The Chillin' Renegade

The Pentium II 400, now clocked at 450MHz, normally running at a temperature of above 39:C quickly found a point of comfort, according to the LCD display on the system, at around 21:C, approximately room temperature. For the sake of comparison, the LCD was allowed to run with the Renegade cooling system turned off, where the temperature of the same processor hit a steamy 55:C. At 55:C it stopped to register on the LCD which immediately shut down the computer due to, what it thought was, a cooling failure. Those two readings are made from the surface of the Pentium II's cartridge (where the cooling plate makes contact with the chip), however by using the on-board temperature monitoring features of the BX6 Revision 2.0, AnandTech's experimentation showed that the CPU (not the plate itself) was hitting temperatures of around 34:C with the heatsink/fan solution coming in at over 42:C.

The Cooling Plate Final Words
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