Professional Performance: Windows

Due to the market positioning of the ThinkStation P900 as an high level workstation with a Quadro professional graphics card, it makes sense to compare the system with industry-standard benchmarks and the other entry level workstations we have previously tested where possible. Benchmarks in this instance come from SPECviewPerf 11, a well-known multi-software test, SYSMark from BAPCo that is used by several industries for comparison, and Linux-Bench for some more scientific and synthetic analysis.

SPECviewPerf 11

SPECviewperf 11 (catia-03)

SPECviewperf 11 (ensight-04)

SPECviewperf 11 (lightwave-01)

SPECviewperf 11 (maya-03)

SPECviewperf 11 (proe-05)

SPECviewperf 11 (sw-02)

SPECviewperf 11 (tcvis-02)

SPECviewperf 11 (snx-01)

Despite having 20 cores and 40 threads in the mix, as well as the highest Quadro we've tested with SPECviewperf, the P900 has a few issues in these benchmarks. Not only does the software package have to be able to cope with a split memory configuration between the two CPUs (a non-unified memory architecture), but the single threaded performance of the system isn't winning any awards. That being said, the ensight section of the benchmark shows good numbers, as well as a few others. Lightwave does take a hit though.

SYSMark 2014

SYSmark 2014 - Office Productivity

SYSmark 2014 - Media Creation

SYSmark 2014 - Data and Financial Analysis

SYSmark 2014 - Overall

SYSmark focuses on several tests, with the office tests being more single threaded compared to the data and financial analysis. As a result the P900 falls behind on the office section, but steams ahead with multi-threaded tests. The overall score puts the top spot with the P900.

System Benchmarks Professional Performance: Linux
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  • twtech - Wednesday, May 13, 2015 - link

    Most of the time the OS is determined by the software you need to run (unless it's all multi-platform, of course).

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