
One of the most visited parts of the AnandTech website is our benchmark database, Bench. Over the last decade we've placed as much benchmark data as we can in there for every sample we can get our hands on. As the CPU editor, one of my duties is to maintain the CPU part of Bench, making sure the benchmarks are relevant and the newest components are tested. Today we are announcing our latest major Bench refresh with our new Benchmark suite, and some very lofty goals.

AMD’s Carrizo not on the Desktop? Depends What You Define as Desktop

We reported on AMD’s next iteration of their Bulldozer architecture, code named Excavator, during the press release regarding their next processor line up called Carrizo. At the time, the...

34 by Ian Cutress on 1/13/2015

AMD Demonstrates Working Carrizo Laptop Prototype

In our visit with AMD we got to see something I wasn’t really expecting: a functioning Carrizo laptop. (Note that AMD wouldn't let us take pictures, but they did...

61 by Jarred Walton on 1/8/2015

AMD Announces Carrizo and Carrizo-L, Next Gen APUs for H1 2015

Today AMD is announcing the long anticipated upgrade to Kaveri, codenamed Carrizo. Carrizo is the natural successor to Kaveri, featuring x86 ‘Excavator’ cores alongside a Radeon-class GPU and promising...

94 by Ian Cutress on 11/20/2014

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