
The iPad mini with Retina Display features the same 5MP iSight rear facing camera and 1.2MP FaceTime HD camera as the iPad Air. Both are quite good for a tablet, aided by iOS’ excellent camera UI and the A7’s high performance ISP. The cameras also benefit from the same dual-mic setup of the iPad Air. I won’t talk too much about quality here as it’s no different than the Air, which I've already gone over in greater depth.

Rear Facing Camera Comparison
  Sensor Resolution Aperture Focal Length
Apple iPad Air 5MP 2592 x 1936 f/2.4 3.3mm
Apple iPad 4 5MP 2592 x 1936 f/2.4 4.3mm
Apple iPad 3 5MP 2592 x 1936 f/2.4 4.3mm
Apple iPad 2,4 0.7MP 960 x 720 f/2.4 2.0mm
Apple iPad mini 5MP 2592 x 1936 f/2.4 3.3mm
Apple iPad mini (Retina) 5MP 2592 x 1936 f/2.4 3.3mm


Front Facing Camera Comparison
  Sensor Resolution Aperture Focal Length
Apple iPad Air 1.2MP 1280 x 960 f/2.4 2.15mm
Apple iPad 4 1.2MP 1280 x 960 f/2.4 2.18mm
Apple iPad 3 0.3MP 640 x 480 f/2.4 1.8mm
Apple iPad 2,4 0.3MP 640 x 480 f/2.4 1.8mm
Apple iPad mini 1.2MP 1280 x 960 f/2.4 2.2mm
Apple iPad mini (Retina) 1.2MP 1280 x 960 f/2.4 2.15mm

WiFi & Cellular

The iPad mini with Retina Display inherits the same Qualcomm MDM9615 modem and 2-stream dual-band 802.11n from the iPad Air. The move to 2-stream 802.11n more or less doubles peak WiFi performance compared to last year’s mini. The mini's peak WiFi performance is pretty close to that of the iPad Air as well.

iPerf WiFi Performance - 5GHz 802.11n

Lately I’ve really begun to appreciate the flexibility offered by tablets equipped with cellular modems. Especially now that it’s not terribly expensive to add a tablet to a shared data plan (or even free), the $130 LTE adder for the iPads is something worth seriously considering. The convenience of being able to pull out your tablet, wake it up, and immediately hop on the web/check email/tweet/etc… is awesome. Qualcomm's MDM9615 is a well known quantity at this point. I didn't run into any issues with its performance on the iPad mini.

iPad Cellular Speeds
Property iPhone 3G/3GS/iPad 1 3G iPhone 4 / iPad 2 (GSM/UMTS) iPhone 4 / iPad 2 (CDMA) iPad 3 iPad 4/iPad Mini iPad Air/iPad Mini w/Retina
Baseband Infineon X-Gold 608 Infineon X-Gold 618 Qualcomm MDM6600 Qualcomm MDM9600 Qualcomm MDM9615 w/RTR8600 Qualcomm MDM9615
Max 3GPP Release Feature Release 5 Release 6 Release 7 Release 9 Release 9 Release 9
HSDPA Category Cat.8 - 7.2 Mbps Cat.8 - 7.2 Mbps N/A Cat. 24 - 42 Mbps Cat. 24 - 42 Mbps Cat. 24 - 42 Mbps
HSUPA Category None - 384 Kbps WCDMA only Cat.6 - 5.76 Mbps N/A Cat.6 - 5.76 Mbps Cat.6 - 5.76 Mbps Cat.6 - 5.76 Mbps
EVDO N/A N/A 1x/EVDO Rev.A 1x/EVDO Rev.A 1x/EVDO Rev.A 1x/EVDO Rev.A
LTE N/A N/A N/A 100/50 UE Cat. 3 100/50 UE Cat. 3 100/50 UE Cat. 3

The new iPad mini, like the iPad Air, is extremely flexible from a mobile operator standpoint. Regardless of what operator you choose at the time of purchase, you can switch to others as long as you have an activated nano SIM (there’s apparently an exception for Sprint, but AT&T/T-Mobile/Verizon should all be easily switchable). The unlocked nature of the device makes it ripe for global use, especially with support for a total of 14 LTE bands (1,2,3,4,5,7,8,13,17,18,19,20,25 and 26).


The Display Battery Life
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  • psyside1 - Sunday, November 17, 2013 - link

    @Renasena ,
    No TouchID no thanks I'll wait till next year.

  • kwrzesien - Monday, November 18, 2013 - link

    Do you want retina mini's or not? TouchID is constraining the 5s production, and retina displays are constraining the mini. Why risk it? And yes, there is next year...TouchID, laminated glass with correct color gamut (as they get production worked out on the panels and multiple manufacturers), A8 processor with 2GB RAM, and 802.11ac/other radio & cellular band improvements. And 32GB of base memory with $75 upgrades to 64 and 128, please!
  • BreakingStrata - Saturday, November 16, 2013 - link

    Seems like every time a review of an Apple product gets put up on this site there's always several people who are up in arms over a perceived positive bias towards Apple products. That's probably because the author of this article (and owner of this website) uses all Apple products. He also pretty much never reviews anything but Apple products now. That doesn't paint a very good picture does it? Someone who rarely reviews anything that isn't Apple but always finds the time to review a Apple products and primarily uses only Apple products clearly would not be in a position to give clear, unbiased reviews.

    This is very sad to me. I've been a regular reader for years. This site helped me fuel my passion for technology and I've learned so much from here. I used to have a tremendous amount of respect for this site and Anand but I can't anymore. I think people like myself read reviews because we want accurate and unbiased information. If we wanted biased information we would look at press releases or ask peoples personal opinions.

    The only thing that keeps me coming here is the excellent reviews put out by the other authors here. I can still read their articles without a bad taste in my mouth. It all boils down to this one thing- actions speak louder than words.
  • ws3 - Saturday, November 16, 2013 - link

    The bias is all yours.

    Anadtech reviews Apple products and gives them mostly positive reviews because they are mostly high quality, high performing products. That is all.

    Whether or not you like iOS or the iOS App ecosystem is completely irrelevant. It's like me griping about a car review site that spends a lot of time reviewing two-seat sports cars when I'm interested in minivans. It's not bias on the part of the reviewer when he gives good reviews to a Ferrari.
  • Commodus - Sunday, November 17, 2013 - link

    That's a slightly amusing remark given that he recently reviewed the Surface Pro 2 and liked it. I think you're confusing the nature of the product cycle with review preferences. Apple launched a flood of new gadgets recently, ergo they're going to get reviews shortly afterward.

    The issue isn't bias; Anand clearly qualifies his statements. Are the new iPads not faster overall than other mobile OS tablets on the market? Do they not have long battery life and good displays? I also suspect that it was wise to keep OS preferences out of the review, since that invariably devolves into a religious war. To me, it sounds more like your real beef is that he said something good about Apple, and you will not let that stand.
  • HarryATX - Sunday, November 17, 2013 - link

    Oh come on please he reviewed the Surface 2, Surface Pro 2, Asus Transformer Book T100, Galaxy Note 10.1 2014(with Brian), Galaxy Note 8.0, Nexus 7(2013), Asus MEMO Pad HD7, Nexus 7(2012, with Brian), Acer W510, HTC Flyer, just to name a few. You can say that he reviewed the iPhone 5s alone but almost every iPhone prior to that he did with Brian, and IMO a big reason he was in every iPhone review had a huge part to do with the silicon.

    If you read the 'About' page of this site you will find that Anand is the ONLY senior editor of tablets. If you listen to the AnandTech Podcast you will hear repeatedly that Brian does not classify himself as a typical tablet user and therefore does not review 'normal' tablets.

    Please be fair. Anand does SSDs, CPUs, and other stuff. They just don't come out as quickly as phones or tablets does. Yes he does Macs, but why do you let someone who does not use OS X do Mac reviews?

    Plus I do not see endorsement in this review. All other sites simply say the iPad mini is as fast as the Air and has a display that's just as nice as the Air's. Anand dug all the differences out and what can you blame on him? The A7 does perform better than the Snapdragon 600 and I do not doubt that this iPad is quick and well-built. In the comparison he pointed out the advantage of Nexus 7 where it's due.

    So please... don't just look at the author's name under an Apple review; do look at the author's name for every review.
  • KoolAidMan1 - Sunday, November 17, 2013 - link

    Are you just not paying attention to all the other products Anand reviews or is your life so devoid of drama and excitement that you're just making things up to get angry over on the internet?
  • lilo777 - Sunday, November 17, 2013 - link

    No compromise device? Really? First of all such thing does not even exist in principle. More importantly let's look at some of the obvious omissions in this review. So the display exhibit s not image retention... What a surprise! Display in a tablet hand picket by Apple for a reviewer is "perfect". One can only wonder what all of those people complaining about display on MacRumors about are thinking. They should have waited for AT review. But wait... there is more. Image retention is not the worst problem of this display, not by a long shot. Way more people are complaining about uneven yellow tint. Again, somehow Anand's device escaped this problem. It amuses me when people start using car analogies while discussing Apple prices. Mercedes this, BMW that... How about more relevant analogies. Let's take TV for example. Not a single tech Web site will recommend you buying LG TV set over Samsung. Yet put a fruity logo on this screen and voila! Suddenly it's become better than Samsung. Then of course one might be lucky even to get a device with a display panel from second tier supplier like LG. What if it comes from Sharp or worse yet AU optronics?

    Another major issue that people are having with new iPads is the old amount of RAM. People complain that Safari starts reloading Web pages after the number of tabs reaches four. I have three times more RAM in my phone than what iPads have. Sure because of the superior OS (iOS) iPads may never need a lot of RAM. After all iOS devices still do not allow the user to run more than one application on the screen. Why bother with RAM? Let's just call it "no compromises". And I can run at least three apps (probably more but for obvious reasons I did not try it) on my phone simultaneously sharing the screen. Sure, it's not very useful on the phone but on a tablet with very high resolution?

    And what about the placement of speakers on iPads? Could it be more stupid than it is? Firstly they are too close to even pretend to be able to produce stereo sound. Secondly who needs stereo in a portrait mode? What for? Reading AT reviews? How about watching videos which is probably the only use case where it matters? And the so called ecosystem? It's a joke. Ecosystem with a single phone screen size? With no support for stylus or touch screens on the laptops (convertible devices)? Is not it a little bit too backward?

    Sadly lately I find AT reviews more and more compromised by site owner bias.
  • ruggia - Sunday, November 17, 2013 - link

    are we reading the same review here?

    First off, the article is quite clear that the iPad mini DIDN'T turn out to be a no-compromise alternative to the iPad Air that Anand hoped it to be. (mainly because of the display)
    Second, whenever Anand uses the word "no-compromise", it is in always relation to iPad Air. (i.e. a smaller version of the 10-inch tablet with everything else being the same). He is not using it to refer to a device that has no flaws.
  • - Monday, November 18, 2013 - link

    well said! Anand is now biased.. which is sad.

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