitute for real world performance in evaluating the usefulness of a tool.

Using FPS to benchmark the impact of PhysX on performance is not a perfect fit, but it isn't as bad as it could be. Frames per second (in an instantaneous sense) is one divided by the time it takes to render a single frame. We call this the frametime. One divided by an average FPS is the average time it takes for a game to produce a finished frame. This takes into account the time it takes for a game to take in input, update game logic (with user input, AI, physics, event handling, script processing, etc.), and draw the frame via the GPU. Even though a single frame needs to travel the same path from start to finish, things like cueing multiple frames for rendering to the GPU (usually 3 at most) and multithreaded game programming are able to hide some of the overhead. Throw PhysX into the mix, and ideally we can offload some of this work somewhere else.

Here are some examples of how frametime can be affected by a game. These are very limited examples and don't reflect the true complexity of game programming.

CPU limited situations:
CPU: |------------ Game logic ------------||----
GPU: |---- Graphics processing ----|       |----

The GPU must wait on the CPU to setup the next frame before it can start rendering. In this case, PhysX could help by reducing the CPU load and thus frametime.

Severely GPU limited situations:
CPU: |------ Game Logic ------|             |---
GPU: |-------- Graphics processing --------||---

The CPU can start work on the next frame before the GPU finishes, but any work after three frames ahead must be thrown out. In the extreme case, this can cause lag between user input and the graphics being displayed. In less severe cases, it is possible to keep the CPU more heavily loaded while the frametime still depends on the GPU alone.

In either case, as is currently being done in both City of Villains and Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter, the PhysX card can ideally be added to create additional effects without adding to frametime or CPU/GPU load. Unfortunately, the real world is not ideal, and in both of these games we see an increase in frametime for at least a couple frames. There are many reasons we could be seeing this right now, but it seems to not be as much of a problem for demos and games designed around the PPU.

In our tests of PhysX technology in the games which currently make use of the hardware, multiple resolutions and CPU speeds have been tested in order to determine how the PhysX card factors into frametime. For instance, it was very clear in our initial GRAW test that the game was CPU limited at low resolutions because the framerate dropped significantly when running on a slower processor. Likewise, at high resolutions the GPU was limiting performance because the drop in processor speed didn't affect the framerate in a very significant way. In all cases, after adding the PhysX card, we were easily able to see that frametime was most significantly limited by either the PhysX hardware itself, AGEIA driver overhead, or the PCI bus.

Ideally, the PhysX GPU will not only reduce the load on the CPU (or GPU) by unloading the processing of physics code, but will also give developer the ability to perform even more physics calculations in parallel with the CPU and GPU. This solution absolutely has the potential to be more powerful than moving physics processing to the GPU or a second core on a CPU. Not only that, but the CPU and GPU will be free to allow developers to accomplish ever increasingly complex tasks. With current generation games becoming graphics limited on the GPU (even in multi-GPU configurations), it seems counterintuitive to load it even more with physics. Certainly this could offer an increase in physics realism, but we have yet to see the cost.

BFG PhysX and the AGEIA Driver City of Villains Tests
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  • apesoccer - Wednesday, May 17, 2006 - link

    That's a good question as well...especially for those of us using other additional pci cards...
  • mbhame - Wednesday, May 17, 2006 - link

    You guys are giving Ageia WAY too much slack. :(
    Call a spade a spade and save face.
  • apesoccer - Wednesday, May 17, 2006 - link

    There's no use in throwing in the towel before we get in the ring...
  • mbhame - Wednesday, May 17, 2006 - link

    Throwing in the towel...? How do you infer that from what I said?

    I said "Call a spade a spade". Whether chooses an easy-out path of "Currently the PPU sucks..." (not in so many words) or not, there is tremendous grace extended to Ageia around here, and frankly, it stinks.

    Obviously there is a fine line between journalism with respect (which 99% of other websites are ignorant of) and brown-nosing, or needing to get a pair. All I'm saying is it's not very clear where this site's stand is amongst these possibilities.
  • Trisped - Wednesday, May 17, 2006 - link

    I think everyone is being cautiously optimistic that the tech will improve. I wasn't on the 3d accelerator screen when that first happened, but from what I hear those cards were expensive and actually were worse then not having them. But now they are required for every game and windows vista.

    We want to wait to see if they can work out the bugs, give us better comparisons, and to compare it to the GPU only systems that are suppose to be coming. Once we have all the facts we can pass a final verdict, until then everything is guess work.
  • apesoccer - Wednesday, May 17, 2006 - link

    There's alot of grace given to it everywhere...I have yet to see an article bash them. There has been a lot of interest in this product, and frankly, the general concensis is that we want to see it succeed. That aside, i don't think they can make a precise statement saying...This product is going to suck balls...or this is going to be the next Sliced Bread...

    My problem with it, is the lack of depth to the findings (and your statement "Call a spade a spade"...), I wish they had tried more kinds of CPU's with different kinds of GPU's, at several resolutions at both the same settings hardware/software and different ones. Without those tests, you can't really say you've tested the product.

    Basically...because they haven't done enough work with it yet [imo](due to time restraints or whatever...), we can't make any real statements about this product. Other then, at the one hardware setting they ran it at, compared to the different software setting ( >< ), the software setting scored better in fps. Which tells us what? The ppu uses overhead cpu cycles when doing at least 3x the amount of work the cpu would be doing at the lower sofware settings. So lets see some different settings (and some of the hardware/software running at the same), so we can get a better idea of the big picture.
  • mbhame - Wednesday, May 17, 2006 - link

    I don't agree with your assessment on the general consensus. My circles vehemently want it to fail as it's an additional cost to our PCs, an additional heat source, an additional power requirement... and for what?

    I think you're kidding yourself if you think some other CPU:GPU combination would yield appreciably-different results.
  • DerekWilson - Wednesday, May 17, 2006 - link

    we're working very hard to find ways to more extensively test the hardware. you've hit the nail on the head with why people haven't been tearing this part up. we are certainly suspicious of its capabilities at this point, but we just don't have the facts to draw a hard line on its real value (exept in the context of "right now").
  • mbhame - Wednesday, May 17, 2006 - link

    Well then make stronger statements in the present-tense. Just because someone makes a product designed to do "X", it doesn't mean that they'll succeed in doing so. You guys come across as if it's a given the PPU *will be* a success and in doing so generate a level of expectation of success. As it stands now this is a total flop - treat it as such. Then IF and when they DO make it worthwhile for some appreciable reason then we can marvel at their about-face collectively.

    It's not cynicism, it's reality.
  • AnnonymousCoward - Friday, May 19, 2006 - link

    Why do you need stronger criticism? You've been able to determine what's going on, and that's because the performance charts speak for themselves. I'd rather read what's currently on the conclusion page, instead of the obvious "This product's performance sucks with current games."

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