CPU System Tests

Our first set of tests is our general system tests. These set of tests are meant to emulate more about what people usually do on a system, like opening large files or processing small stacks of data. This is a bit different to our office testing, which uses more industry standard benchmarks, and a few of the benchmarks here are relatively new and different.

All of our benchmark results can also be found in our benchmark engine, Bench.

PDF Opening

First up is a self-penned test using a monstrous PDF we once received in advance of attending an event. While the PDF was only a single page, it had so many high-quality layers embedded it was taking north of 15 seconds to open and to gain control on the mid-range notebook I was using at the time. This put it as a great candidate for our 'let's open an obnoxious PDF' test. Here we use Adobe Reader DC, and disable all the update functionality within. The benchmark sets the screen to 1080p, opens the PDF to in fit-to-screen mode, and measures the time from sending the command to open the PDF until it is fully displayed and the user can take control of the software again. The test is repeated ten times, and the average time taken. Results are in milliseconds.

System: PDF Opening with Adobe Reader DC

There's not much between the Threadripper CPUs here, but frequency wins the day.

FCAT Processing: link

One of the more interesting workloads that has crossed our desks in recent quarters is FCAT - the tool we use to measure and visually analyze stuttering in gaming due to dropped or runt frames. The FCAT process requires enabling a color-based overlay onto a game, recording the gameplay, and then parsing the video file through the analysis software. The software is mostly single-threaded, however because the video is basically in a raw format, the file size is large and requires moving a lot of data around. For our test, we take a 90-second clip of the Rise of the Tomb Raider benchmark running on a GTX 980 Ti at 1440p, which comes in around 21 GB, and measure the time it takes to process through the visual analysis tool.

System: FCAT Processing ROTR 1440p GTX980Ti Data

Similar to PDF opening, single threaded performance wins out.

Dolphin Benchmark: link

Many emulators are often bound by single thread CPU performance, and general reports tended to suggest that Haswell provided a significant boost to emulator performance. This benchmark runs a Wii program that ray traces a complex 3D scene inside the Dolphin Wii emulator. Performance on this benchmark is a good proxy of the speed of Dolphin CPU emulation, which is an intensive single core task using most aspects of a CPU. Results are given in minutes, where the Wii itself scores 17.53 minutes.

System: Dolphin 5.0 Render Test

Dolphin likes single thread performance as well, although interpreting this graph is giving me somewhat of a headache. Game Mode seems to give a small improvement here.

3D Movement Algorithm Test v2.1: link

This is the latest version of the self-penned 3DPM benchmark. The goal of 3DPM is to simulate semi-optimized scientific algorithms taken directly from my doctorate thesis. Version 2.1 improves over 2.0 by passing the main particle structs by reference rather than by value, and decreasing the amount of double->float->double recasts the compiler was adding in. It affords a ~25% speed-up over v2.0, which means new data.

System: 3D Particle Movement v2.1

Our first pure multithreaded test, and the 1950X wins with 32 threads. The 1920X beats the 1950X in Game mode, due to 24 threads beating 16 cores. The 1800X edges out the 1950X-GM due to frequency.

DigiCortex v1.20: link

Despite being a couple of years old, the DigiCortex software is a pet project for the visualization of neuron and synapse activity in the brain. The software comes with a variety of benchmark modes, and we take the small benchmark which runs a 32k neuron/1.8B synapse simulation. The results on the output are given as a fraction of whether the system can simulate in real-time, so anything above a value of one is suitable for real-time work. The benchmark offers a 'no firing synapse' mode, which in essence detects DRAM and bus speed, however we take the firing mode which adds CPU work with every firing.

Unfortunately we had issues with the 1920X posting a result.

System: DigiCortex 1.20 (32k Neuron, 1.8B Synapse)

DigiCortex requires a mash of CPU frequency and DRAM performance to get a good result, although the 1950X in any mode regresses the result, even in Game Mode, suggesting it is more sensitive to overall DRAM latency.

Agisoft Photoscan 1.0: link

Photoscan stays in our benchmark suite from the previous version, however now we are running on Windows 10 so features such as Speed Shift on the latest processors come into play. The concept of Photoscan is translating many 2D images into a 3D model - so the more detailed the images, and the more you have, the better the model. The algorithm has four stages, some single threaded and some multi-threaded, along with some cache/memory dependency in there as well. For some of the more variable threaded workload, features such as Speed Shift and XFR will be able to take advantage of CPU stalls or downtime, giving sizeable speedups on newer microarchitectures.

System: Agisoft Photoscan 1.0 Total Time

The variable threaded nature of Agisoft shows that in our workflow, it's a mix of cores, IPC and frequency required to win. The quad-channel memory and lower crosstalk of the 1950X in Game Mode seems to get a marginal improvement over the 1950X.

The 2017 Benchmark Suite Benchmarking Performance: CPU Rendering Tests
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  • ddriver - Friday, August 18, 2017 - link

    Why not? We've had 16 core CPUs long before W10 was launched, and it has allegedly been heavily updated since then.

    But it is NOT the "coder"'s responsibility. Programmers don't get any say, they are paid workers, paid to do as they are told. Not that I don't have the impression that a lot of the code that's being written is below the standard, but the actual decision making is not a product of software programmers but that of software architects, and the latter are even more atrocious than the actual programmers.
  • HollyDOL - Friday, August 18, 2017 - link

    Sadly, the reality is much worse... those architects are ordered by managers, economic persons etc. who, sadly often, don't know more about computer than where's power button. And they want products with minimal cost and 'yesterday was late'.
  • ddriver - Friday, August 18, 2017 - link

    Well, yeah, the higher you go up the latter the grosser the incompetence level.
  • BrokenCrayons - Thursday, August 17, 2017 - link

    Interesting test results. I think they demonstrate pretty clearly why Threadripper isn't really a very good option for pure gaming workloads. The big takeaway is that there are more affordable processors with lower TDPs offer comparable or better performance without adding additional settings that few people will realize exist and even fewer people will fiddle with enough to determine which settings actually improve performance in their particular software library. The Ryzen 7 series is probably a much better overall choice than TR right now if you don't have specific tasks that require all those cores and threads.
  • Gothmoth - Thursday, August 17, 2017 - link

    "I think they demonstrate pretty clearly why Threadripper isn't really a very good option for pure gaming workloads."

    wow.... what a surprise.
    thanks for pointing that out mr. obvious. :-)
  • Gigaplex - Thursday, August 17, 2017 - link

    These are single GPU tests. Threadripper has enough PCIe lanes to do large multi GPU systems. More GPU usually trumps better CPU in the high end gaming scene, especially with 4k resolution.
  • BrokenCrayons - Friday, August 18, 2017 - link

    Yes, but multi-GPU setups are generally not used for gaming-centric operations. There's been tacit acknowledgement of this as the state of things by NV since the release of the 10x0 series. Features like Crossfire and SLI support are barely a bullet point in marketing materials these days. With good reason since game support is waning as well and DX12 is positioned to pretty nail the multi-GPU coffin shut entirely except in corner cases where it MIGHT be possible to leverage an iGPU alongside a dGPU if a game engine developer bothers to invest time into banging out code to support it. That places TR's generous PCIe lane count and the potential multi-GPU usage in the domain of professional workloads that need GPU compute power.
  • Bullwinkle J Moose - Thursday, August 17, 2017 - link

    I agree with ddriver

    We should not have to fiddle with the settings and reboot to game mode on these things

    Windows should handle the hardware seamlessly in the background for whatever end use we put these systems to

    The problem is getting Microsoft to let the end users use the full potential of our hardware

    If the framework for the hardware is not fully implemented in the O.S., every "FIX" looks a bit like the one AMD is using here

    I think gaming on anything over 4 cores might require a "proper" update from Microsoft working with the hardware manufacturers

    Sometimes it might be nice to use the full potential of the systems we have instead of Microsoft deciding that all of our problems can be fixed with another cloud service
  • Gothmoth - Thursday, August 17, 2017 - link

    but but.. what about linux.

    i mean linux is the savior, not?
    it has not won a 2.2% marketshare on teh desktop for nothing.

    sarcasm off....
  • HomeworldFound - Thursday, August 17, 2017 - link

    What can we expect Microsoft to do prior to a product like this launching. If a processor operates in a manner that requires the operating system to be adjusted, the company selling it needs to approach Microsoft and provide an implementation, and it should be ready for launch. If that isn't possible then why manufacture something that doesn't work correctly and requires hacky fixes to run.

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