
Alder Lake is set to come to market for both desktop and mobile, and we’re expecting the desktop hardware to start to appear by the end of the year – perhaps a little later for the rest of the family, but all-in-all we expect Intel is experiencing some serious squeaky bum time regarding how all the pieces will fit in place at that launch. The two main critical factors are operating systems and memory.

Because Alder Lake is Intel’s first full-stack attempt to commercialize a hybrid design, it has had to work closely with Microsoft to enable all the features it needs to make managing a hybrid core design properly beneficial to users. Intel’s new Thread Director Technology couples an integrated microcontroller per P-core and a new API for Windows 11 such that the scheduler in the operating system can take hints about the workflow on the core at a super fine granularity – every 30 microseconds or so. With information about what each thread is doing (from heavy AVX2 down to spin lock idling), the OS can react when a new thread needs performance, and choose which threads need to be relegated down to the E-core or as a hyperthread (which is classified as slower than an E-core).

When I first learned Alder Lake was going to be a hybrid design, I was perhaps one of the most skeptical users about how it was going to work, especially with some of the limits of Windows 10. At this point today however, with the explanations I have from Intel, I’m more confident than not that they’ve done it right. Some side off-the-record conversations I have had have only bolstered the idea that Microsoft has done everything Intel has asked, and users will need Windows 11 to get that benefit. Windows 10 still has some Hardware Guided Scheduling, but it’s akin to only knowing half the story. The only question is whether Windows 11 will be fully ready by the time Alder Lake comes to market.

For memory, as a core design, Alder Lake will have support for DDR4 and DDR5, however only one can be used at any given time. Systems will have to be designed for one or the other – Intel will state that by offering both, OEMs will have the opportunity to use the right memory at the right time for the right cost, however the push to full DDR5 would simplify the platform a lot more. We’re starting to see DDR5 come to the consumer market, but not in any volume that makes any consumer sense – market research firms expect the market to be 10% DDR5 by the end of 2022, which means that consumers might have to be stay with DDR4 for a while, and vendors will have to choose whether to bundle DDR5 with their systems. Either way, there’s no easy answer to the question ‘what memory should I use with Alder Lake’.

Through The Cores and The Atoms

From a design perspective, both the P-core and E-core are showcasing substantial improvements to their designs compared to previous generations.

The new Golden Cove core has upgraded the front-end decoder, which has been a sticking point for analysis of previous Cove and Lake cores. The exact details of how they operate are still being kept under wraps, but having a 6-wide variable length decoder is going to be an interesting talking point against 8-wide fixed-length decoders in the market and which one is better. The Golden Cove core also has very solid IPC figure gains, Intel saying 19%, although the fact there are some regressions is interesting. Intel did compare Golden Cove to Cypress Cove, the backported desktop core, rather than Willow Cove, the Tiger Lake core, which would have been a more apt comparison given that our testing shows Willow Cove slightly ahead. But still, around 19% is a good figure. Andrei highlights in his analysis that the move from a 10-wide to a 12-wide disaggregated execution back-end should be a good part of that performance, and that most core designs that go down this route end up being good.

However, for Gracemont, Intel has taken that concept to the extreme. Having 17 execution ports allows Intel to clock-gate each port when not in use, and even when you couple that with a smaller 5-wide allocation dispatch and 8-wide retire, it means that without specific code to keep all 17 ports fed, a good number are likely to be disabled, saving power. The performance numbers Intel provided were somewhat insane for Gracemont, suggesting +8% performance over Skylake at peak power, or a variety of 40% ST perf/power or 80% MT perf/power against Skylake. If Gracemont is truly a Skylake-beating architecture, then where have you been! I’m advocating for a 64-core HEDT chip tomorrow.

One harsh criticism Intel is going to get back is dropping AVX-512 for this generation. For the talk we had about ‘no transistor left behind’, Alder Lake dropped it hard. That’s nothing to say if the functionality will come back later, but if rumors are believed and Zen 4 has some AVX-512 support, we might be in a situation where the only latest consumer hardware on the market supporting AVX-512 is from AMD. That would be a turn-up. But AMD’s support is just a rumor, and really if Intel wants to push AVX-512 again, it will have a Sisyphean task to convince everyone it’s what the industry needs.

Where We Go From Here

There are still some unanswered questions as to the Alder Lake design, and stuff that we will test when we get the hardware in hand. Intel has an event planned for the end of October called the Intel InnovatiON event (part of the ON series), which would be the right time to introduce Alder Lake as a product to the world. Exactly when it comes to retail will be a different question, but as long as Intel executes this year on the technology, it should make for an interesting competition with the rest of the market.

Instruction Sets: Alder Lake Dumps AVX-512 in a BIG Way
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  • name99 - Thursday, August 19, 2021 - link

    "Intel’s Thread Director controller puts an embedded microcontroller inside the processor such that it can monitor what each thread is doing and what it needs out of its performance metrics. It will look at the ratio of loads, stores, branches, average memory access times, patterns, and types of instructions."

    People might be interested to know that Apple has done this for years (I don't know about ARM).

    The Apple scheme has many moving parts but these include
    - tracking how much work is done by Fetch, Decode and Execute. The first two can estimate based on number of instructions, the third takes account of the type of instruction.

    - the scheme is even sophisticated enough (at least the patent talks about this) that the weights given to each of these pieces are variable to match the characteristics of the manufactured chip. Each SoC is tested and the precise weights are fused into the chip after testing.

    - this mean that the SoC can calculate things like instantaneous power usage. This is used at the overall SoC level (to limit battery current draw) and at the per execution unit level (eg to halt the SIMD pipeline for a cycle every few cycles if some thermal pr power constraint is being exceeded). You will notice this is the equivalent of Intel's frequency throttling for AVX512, but much nicer because it is done on demand, purely to the level needed, and without slowing down the rest of the core or without a slow transition between faster and slower frequencies.

    - there is also tracking of where L1 cache fills comes from. If a lot come from the E cores, the E-core frequency is boosted. If a lot come from DRAM, then the fabric frequency and DRAM frequency are boosted.

    - behind everything, for *most purposes* the primary metric is nJ/instruction. The scheduler does many things in the obvious way you would expect (background threads on E cores, track progress vs deadline and ramp core performance up or down depending on how that is doing); but some non-obvious things are that code that is inefficient (ie nJ/instruction is too low) and that is not otherwise protected by the OS will be pushed to lower frequency or to an E-core. This might sound bad, but mainly what it's saying is
    + if you're constantly waiting on DRAM, then running the core at high frequency does you no good anyway
    + if you're not running very wide (hard to predict branches, or long dependency chains) you can't take advantage of the big core anyway, so why waste power keeping you there?

    Presumably Intel's scheme at least covers all these sorts of bases.

    One complication Apple has, that I assume Intel/Windows will not have (but it's not clear) is the use of clustering. Clustering sounds great, as does that huge low latency shared cache. But it comes at the cost of, as far as I can tell, a common frequency for the entire cluster. (If CPUs were at different frequencies, there'd have to be a cross-frequency-domain stage when communicating with the shared L2, at that would add noticeable latency).
    So the OS scheduler doesn't just have the job of scheduling each thread to the optimal core at optimal DVFS, it also has to pack 4 optimal [as a unit] threads to a cluster...
    I can't tell if Intel's scheme runs their small cores that way, as a cluster of 4 sharing an L2 (and thus sharing frequency). If so, how the OS scheduler handles this is something to keep an eye on for both Windows and Linux.

    BTW there are very recently published patents that suggest Apple may be moving away from this, to a scheme of private L2s and a shared per-cluster L3!
    That's something to keep an eye on for the A15 and M2...
  • mode_13h - Friday, August 20, 2021 - link

    Thanks for the info.

    What do you mean by "nJ/instruction" ? Is that the ratio of branches vs. non-branch instructions? If not, then what does it have to do with DRAM latency? Or was that a reference to the prior paragraph?

    Where do you read this stuff?
  • name99 - Friday, August 20, 2021 - link

    nanoJoules/instruction. ie energy per instruction

    This info is acquired from reading massive numbers of Apple patents, validated as much as possible by experiments run on M1.
  • mode_13h - Saturday, August 21, 2021 - link

    Wow. My eyes glaze over, trying to read patents. I'm sure there are better and worse ones, but they're often written in ways that drain the joy out of the most interesting ideas.

    Thanks for sharing!
  • jospoortvliet - Sunday, August 22, 2021 - link

    Indeed super interesting!
  • mode_13h - Thursday, August 19, 2021 - link

    I wonder if they did anything to the decoder around SMT or multiple instruction streams. In Tremont, it seemed like they way they used a 6-wide decoder was as two 3-wide decoders, where each would work on a separate branch target.

    > the L2 BTB (branch target buffer) has grown to well over double with the
    > structure increased from 5K entries to 12K entries

    Can someone refresh us on the function of a BTB? Is it like a cache that stores the target address of each recent branch instruction, so that speculative execution doesn't have to wait for the target to be computed (if not a fixed target)?

    > actually eliminating instructions that otherwise would have to actually
    > emitted to the back-end execution resources.

    Huh? Seems like an editing error. Can anyone elaborate?

    > Intel still continues to use merged execution port / reservation station design

    Someone please remind us what a reservation station is?

    > On the integer side of things, there’s now a fifth execution port and pipeline with
    > simple ALU and LEA capabilities

    In this case, I presume LEA means "load effective address" and is used to compute memory addresses (potentially involving a multiply, an add, a constant offset?). Is that correct? And does the above statement mean that each of those ports can do simple ALU *or* LEA operations?

    > Intel has improved the prefetchers

    Yes, and the article text didn't even mention the bullet point in the slide about feedback-based prefetch-throttling! I'm reminded of how ARM's N2 can throttle back prefetching, during periods of memory contention. Perhaps Intel came to the same conclusion that overzealous prefetchers can starve cores running memory-intensive routines, in highly-threaded workloads.

    > full-line-write predictive bandwidth optimisation ... where the core can greatly improve
    > bandwidth by avoiding RFO reads of cache lines that are going to be fully rewritten

    Yes, I've been wanting this for about 2 decades.

    > We can see in the graph ... low outliers where the new design doesn’t improve thing
    > much or even sees regressions, which is odd.

    Maybe those were affected by the disabling of AVX-512? Or were those benchmarks performed on a fully-enabled core?

    > +25% wider µOP output

    If this is referring to expanding uOP cache outputs from 6 -> 8, that's a 33% improvement!
  • name99 - Thursday, August 19, 2021 - link

    "Can someone refresh us on the function of a BTB? "
    It's hard to be sure because I can never tell the extent to which Intel is doing things the old comfortable way, or the most sensible new way. I'll tell you what Apple do.
    Intel are presumably a subset of these features, but I don't know how good a subset. You need ALL the pieces to run sustained "random" code 8-wide as Apple does.

    (a) You want a predictor for indirect branches (think things like virtual function or procPtr calls). How to construct such a predictor is interesting but we will just assume it exists. This may have been what the original Branch Target Buffer was say in the early 1990s, but it is NOT what we have in mind today.

    (b) To run a modern wide OoO machine optimally, you want to be able to process a TAKEN branch per cycle. (Code has a branch every ~6 instructions, a taken branch every ~10 instructions. If you want to run 8 wide...)
    - This means you need to pull a new run of instructions (ie loaded from a new address) every cycle.
    - This, in turn, means that you really need to run Fetch as an asynchronous process. A Fetch Engine every cycle predicts the next Fetch Address and the number of instructions to Fetch. (On Apple this can be at least as wide as 16 instructions in one cycle if everything lines up correctly.) These instructions are placed in the Fetch Queue and at the other end Decode reads 8/cycle from this queue. Making Fetch async from the rest of the machine means that you can sometimes pull in 16 instructions into the queue, sometimes you just pull in three or four instructions, sometimes none while you wait for a cache miss. But hopefully the queue between Fetch and Decode buffers much of this variation.

    - BUT asynchronous Fetch means Fetch is on its own regarding how it proceeds. Basically what you want is
    + a very fast (single cycle!) Next Fetch Predictor that produces the next fetch address and (ideally) also a Fetch Width
    But a fast such predictor is of limited accuracy.
    So the second essential you need is very high quality predictors that correct the Next Fetch Predictor. As long as you correct a misFetch before the instruction stream hits Rename life is fairly easy. Correcting after Rename is tough (you have to undo resource allocations), correcting after Issue is hopeless and you have to flush.
    The Apple numbers are that their high quality predictors (Branch Prediction and Indirect Branch Prediction) are TAGE based, phenomenally accurate, and take up to 5 cycles to generate a result. That just works out (of course!)

    So the idea is that the Next Fetch Predictor generates a stream of Fetch's which results in a stream of, let's call them cars of instructions, proceeding from I-cache, through the Fetch Queue, through Decode. At any point one of the better quality predictors can step in and derail all the cars after a certain point, so that Fetch restarts. Obviously this isn't great, you've lost up to five cycles of work, but it's a lot better than a full machine flush!

    OK, within this framework, I believe that what Intel today calls the BTB is essentially doing the same job as what I am calling the Next Fetch Predictor.

    BTW there are an insane number of tweaks and improvement Apple have made to the above scheme over the years. These include
    - a separate Return stack used by the Next Fetch predictor to deal with extremely rapid call/return pairs (eg call, work, return is three cycles; all done before the code has even hit decode, so totally out of sync with the "full accuracy" Return stack)
    - Decode (ie the earliest stage possible) does what it can to keep the machinery on track. Decode detects any sort of mismatch between decoded branches and the next car of instructions and, if so, gets Fetch to resteer. This is easily done for unconditional branches, and can also be done for a few other weird cases (like some mismatched call/return pairs). Decode also updates the Return stack.
    - pre-decode (ie when an instruction line is moved from l2 to L1) does a bunch of stuff to mark significant points (eg where branches are) in a cache line. This in turn is referenced the first time the Next Fetch Predictor encounters these new lines.
    - for certain cases (most obviously when the Next Fetch Predictor has an indirect branch marked as low confidence) Fetch pauses until some of the upstream machinery can suggest an address. The idea is that for low confidence indirect branches, you're so unlikely to guess correctly why even waste energy trying?

    Apart from all these, theres a whole other set of machinery that handles loops and the transition from "random" code to loops. These include both an L0 cache and a trace cache. (That's right kids, a trace cache!)
    There's also a whole set of ideas for saving power at every stage of this process. For example the Next Fetch Predictor, along with the obvious things it is recording (next fetch address, and fetch width) also records two items obvious in retrospect -- the physical address (so no TLB lookup necessary) and even the cache way (so no way prediction necessary, and the correct way -- and only that way) can be fired up on cache access. The loop buffer, L0, and the trace cache are additional ways to run Fetch on energy fumes for code that meets the specific requirements, so that various of TLB, way prediction, multi-way lookup, branch predictor, etc etc can all be powered down.
  • mode_13h - Friday, August 20, 2021 - link

    Thanks for the info. I wonder where you find such detailed descriptions!

    > L0 cache

    Just another name for a uop cache?

    > That's right kids, a trace cache!

    So, a trace cache stores an entire string of instructions, even across one or more branches? Does it hold instructions before or after decode?

    > and even the cache way

    You mean the cache set?

    > The loop buffer

    What's a loop buffer? Sort of like a trace cache, for loops?
  • name99 - Friday, August 20, 2021 - link

    Think of the steps required to run normal code, as I described above. The consider various simple loops.

    Suppose you have a straight line loop, say 40 instructions in the loop body, no branches. Then you can omit branch prediction, TLB, cache -- just repeatedly run the same code from a straight buffer. That's essentially a loop buffer.

    Now suppose that your loop body has a few branches in it, but they are predictable, maybe something like
    if(loop counter even){path1} else {path2}
    Now what you want is something like a trace cache that's holding the two paths path1 and path2, and a very simple predictor that's telling which of these to choose each iteration. You can still avoid the costs of a real branch predictor and a real cache.

    Now suppose you have a loop with moderately complicated branches, not terrible but not that easy to predict either. You can't avoid the cost of branch prediction now (as I said, to validate the guess of the Next Fetch Predictor) but you can avoid much of the cost of the cache by moving the loop body into an L0 cache which will be essentially a small direct-mapped cache. Being smaller, and direct-mapped, it will use less energy/access than the full I-cache. (And you probably will also access it virtually rather than physically, so also avoid TLB costs.)

    cache way:
    Recall that a DIRECT-MAPPED cache has only a single place where a line can go -- grab some bits from the middle of an address, they define an index, the line goes at that index. This is fast and cheap, but means you have a problem if you frequently want to access two addresses with the same index (ie same middle bits in their addresses).
    n-way set-associative cache means you now have, n (may be 2, 4, 8 or some other number) of slots associated with a given index. So if you have 8 slots, you can hold 8 lines with that same index, ie 8 addresses with those same middle bits.
    BUT how do you know WHICH of those 8 lines you want? Ahh.

    That gets into the business of matching tags, way prediction and a whole mess of other stuff that you need to read in a textbook. But the relevance to what I was saying is that which of these 8 possible lines is of interest is called a WAY. So by storing the cache way, you can access a cache with the speed (avoid cache tag lookup) and energy (no need to precharge the tags) of a direct-mapped cache.
  • GeoffreyA - Saturday, August 21, 2021 - link

    Great information. I believe on the Intel side, Nehalem added something like that, the LSD.

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