Final Thoughts

Anyone who has ever used a computer long enough will surely attest to the difference that a nice desk makes. While someone with plenty to spend on an elite work center certainly has numerous options, most expensive wooden desks are not inspired or designed by true technology enthusiasts. We do not feel that it does this desk justice to try to evaluate whether or not it is worth the asking price by looking at it piece by piece because plenty of people out there will be perfectly happy with a forty-dollar plastic fold-up table for their desk. Instead, we feel as though this product fills a niche for the consumer who has already decided that they have a certain price range in mind or for the elitist who simply wants either "the best" or at least something totally new and different.

A better question then emerges; would the F1 / F2 drive someone who is looking for a very nice desk (but perhaps around the $1,000 price point and not the $3,000 one) to consider spending three times as much for this type of product? This is a tough call. While the Lian Li desk certainly is one of the best of computer desks, it is also the only of its kind. Other manufacturers might see the release of this product as a chance to get into the same business as well, so it's very possible that the F1 / F2 will have competition in the future, and thus lowering the price - but for now, if someone is looking for a desk like this, they really do not have anything to compare it to.

What we can say about the latest from Lian Li is that it is very well designed, manufactured, and finished, and that it represents something completely unique - definately a product that is at the very top of its class. There just isn't much about the F1 that we reviewed that we didn't like, and the PC V1000 case is also one of the very best ATX cases available on the market today - a perfect combination. If you have the kind of dough to even consider something like this, it comes very highly recommended from us here at AnandTech.

Once more, there is a sub-article also available that illustrates the whole assembly process in greater detail for those seriously interested in this desk. The zip can be downloaded by clicking here.

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  • islandtechengineers - Saturday, August 20, 2005 - link

    the begining of a new era? so within the next 20 years instead of seeing old pc's on the street corners ( in which the waste management will not take) I'll see these creations. I, not downing it, but im still a fan of customized pc's. I love a great desk/chair, but its a little wierd to change the desk simply if you want to swap a case.
  • mongo lloyd - Thursday, August 11, 2005 - link

    Sorry Lian Li but this product is too late... ION Storm Dallas is no more.
  • rjn17960 - Tuesday, August 9, 2005 - link

    For all of you complaining about the price, just check out the link at the end of the review, right before the link to the comments:

    Find the lowest prices or Buy it from Monarch Computer Systems for $189.00

    Way to go Monarch!
  • blackmetalegg - Monday, August 8, 2005 - link

    Since when is stealing milk crates from supermarket considered legal??
  • Zirconium - Monday, August 8, 2005 - link

    Who said anything about legal?
  • yacoub - Monday, August 8, 2005 - link

    You know you're a computer geek when... 'd?
  • yacoub - Monday, August 8, 2005 - link

    You know you're a computer geek when... 'd?
  • piasabird - Monday, August 8, 2005 - link

    Who wants a cheap metal desk?

    I can just go buy a used desk and drill a round hole in the back for the cords.

    This desk did not seem very inventive or revolutionary. I have seen some nice desks with glass tops that looked nicer than this. For $3,000 you expect an LCD to rise up out of the back of the desk or maybe a flush mounted LCD that is part of the desktop. Yah it looks fairly nice, but it is just so bland looking.
  • TheGee - Monday, August 8, 2005 - link

    Like the idea of the distributed components to use the alluminium as heatsinks. How about a copper one for 5K? That would be great in the colder areas such as Alaska where using a pentium D would create a built in handwarmer for those 'minus' days!
    I don't like desks personally and I built a large unit on tha wall which has every thing behind doors except the box which is a pullout section underneath and the main screen area where the two screens are, I also took the trouble to create a large pullout that holds the intuos tablet to the right and the mouse pad to the left (made myself use mouse left handed from day 1) but still use mouse on right with 1P shooters. Doors were salvaged and CD racks were cheap and I refinished them. Also got room for phono deck to get all my old albums on to CD. Probably cost $200 and no problems where to fit it.

    If the desk itself had some style about it it might be worth the money but as it looks like an anodised cladding sheet it's a bit much so I can't see CEO's takin' to it either.
  • UltraWide - Monday, August 8, 2005 - link

    Well, first things first; the review itself is very good. Nothing to pick about the actual review or reviewer, both are top notch.

    Now, the reason why everyone is laughing at the price is because this desk has no real market IMHO. People that build-your-own are (almost)always looking for most-bang-for-the-buck. I mean who is going to get that Dell XPS for $3,000 when you can get a build--your-own that would be 2x faster right? Well, hence LianLi's problem. Their desk houses a case/system that is geared towards those who don't actually buy this kind of product.

    From the opposite side I can somewhat understand the argument, but again it's self-contradicting. I used to build my own computers until about 3 years ago. Then, I started to work and didn't really have the time or energy to research and get best and greatest or keep up with the changes in CPUs , GPUs, etc. But, 1 thing did change and it was my income. Now I have more disposable income for "toys" and I just buy a Dell because it's easier, it may not be the fastest but it's reasonably fast, quiet and with decent service. So, now that I can afford more stuff and go out looking for a desk. I see it as furniture and try to match it to the rest of the furniture in the house, I see this LianLi F1 and decide to give it a try, wait... my Dell XPS (alienware, voodo, whatever you prefer) doesn't fit in there! So I just move on and never give it a second thought...

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