Mail, Calendar, and People

In the days of Windows 7, the basic functionality of email, calendar, and contacts, were split out of Windows 7 and moved into Windows Live Essentials. The idea behind this was that by moving them out of Windows, they would be able to be updated more often. I’m not sure that ever really happened though.

Windows 8 brought new touch-first versions of all of these apps, and they could be tied to your Microsoft Account to allow mail, contacts, and calendar, to easily sync among devices. But the Windows 8 versions of the apps were very sparsely laid out, and although they worked on touch, the design and functionality was lacking. This improved, at least slightly, with Windows 8.1, but for Windows 10 Microsoft has once again overhauled these products to follow the Windows 10 design language, and all of them are Universal Windows Apps which means that they are not only updated through the store, they are also scalable and can work on small phones, all the way up to large desktop devices, with different layouts depending on what device type they are being used on.

Email is a staple of our lives now, and a quality experience is something that we have come to expect and rely on. In December 2014, Microsoft acquired Acompli, which was one of the highest ranked email clients on iOS. This acquisition was about more than just iPhone and Android though, and the design of their email client has certainly permeated into the Windows 10 mail client as well.

The basic layout is a list of accounts and folders on the left, with the current folder list in the center, and a reading pane on the right. When no email is selected, the right pane displays an image, which by default is an image of clouds. Like the mobile apps, the Windows 10 app now supports swiping the messages in the inbox to delete or flag the messages, which is a great way to deal with the mail when using touch. Swiping left deletes the message, and swiping right marks it as flagged. You can change what the swipes do in options as well.

As a basic mail client, it works fine, but there are some issues with it out of the box which may or may not get fixed over time. First, and I believe this is important for consistency in the operating system, the default action of swiping left to delete a message is the exact opposite of Action Center, where you have to swipe to the right to remove a notification. It’s a small thing, but I’ve gotten used to dismissing notifications, so you would think it would be the same action in email but it is not.

I also don’t love the giant image on the right. When you open Mail, the entire right pane has a picture of blue clouds. You can set it to whatever image you would like, but when I open the mail client, I would prefer an option to be able to display whatever message is the latest. This doesn’t need to be by default of course.

There is also no option to disable conversation view, and while many people like that, many people also prefer to have their email listed chronologically so they can find it. Update 2015-09-03: An update as of today lets you disable conversation view in settings.

One of the biggest issues for me is that there is no way to send as anything but the default email address. In, I can send and receive as a number of accounts, but in the Windows 10 mail app, there is no way to choose which email address to send from.

Considering Microsoft just bought Acompli in December 2014, perhaps some slack should be given considering how much works well out of the box, but as it stands now, the Mail client is just ok for light work, and is pretty easily surpassed in functionality by even Microsoft’s web based mail.

Taking a look at the Calendar app, once again we see a big departure from the Windows 8 version, which is a good thing. The new app is a very clean look, and it is easy to add new events, sort what events are seen, and which calendars are displayed. You can choose whether to start the week on Sunday or Monday, what your hours of work are, and colors for the various calendars displayed. You can choose a view of a day, week, work week, or month. It does what you would expect a calendar to do, and the layout once again can optimize itself to how much display it has to work with. However, like Mail, it’s not quite done yet. There is no way (that I have seen anyway) to create a new calendar, or share calendars from within the app. To do this, even if you are using an calendar, you have to go to the web interface.

Moving to the People app, we see yet another redesign to a look that is a lot cleaner and easier to use. The contacts themselves have changed from square pictures to circles, consistent with the rest of Windows 10’s profile pictures which are now circles as well. It is pretty easy to add, edit, or remove a contact, and you can action the email or mapping to launch the respective apps for that.

I feel like a broken record again, but the People app is also lacking things that were available in Windows 8.1. The app no longer pulls contact info or pictures from social networks, and you can’t action the phone numbers in a contact to launch Skype. However if you go into settings, social network integration looks like it is coming, but for the moment there are no results when you try to add one.  In another inconsistency, the options for People are not found behind the gear icon like in Calendar and Mail, but behind an ellipse and settings.

You can open Calendar from Mail, and Mail from Calendar, but People has to be opened on its own. Typing in a person’s name for a new mail brings results from People, but there is no way to choose the recipient from People without starting type their name. All of it feels a bit disjointed at the moment.

The good news is that all three apps support multiple accounts from multiple sources, including, Exchange, Office 365, Google, iCloud, or even by manually setting them up with POP or IMAP. There is support for setting how your mail syncs, how far back to sync messages, and what notifications to display.

As a set, these three apps are likely fine for a lot of use cases, but they are clearly works in progress at the moment. Luckily all of these apps are Windows Store apps, and can be updated over time easily through that mechanism. Let’s hope they get some updates soon though.

Action Center, Wi-Fi Sense, Data Usage, Storage Tracking Photos, Maps, and Messaging
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  • Brett Howse - Wednesday, August 26, 2015 - link

    Thanks for the catch on that one :)
  • abhaxus - Wednesday, August 26, 2015 - link

    Had a full screen takeover/scrolling ad when trying to read this article. Similar to the Tom's Hardware ads. I don't read that website anymore, and I will stop reading this one if it continues to happen.
  • Anne Druide - Thursday, August 27, 2015 - link

    Only 30 minutes in and it is obvious to me that Microsoft has dropped the ball it had picked up with Windows 8.1. (1) Microsoft's efforts at fixing Windows continue to be APITA (a pain you know where)! WHY did they have to completely obliterate the Charms? Why not just have left them along the right side of the new Action Center? I mean really? Did that NOT cross any of the brilliant minds at MS? WHY remove such a distinctive and unique feature of 8.1. Why not integrate it into 10? (2) Furthermore, just as 8.1 had swung maybe (maybe not) too far towards the tiles, 10 has swung WAY too far towards the desktop. Now, to get to the Metro Tiles Menu it takes TWO steps! Why in the world does pressing the offscreen Window button bring up the Start Menu INSTEAD of the Metro Menu? The Start Menu ALREADY has its own Window icon! And what's a TOTAL WASTE is that pressing on the offscreen Windows button while in Tablet mode and on the Metro Menu does ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! It does not even bring up the Start Menu which would have been a great idea! Duh! (3) Finally, I feel that MS has lied about BRINGING BACK THE START BUTTON! Clicking on the Windows button located where the Start button was in Windows 7 does NOT bring anything up even remotely close to what we had in Windows 7! When I press the Start button I DON'T wanna see tiles; I wanna see all the practical functionality of what came up in Windows 7 when I pressed Start! INSTEAD, I get a very confusing flotsam and jetsam mish-mash of everything under the sun instead of quick access to the Control Panel and Task Bar content and...OMG there's no longer any user control of Windows Update?!!! All in all, my first 30 minutes with Windows 10 has been, as you can tell, VERY disappointing! WHY is it SO HARD for MS to JUST GET IT RIGHT! This is NOT even close to what Windows 10 SHOULD be. This is a limping Windows 9 with the 10 thrown in JUST not to look light years behind Apple's OS X whose TEN has been a thorn in the side of MS for how many years now?!
  • mapesdhs - Thursday, August 27, 2015 - link

    Still looks to me like MS wants people to have a phone interface on a desktop, which is stupid. So many things once again look incredibly unprofessional, and the lack of configurability is just ridiculous. It makes the coding of this latest release look so amateurish. The smiley in the very first review image is typical. I could make a list of everything else which is stupid (eg. no Save As from right-button), but who has the time, and I'm sure the 22 pages of comments have covered them all already.

    I don't want to use an OS that looks like a phone interface. I'll keep using Win7 until MS offers something sensible.
  • straighttalk - Thursday, August 27, 2015 - link

    Totally useless review. No content, just a lot of opinion. Where's the beef? What are the issues? What problems are people who upgrade having?
  • SteelRing - Thursday, August 27, 2015 - link

    WiFi Sense is the antithesis of privacy and security, you should allow it if you are naive or an MS worshipper or both. Should you upgrade from Win8(.1)? For sure... Should you upgrade from Win7? I'd say if it aint broke dont fix it. I'm personally glad that Win10 finally allows me to buy laptop again, laptop that works and not just a toy. I want a keyboard and a mouse with my computer and Win10 finally lets me have it again. People who want to smear their screens with their fingers seem to be happy with Win10 too, none of my business though. If Win10 had not come out I'd be scavanging refurb laptops with Win7, thank goodness I don't have to.
  • Oxford Guy - Thursday, August 27, 2015 - link

    Microsoft is apparently doing its best to make sure it is broken. Here is a list I found of patches to avoid, due to things like added in "telemetry" (spying) or bug introduction:

    KB3075249, KB3080149, KB2505438, KB2670838, KB2952664, KB2976978 (8 only), KB3021917, KB3035583, KB3075249
  • Notmyusualid - Saturday, August 29, 2015 - link

    Thanks, but cleared out a couple of those already.
  • Zak - Thursday, August 27, 2015 - link

    "for most people, they will make the trade-off of less privacy if it means an improved experience. The textbook example here is advertising, where in order to deliver relevant ads to the user (or rather not serve them useless ads) the ad service must be able to learn something about the user and their preferences" -- Are you out of your mind??? Trade my privacy for relevant ads? You ought to be on drugs or MS is paying you to post this drivel. Nobody likes to be blasted with ads, relevant or not. If they system really wants to learn something it is this: NOBODY LIKES ADS.
  • jameskatt - Friday, August 28, 2015 - link

    The absolutely WORSE thing about Windows 10 is now much it is tracking you - tracking the websites you read, the apps you use, tracking how much time you spend on a web page, etc. And you cannot turn this tracking off. It is totally creepy that Windows includes so much spying.

    Some parents may love this in that they get a monthly report from Microsoft of every webpage and app their children use.

    But for the vast majority of users and parents, this is simply unacceptable.

    Someone has to give us a privacy utility to block Microsoft from tracking us so heavily.

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