Gaming Tests: Red Dead Redemption 2

It’s great to have another Rockstar benchmark in the mix, and the launch of Red Dead Redemption 2 (RDR2) on the PC gives us a chance to do that. Building on the success of the original RDR, the second incarnation came to Steam in December 2019 having been released on consoles first. The PC version takes the open-world cowboy genre into the start of the modern age, with a wide array of impressive graphics and features that are eerily close to reality.

For RDR2, Rockstar kept the same benchmark philosophy as with Grand Theft Auto V, with the benchmark consisting of several cut scenes with different weather and lighting effects, with a final scene focusing on an on-rails environment, only this time with mugging a shop leading to a shootout on horseback before riding over a bridge into the great unknown. Luckily most of the command line options from GTA V are present here, and the game also supports resolution scaling. We have the following tests:

  • 384p Minimum, 1440p Minimum, 8K Minimum, 1080p Max

For that 8K setting, I originally thought I had the settings file at 4K and 1.0x scaling, but it was actually set at 2.0x giving that 8K.  For the sake of it, I decided to keep the 8K settings.

For our results, we run through each resolution and setting configuration for a minimum of 10 minutes, before averaging and parsing the frame time data.

AnandTech Low Resolution
Low Quality
Medium Resolution
Low Quality
High Resolution
Low Quality
Medium Resolution
Max Quality
Average FPS
95th Percentile

All of our benchmark results can also be found in our benchmark engine, Bench.

Gaming Tests: GTA 5 Gaming Tests: Strange Brigade
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  • dihartnell - Thursday, March 11, 2021 - link

    Traditionally Big.Little designs don't work that way. They either are running the big 8 cores or they are running the little eight cores but not at the same time. The type of workload determines which is run when. Personally don't think it makes a lot of sense In desktop.
  • Jasonovich - Friday, March 12, 2021 - link

    And whats the point of the little chip big chip design, when TMSC will very shortly produce in mass the 5nm and in 2023 the production will move to 3nm.

    Alderlake is based on the worse case scenario and has been introduced to buy Intel time until it resolves the shortfalls of their 10nm production.
  • lmcd - Friday, March 5, 2021 - link

    You're really confused if you think Atom doesn't help Intel here. Tremont performance per watt and performance per die area is really quite excellent. Also worth remembering that nearly every Atom you've ever seen has had mediocre memory and cooling paired with it. I don't expect Intel to "win" off of this move but it'll help for as long as Intel doesn't have chiplet ready.
  • The_Assimilator - Saturday, March 6, 2021 - link

    Even if it does - and Intel's current record on 10nm suggests it won't - by that time AMD will have had over a year of Zen 3 reining unopposed, and Zen 4 well on the way.
  • The_Assimilator - Saturday, March 6, 2021 - link

  • m53 - Friday, March 5, 2021 - link

    291W is for AVX512 workload. The rest of the CPUs here won't match it's performance on AVX512 workloads no matter how much power you give them.

    But if you are not interested in AVX512 workloads then don't look at the AVX512 power consumption.
  • scineram - Saturday, March 6, 2021 - link

    Already beaten in DigiCortex.
  • RaistlinZ - Friday, March 5, 2021 - link

    Ouch. :(
  • terroradagio - Friday, March 5, 2021 - link

    It is incredible bad form and bad taste to release a review before anyone else and before Intel has provided the new microcode update to resolve the early issues. All because Anandtech wants to get out early.

    And your defense by way of saying well we got it at retail and therefore this doesn't matter is a joke. Terrible publication.
  • Makaveli - Friday, March 5, 2021 - link

    lol that power consumption really bothering you ?

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