
Acer has fitted the Intel AX200 Wireless adapter in their Swift 3, and for good reason. Intel’s wireless networking adapters have been the cream of the crop in the PC space for some time, with rock solid stability, and excellent performance. The AX200 is the new Wi-Fi 6 adapter, adding 160 MHz channel support and higher QAM orders to provide much higher peak performance than Wi-Fi 5, while at the same time offering better congestion control as well.

WiFi Performance - TCP

The Acer Swift 3 has very good networking performance from the 2x2 networking solution, hitting over 1.1 Gbps transfer speeds on our TCP test. We are using the ASUS ROG Rapture GT-AX11000 router, and if you’d like to check out more about the new Wi-Fi 6 testing, please check out our overview.


The Acer Swift 3 features DTS Audio with stereo front-facing speakers, and dual-microphones for Cortana support. Although the speakers are forward facing, they are on the bottom of the notebook, so can be obstructed depending on the surface the notebook is on.

Sound quality is quite good, with reasonable bottom end response for a notebook of this size. The speakers do not get overly loud, measuring 75 dB(A) one inch over the trackpad, but the sound was free from distortion.


Thin, light, and performance. The holy trinity of laptop design. It is not always easy to achieve. Acer has a thin and light laptop, with a new 7 nm AMD Ryzen 7 4700U onboard which should help them out, but to see how the laptop responded it was run through an extended stress test of the CPU, with the GPU kicked in near the end.

As with most modern CPUs, the Ryzen 7 quickly ramps up well past its target thermal design power, hitting around 30 Watts draw at the start, but as the test goes on, that value falls back to around 18 Watts. But the power line shows several spots where it dropped back due to thermal capacity. A perfect result here would be a straight line for the CPU frequency but struggles to maintain its boosted frequency. The laptop does not seem to find a sweet spot where it can maintain temperatures either, it instead bounces from maximum power draw to minimum. The GPU also is not consistent when it is turned on around the 2300 second mark.

As this is a full stress test, it can be unfair since you are unlikely to run into a scenario where you use the system at 100% load for such an extended duration. To see how the laptop performs in a more real-world test, it was again tested using Far Cry 5 as a load source.

If anything, the results were even more disappointing. The laptop really struggled with its thermals, dropping the framerate into single digits often. The device attempted to run at around 18 Watts of power draw, slightly over the 15 Watt TDP, but in fact only averaged around 8 Watts during this run.

The laptop does not get overly loud during this load, only hitting around 45 dB(A), but clearly the included cooling system is inadequate for very heavy loads, such as gaming. Far Cry 5 is a demanding game, especially on CPU, so the SoC is even more taxed trying to balance the CPU and GPU, but overall this is a very poor result.


Acer includes a few utilities which are useful, and a few that are not, such as some Norton Antivirus with a short trial period. But it is worth looking at a few pieces of software and included utilities.

The AMD Radeon Settings gives you control over the GPU settings, including disabling Vari-Bright, and seeing the system settings. It is a nice looking utility, but other than providing a few options to enable or disable, but it would be nice if you could use it to manage driver updates for the GPU rather than just copy the version numbers.

If you do want to update drivers, you can use the Acer Care Center, where you can also manage recovery media creation and support requests. This is now a standard feature on all notebooks, and Acer’s implementation is attractive and easy to use.

Acer includes a couple of links to e-tailers like Amazon and Booking.com, which are easily deleted, but also are a quick reminder that margins are thin when prices are this low.

Battery Life and Charge Time Final Words
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  • Dug - Thursday, May 7, 2020 - link

    I had no idea they had a 3:2 aspect ratio (my favorite). Thanks!
  • Irata - Tuesday, May 5, 2020 - link

    Nice review, thanks !

    What it does show is that you really need to also review a couple of Intel based notebooks in the $600 range. Until you do, showing the price as tested next to the different models would be great.

    Until then, some results like the not so great screen look bad until you realize that the units with a much better screen cost 2-3 times the amount you pay for the bargain notebook tested here. So that's kind of to be expected.

    Other than that, the results look good but it shows that if you want to get the most out of an eight core Ryzen 4000 APU, spending a little bit more may not be a bad idea.
  • csp4me - Tuesday, May 5, 2020 - link

    Something like this you're looking. $50 more for an Intel model, slower and less battery life than cheaper Ryzen, but the same average display and other aspects.
  • neblogai - Tuesday, May 5, 2020 - link

    There is something funny happening with cooling of this device, and it is best visible in the first power chart. Temperatures are going up slowly from 65C to 70C, but then, at constant power, they shoot up to 95C. This should not be happening unless some component (heatpipe? power delivery?) starts failing, or if fan is speed reduced mid-work (big error in tuning). Also, I have not seen such behavior in other reviews of this laptop- temperatures on them are normally high only during the initial, several minute long 25W boost, but then settle to ~65C once SPL of 18W turns on.
  • gggplaya - Tuesday, May 5, 2020 - link

    That price cant be right, for $20 you get twice the ssd storage and 2 full more cores. Why would anyone bother with the 6 core model?
  • tipoo - Tuesday, May 5, 2020 - link

    8 Ryzen 4000 series cores with a laptop wrapped around it for $649 USD seems bonkers cheap to me, we were stuck on 4 for so long and two in ULVs until very recently. Why anyone is against competition doing well is beyond me.
  • hanselltc - Tuesday, May 5, 2020 - link

    Why does swift 3 not come with a chip with SMT lol
  • realbabilu - Tuesday, May 5, 2020 - link

    U series laptop has roller coaster performance because of the temp tdp small. After several second it will drop significantly.
    Maybe better had value over a hour in historical pulse continuous benchmark. But this 10 hour acer battery perform is awesome than my s460u i5-8250u. Acer is constantly giving nvme slot ssd than sata low price Asus or Msi notebook since 8th Intel gen cpu released.
  • eastcoast_pete - Tuesday, May 5, 2020 - link

    Thanks Brett and Andrei! Did you have a chance to remove the bottom cover of your test unit and have a look at the heatpipe and heatsink? Curious what's there, how big or small it is, and how well it fits. Thermal performance is a definite fly in that laptop's ointment, still good value at $ 650 for eight cores, though.
  • eastcoast_pete - Tuesday, May 5, 2020 - link

    Forgot to add: if you can take the bottom cover of, would be great if you could re-run a limited version of your thermal measurements without that (of course, with the unit supported at least 5 cm above the desk). Really bad case design messes with air flow and venting, and that "test" would pick that up in a heartbeat. I am sometimes amazed how poorly "high tech" companies engineer their enclosures.

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