HDR Color And Luminance

New to our monitor workflow, we've utilized some of CalMAN's recent HDR Analysis workflow additions, again in the SpectraCal suite. As I don't have an HDR test pattern generator currently, we've utilized madTPG for the HDR pattern generator. To note, in SDR mode the monitor reports a "SDR-BT1886" EOTF (gamma) instead of "SDR-sRGB" when in YCbCr mode, but in HDR mode the EOTF is "HDR-ST2084".

Checking back on HDR brightness, we see that the peak brightness is around 1236 nits, reached when a 10% area of the screen was white. So there's definitely room to spare with respect to the 1000 nit minimum requirement.

SpectraCal CalMAN

The HDR gamut coverage matches what we saw with the SDR 'wide gamut' mode, confirming that it covers around 76% BT.2020 and 92% DCI-P3.

SpectraCal CalMAN

Originally in delta ICtCp format, which reportedly describes HDR more accurately, the metrics are in delta E for ease of comparison. The HDR10 media profile targets the BT.2020 space, so it's important to see how well devices designed for the more limited P3 gamut do inside this subset. In that respect the PG27UQ is able to do quite well, with dE's below 3 on color saturation sweeps.

SpectraCal CalMAN

As for chroma subsampling, the 4:2:2 mode kicks into effect when in HDR mode at 120Hz or above. The lack of full horizontal color data can be noticed in certain cases, such as colored text on colored backgrounds where font can become blurry.

4:2:2 (top) and 4:4:4 (bottom) as seen on 12 point font

SDR Color Modes: sRGB and Wide Gamut HDR Gaming Impressions
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  • crimsonson - Tuesday, October 2, 2018 - link

    Someone can correct me, but AFAIK there are no native 10 bit RGB support in games. 10-bit panel would at least improve its HDR capabilities.
  • FreckledTrout - Tuesday, October 2, 2018 - link

    The games that say they are HDR should be using 10-bit color as well.
  • a5cent - Wednesday, October 3, 2018 - link

    Any game that supports HDR uses 10 bpp natively. In fact, many games use 10 bpp internally even if they don't support HDR officially.

    That's why a HDR monitor must support the HDR10 video signal (that's the only way to get the 10 bpp frame from the GPU to the monitor).

    OTOH, a 10 bit panel for gaming typically won't provide a perceptible improvement. In practice, 8bit+FRC is just as good. IMHO it's only for editing HDR still imagery where real 10bit panels provide benefits.
  • GreenReaper - Thursday, October 4, 2018 - link

    I have to wonder if 8-bit+FRC makes sense on the client side for niche situations like this, where the bandwidth is insufficient to have full resolution *and* colour depth *and* refresh rate at once?

    You run the risk of banding or flicker, but frankly that's similar for display FRC, and I imagine if the screen was aware of what was happening it might be able to smooth it out. It'd essentially improve the refresh rate of the at the expense of some precise accuracy. Which some gamers might well be willing to take. Of course that's all moot if the card can't even play the game at the target refresh rate.
  • GreenReaper - Thursday, October 4, 2018 - link

    By client, of course, I mean card - it would send an 8-bit signal within the HDR colour gamut and the result would be a frequency-interpolated output hopefully similar to that possible now - but by restricting at the graphics card end you use less bandwidth, and hopefully it doesn't take too much power.
  • a5cent - Thursday, October 4, 2018 - link

    "I have to wonder if 8-bit+FRC makes sense on the client side for niche situations like this"

    It's an interesting idea, but I don't think it can work.

    The core problem is that the monitor then has no way of knowing if in such an FRC'ed image, a bright pixel next to a darker pixel correctly describes the desired content, or if it's just an FRC artifact.

    Two neighboring pixels of varying luminance affect everything from how to control the individual LEDs in a FALD backlight, to when and how strongly to overdrive pixels to reduce motion blur. You can't do these things in the same way (or at all) if the luminance delta is merely an FRC artifact.

    As a result, the GPU would have to control everything that is currently handled by the monitor's controller + firmware, because only it has access to the original 10 bpp image. That would be counter productive, because then you'd also have to transport all the signaling information (for the monitor's backlighting and pixels) from the GPU to the monitor, which would require far more bandwidth than the 2 bpp you set out to save 😕

    What you're thinking about is essentially a compression scheme to save bandwidth. Even if it did work, employing FRC in this way is lossy and nets you, at best, a 20% bandwidth reduction.

    However, the DP1.4(a) standard already defines a compression scheme. DSC is lossless and nets you about 30%.That would be the way to do what you're thinking of.

    Particularly 4k DP1.4 gaming monitors are in dire need of this. That nVidia and Acer/Asus would implement chroma subsampling 4:2:2 (which is also a lossy compression scheme) rather than DSC is shameful. 😳

    I wonder if nVidia's newest $500+ g-sync module is even capable of DSC. I suspect it is not.
  • Zoolook - Friday, October 5, 2018 - link

    DSC is not lossless, it's "visually lossless", which means that most of the time you shouldn't percieve a difference compared to an uncompressed stream.
    I'll reserve my judgement until I see some implementations.
  • Impulses - Tuesday, October 2, 2018 - link

    That Asus PA32UC wouldn't get you G-Sync or refresh rates over 60Hz and it's still $975 tho... It sucks that the display market is so fractured and people who use their PCs for gaming as well as content creation can't get anything approaching perfect or even ideal at times.

    There's a few 4K 32" displays with G-Sync or Freesync but they don't go past 60-95Hz AFAIK and then you don't get HDR, it's all a compromise, and has been for years due to competing adaptive sync standards, lagging connection standards, a lagging GPU market, etc etc.
  • TristanSDX - Tuesday, October 2, 2018 - link

    Soon there will be new PG27UC, with mini led backlight (10000 diodes vs 384) and with DSC
  • DanNeely - Tuesday, October 2, 2018 - link

    Eventually, but not soon. AUO is the only panel company working on 4k/high refresh/HDR; and they don't have anything with more dimming zones on their public road map (which is nominally about a year out for their production, add a few months to it for monitors makers to package them and get them to retail up once they start volume production of panels).

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