
HyperX takes a step forward every time they release a new keyboard, adding more features as they go. Their first keyboard, the Alloy FPS, was a simple and compact mechanical keyboard, meant to be easily transportable. Then the Alloy Elite came out, a full-sized keyboard with backlighting and some extra features, yet no programmability. The Alloy Elite RGB, in turn, is essentially a greatly upgraded version of the Alloy Elite, adding RGB lighting, per-key programmability, and local and hard-programmed individual profiles.

The build quality of HyperX's Alloy Elite RGB is excellent and as expected from a top-tier keyboard. There is no argument that Cherry’s switches are still the best currently used on consumer-level mechanical keyboards and HyperX did an excellent job implementing them on their latest keyboard. The plastic top part of the keyboard is very sturdy and, although it cannot really compare to solid metal, it will definitely take a lot of force to cause real damage. Virtually only a very hard hit or a strong fall on a hard surface should be enough to cause damage but an all-metal design would endure even that kind of abuse.

In terms of comfort, the version of the Alloy Elite RGB with the Cherry MX RGB Red switches definitely ranks very high. Whether it is used for long gaming hours or for professional use, the Cherry MX Red switches will place the least possible stress to the muscles and tendons, increasing the user’s comfort and reducing the chance of health-related issues in the long run. Professional typists may not approve of the particular switch due to the lack of tactile and audible feedback and HyperX has them covered, as the Alloy Elite RGB is also available with tactile (MX Brown) and audible tactile (MX Blue) switches as well.

HyperX ’s latest addition to their gaming peripherals is, by all means, an exceptional mechanical keyboard and its current retail price of $140 is rather average for a top-tier keyboard. On the other hand, with an average price it really does not stand out amongst the very tough competition in the mechanical keyboard space, and as a result HyperX is relying more on their brand name and aesthetics than they are tangible superiority. As an added bonus, the very presence of the Alloy Elite RGB in the market though was enough to bring down the price of several other products – including that of HyperX’s own Alloy Elite – so there's been a knock-on effect that has seen simpler mechanical keyboards become more affordable as well.

Per-Key Quality Testing & Hands-On
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  • Azethoth - Saturday, January 26, 2019 - link

    I like to live not within my means or need, but within my want.

    Anyway, if you want nice pricing just keep a watch over at massdrop. They have constant drops for gaming peripherals.
  • Valantar - Friday, January 25, 2019 - link

    While I "understand" the logic behind PeachNCream's statement, I wholeheartedly agree with your stance here, even coming from one of the wealthiest countries in the world. The Milton Friedman-derived status quo (and current legal practice) of american business where profit is the only real motive for running a business is absurd when viewing business as part of an actual world. While differentiating between "real" and "fabricated" need is at best a sliding scale and at worst impossible, there's plenty of evidence of how unregulated businesses are able to fabricate consumer wants/needs that are detrimental to the well-being of consumers.

    There's a whole host of factors more important than shareholder profits (one might argue that shareholder profits ought to _not_ be a priority, given how accumulation of wealth harms society):
    - Ensuring steady gainful employment for people
    - Manufacturing products that meet societal needs
    - Ensuring worker safety and welfare
    - Ensuring that manufacturing is as sustainable and eco-friendly as possible
    and plenty of others. Single-minded profit-orientation is a recipe for disaster.
  • PeachNCream - Friday, January 25, 2019 - link

    Much of what you're arguing is perfectly valid and I can't disagree. Then again, when your investment income starts to outpace your working income after years of careful personal financial management, strict adherence to a budget, and aggressive investing is it unreasonable to hold people responsible to account? I'm not mega wealthy. I'm not in the 1% (at least not by US standards though possibly on a global scale) so what I've worked for is something I'm eager to protect since I've had to live in poor conditions and grind to get where I am. If my nest is padded by a few computer hardware manufacturers creating a premium keyboard category so they can eek out a bigger margin per sale on the people willing to buy said keyboards -- eh, it's not something I'm going to lose sleep over since those same people will sometimes come out of the woodwork to defend their purchases if they get called into question. They have every right to do that just as much as I have space to expect a company to cater to those people and pass the dividends back up the stack to me.
  • stoatwblr - Thursday, January 31, 2019 - link

    "one might argue that shareholder profits ought to _not_ be a priority"


    The argument that commercial law forces companies to "maximise income for the shareholder" results in companies acting in ways that - if they were human - we'd call pathological sociopaths.

    One of the bigger problems in the USA is that once you have an operation tuned for sociopathy, you end up with sociopaths in higher management (until their selfishness inevitably destroys the company, usually by hollowing it out from the inside to line "elite" pockets including their own)
  • stoatwblr - Thursday, January 31, 2019 - link

    30 years ago, mechanical keyboards (like the Model M) easily cost upwards of $250. When you adjust for inflation this makes them even more expensive.

    Even a basic mechanical keyboard would set you back $125 in 1994.

    WRT your comment about Pickup trucks: Look up "The Chicken Tax" on Wikipedia and you'll understand why pickups became both popular _and_ expensive, whilst simultaneously destroying US Domestic car manufacturing viability - thanks to import tariffs. (Hint: pickups/vans have a _much_ higher profit margin than cars, so marketing pushes people in that direction)
  • werpu - Thursday, February 7, 2019 - link

    Well the model M was an entirely different beast and very very durable, actually 30 years ago there was the Model M and then everyone else, with Cherry being in the mediocre low cost field. The downside of the Model m from a modern perspective is that it can only handle one pressure of the main character keys at a time (which is perfect for typing but not so for gaming) . But the thing was a tank, beginning from the keycaps ending with the switches and it was built to cope heavy typing for decades and I have never had a keyboard afterwards with such a clear and string pressure point (ymmv if you like that) and it was loud.

    Cherries have not changed that much, but the quality of the rest went downhill which means Cherry now is top of the heap and then there is everyone else using cheap chinese Cherry knockoffs with a lower quality branding them as their own developments.
  • stoatwblr - Thursday, January 31, 2019 - link

    You can get genuine Cherry G80 / MX3000 keyboards for less than $60 if you look around.

    No leds, no multimedia keys, no USB hub - but they're great keyboards (even if officemates complain about the clackiness)
  • QChronoD - Thursday, January 24, 2019 - link

    Maybe I missed it in the software section, but does the software have to be running all the time for the lights and media controls to work or does it actually program the keyboard and then you can close it and everything still works?
  • Zeromus2003 - Thursday, January 24, 2019 - link

    I own this keyboard...its AWESOME! The software saves 3 RGB layouts in the kyeboard itself. I love being able to hit the button and cycle through 3 of my fave designs. Best keyboard I have ever used, period!
  • Zeromus2003 - Thursday, January 24, 2019 - link

    Q, you won't need the Ngenuity software once you save your 3 layouts. The buttons for media work fine without it.

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