GPU Tests: GTX 1080 at 8K and 16K

Civilization 6

(8K) GTX 1080: Civilization 6, Average Frame Rate(8K) GTX 1080: Civilization 6, 99th Percentile(8K) GTX 1080: Civilization 6, Time Under 30 FPS

(16K) GTX 1080: Civilization 6, Average Frame Rate(16K) GTX 1080: Civilization 6, 99th Percentile(16K) GTX 1080: Civilization 6, Time Under 30 FPS

GPU Tests: Grand Theft Auto DX11 (1080p, 4K) Ryzen 5 Conclusions
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  • Meteor2 - Wednesday, April 12, 2017 - link

    I think exact the same thing: R5 1600 + RX580 is going to be unbeatable value for money.
  • deltaFx2 - Tuesday, April 11, 2017 - link

    @Ian Cutress: It would be helpful to know whether any of the workloads above use AVX-256, just to know how prevalent they are in common code. For example, does your 3DPM code use AVX-256? Also, when you run legacy tests, are the binaries legacy too, or do you recompile when applicable?
  • beerandcandy - Wednesday, April 12, 2017 - link

    This looks like it might be a good start for AMD to get back in the game. This isn't the normal way you try to do these things. I think mostly you want to show your best CPU "DESTROY" the competitors best CPU. If AMD doesn't do that then it sucks because they wont be able to compete in the halo CPU product areas. This will also cause them to be in a limited market space and they will be forced into less profitable situations
  • pandemonium - Wednesday, April 12, 2017 - link

    I am curious why comparable Intel 2011-3 CPUs weren't included? The i7-6800k would be in nearly direct competition to the 1800X based on cores and MSRP.
  • ET - Wednesday, April 12, 2017 - link

    Thanks for the comprehensive testing. I was missing some Core i7 results for comparison in some tests, such as the compilation test.
  • Lechelou - Wednesday, April 12, 2017 - link

    Leonard Nimoy voiced Civ IV, not V. Just sayin'.
  • madwolfchin - Wednesday, April 12, 2017 - link

    Someone at AMD should rethink about the position of R7 1700 vs R5 1600X, The 1600X is faster in Single Tread, and about even with the 1700 in multi-threaded application. Why would anyone buy the 1700 which is much more expensive
  • Outlander_04 - Wednesday, April 12, 2017 - link

    Because you can OC it and have the same performance as an 1800X
  • Meteor2 - Wednesday, April 12, 2017 - link

    I've only read as far as the test-bed set-up page: I want to say a MASSIVE thank you to MSI for supplying the GTX1080s. Top stuff, and that won't be forgotten.

    Back to reading...
  • vladx - Wednesday, April 12, 2017 - link

    Wow so Anandtech have now turned into AMD shills. Not only you conveniently excluded or ignored the 7700k, but also skipped the 7600k from the gaming benchmarks to paint Ryzen in a better light than reality actually reflects.I understand you had to finish the article ASAP but Anandtech was all about quality articles and you really should've published the article when you had all the facts.

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