GPU Scaling

Switching gears, let’s take a look at performance from a GPU standpoint, including how well Star Swarm performance scales with more powerful GPUs now that we have eliminated the CPU bottleneck. Until now Star Swarm has never been GPU bottlenecked on high-end NVIDIA cards, so this is our first time seeing just how much faster Star Swarm can get until it runs into the limits of the GPU itself.

Star Swarm GPU Scaling - Extreme Quality (4 Cores)

As it stands, with the CPU bottleneck swapped out for a GPU bottleneck, Star Swarm starts to favor NVIDIA GPUs right now. Even accounting for performance differences, NVIDIA ends up coming out well ahead here, with the GTX 980 beating the R9 290X by over 50%, and the GTX 680 some 25% ahead of the R9 285, both values well ahead of their average lead in real-world games. With virtually every aspect of this test still being under development – OS, drivers, and Star Swarm – we would advise not reading into this too much right now, but it will be interesting to see if this trend holds with the final release of DirectX 12.

Meanwhile it’s interesting to note that largely due to their poor DirectX 11 performance in this benchmark, AMD sees the greatest gains from DirectX 12 on a relative basis and comes close to seeing the greatest gains on an absolute basis as well. The GTX 980’s performance improves by 150% and 40.1fps when switching APIs; the R9 290X improves by 416% and 34.6fps. As for AMD’s Mantle, we’ll get back to that in a bit.

Star Swarm GPU Scaling - Extreme Quality (2 Cores)

Having already established that even 2 CPU cores is enough to keep Star Swarm fed on anything less than a GTX 980, the results are much the same here for our 2 core configuration. Other than the GTX 980 being CPU limited, the gains from enabling DirectX 12 are consistent with what we saw for the 4 core configuration. Which is to say that even a relatively weak CPU can benefit from DirectX 12, at least when paired with a strong GPU.

However the GTX 750 Ti result in particular also highlights the fact that until a powerful GPU comes into play, the benefits today from DirectX 12 aren’t nearly as great. Though the GTX 750 Ti does improve in performance by 26%, this is far cry from the 150% of the GTX 980, or even the gains for the GTX 680. While AMD is terminally CPU limited here, NVIDIA can get just enough out of DirectX 11 that a 2 core configuration can almost feed the GTX 750 Ti. Consequently in the NVIDIA case, a weak CPU paired with a weak GPU does not currently see the same benefits that we get elsewhere. However as DirectX 12 is meant to be forward looking – to be out before it’s too late – as GPU performance gains continue to outstrip CPU performance gains, the benefits even for low-end configurations will continue to increase.

CPU Scaling DirectX 12 vs. Mantle, Power Consumption
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  • B3an - Saturday, February 7, 2015 - link

    Thanks for posting this. This is the kind of thing i come to AT for.
  • Notmyusualid - Sunday, February 8, 2015 - link

    And me.
  • dragosmp - Saturday, February 7, 2015 - link

    Looking at the Dx11 vs Dx12 per core load it looks like the per-core performance is the limiting factor in Dx11, not the number of cores. As such, CPUs like the AMD's AM1 & FM2 platforms with low per-core performance would benefit from Dx12 more than Intel's CPUs that already have high IPC. (It may be that even the FX may become decent gaming CPUs with their 8 integer cores and not limited by 1-core turbo)
  • guskline - Saturday, February 7, 2015 - link

    Thank you for a great article Ryan.
  • okp247 - Saturday, February 7, 2015 - link

    Cheers for the article, Ryan. Very interesting subject and a good read.

    There seems to be issues with the AMD cards though, especially under DX11. Other testers report FPS @ mid 20's to early 30's in 1080P extreme settings even with the old 7970 under Win7/DX11.
    The power consumption is also quite low. 241 watts for 290X with 6-core i7, when Crysis 3 pulls 375 also with 6-core i7 in your original review of the card. The card seems positively starved ;-)

    This could be the OS, the graphics API or the game. Possibly all three. Whatever it is, it looks like a big issue that's undermining your test.

    On a completely different note: maybe you could get the developer to spill the beans about their work with both APIs? (Mantle and DX12). I think that would also be a very interesting read.
  • OrphanageExplosion - Saturday, February 7, 2015 - link

    Yup, this is the big takeaway from this article -

    AMD seems to have big issues with CPU load on DX11 - the gulf between NVIDIA and AMD is colossal. Probably not an issue when all reviews use i7s to test GPUs, but think of the more budget orientated gamer with his i3 or Athlon X4. This is the area where reviews will say that AMD dominates, but NOT if the CPU can't run the GPU effectively.
  • ColdSnowden - Saturday, February 7, 2015 - link

    This reflects what I said above. AMD radeons have a much slower batch submission time. Does that mean that using an Nvidia card with a faster batch submission time can lessen cpu bottlenecking, so perhaps Guild Wars Two would run better with an nvidia GPU as my FX 4170 would be less likely to bottleneck it.
  • ObscureAngel - Saturday, February 7, 2015 - link

    Basically AMD now requires much better CPU than nvidia to render the same "drawcalls"
    I benchmarked my self recently my Phenom II X4 945 OC 3.7GHZ with my HD 7850 vs GTX 770.

    Obviously GTX 770 outperform my HD 7850.
    Altough i benchmarked star swarm and games where my GPU usage was very below 90% which means i was bottlenecked by the CPU.

    Guess what:
    Star swarm: AMD DX11: 7fps, Nvidia DX11: 17fps AMD Mantle: 24fps.

    I tested Saints Row IV where i get all the time bottleneck with my AMD card where i get all the time more frames more close to 30 than 60, and with GTX 770 i get more 60 than 30.

    Even NFS Rivals i have drops on GPU usage to 50% in some locations and that causes drops to 24fps.
    With nvidia again, i have 30 rocking stable, unlocking the framerate i have 60 most of the time and where i drop to 24fps due to my CPU with nvidia i have 48fps.

    Its not a good example since the GTX 770 is far more powerfull, but you have more proofs with weaker nvidia GPUS in low end cpus really improve the performance comparing to AMD cards that seems to require more power.

    I try to contact AMD but i nobody replied ever, i even register in GURU3D since there is a guy that works on AMD, and he never replied, same goes to many persons there are just fanboys and attacked me instead of trying to make pressure for AMD to fix this.

    I'm serious worried with that problem, cause my CPU is old and weak, and the extra frames that nvidia offers in DX11 is really big.
    Dispite the fact that DX12 is very close to release, i am pretty sure that many games will continue to be released in DX11, and the number of games with mantle it just fit in my hand.
    So i am thinking in selling my HD 7850 and buy the next 950ti just because of that, its far more economic than buy a new CPU and motherboard.
    I already know this problem for more than 6 months, tried to convince everybody and trying to contact amd, but i am alway attacked by fanboys or get ignored by AMD..
    So if AMD reply to me, maybe they dont like my money.

    Altough nothing is free, the DX11 optimizations on Nvidia makes eat more Vram and in some games like dying light and ryse i notice more stuttering and sometimes more time to load textures..
    Same goes if you use mantle, it eats more vram too.
    I expect that DX12 will need more Vram too.

    If 2gb is getting short lately prepare that will get shorter if it will ear more vram as Nvidia DX11 and AMD Mantle.

  • okp247 - Saturday, February 7, 2015 - link

    I think the nVidia cards are actually being gimped as well. On Win7/DX11 people are reporting 70-80 FPS @ extreme settings, 1080 with the two top 900-cards on everything from old i5's to FX's.
    They are just not being hurt as much as AMDs, maybe because of more mature drivers and/or different architecture.
  • Ryan Smith - Saturday, February 7, 2015 - link

    Please note that we're using the RTS demo. If you're getting scores that high, you're probably using the Follow demo, which is entirely different from run-to-run.

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