A Note On Crossfire, 4K Compatibility, Power, & The Test

Before we dive into our formal testing, there are a few brief testing notes that bear mentioning.

First and foremost, on top of our normal testing we did some additional Crossfire compatibility testing to see if AMD’s new XDMA Crossfire implementation ran into any artifacting or other issues that we didn’t experience elsewhere.  The good news there is that outside of the typical scenarios where games simply don’t scale with AFR – something that affects SLI and CF equally – we didn’t see any artifacts in the games themselves. The closest we came to a problem was with the intro videos for Total War: Rome 2, which have black horizontal lines due to the cards trying to AFR render said video at a higher framerate than it played at. Once in-game Rome was relatively fine; relatively because it’s one of the games we have that doesn’t see any performance benefit from AFR.

Unfortunately AMD’s drivers for 290X are a bit raw when it comes to Crossfire. Of note, when running at a 4K resolution, we had a few instances of loading a game triggering an immediate system reboot. Now we’ve had crashes before, but nothing quite like this. After reporting it to AMD, AMD tells us that they’ve been able to reproduce the issue and have fixed it for the 290X launch drivers, which will be newer than the press drivers we used. Once those drivers are released we’ll be checking to confirm, but we have no reason to doubt AMD at this time.

Speaking of 4K, due to the two controller nature of the PQ321 monitor we use there are some teething issues related to using 4K right now. Most games are fine at 4K, however we have found games that both NVIDIA and AMD have trouble with at one point or another. On the NVIDIA side Metro will occasionally lock up after switching resolutions, and on the AMD side GRID 2 will immediately crash if using the two controller (4K@60Hz) setup. In the case of the latter dropping down to a single controller (4K@30Hz) satisfies GRID while allowing us to test at 4K resolutions, and with V-sync off it doesn’t have a performance impact versus 60Hz, but it is something AMD and Codemasters will need to fix.

Furthermore we also wanted to offer a quick update on the state of Crossfire on AMD’s existing bridge based (non-XDMA) cards. The launch drivers for the 290X do not contain any further Crossfire improvements for bridge based cards, which means Eyefinity Crossfire frame pacing is still broken for all APIs. Of particular note for our testing, the 280X Crossfire setup ends up in a particularly nasty failure mode, simply dropping every other frame. It’s being rendered, as evidenced by the consumption of the Present call, however as our FCAT testing shows it’s apparently not making it to the master card. This has the humorous outcome of making the frame times rather smooth, but it makes Crossfire all but worthless as the additional frames are never displayed. Hopefully AMD can put a fork in the matter once and for all next month.

A Note On Testing Methodologies & Sustained Performance

Moving on to the matter of our testing methodology, we want to make note of some changes since our 280X review earlier this month. After having initially settled on Metro: Last Light for our gaming power/temp/noise benchmark, in a spot of poor planning on our part we have discovered that Metro scales poorly on SLI/CF setups, and as a result doesn't push those setups very hard. As such we have switched from Metro to Crysis 3 for our power/temp/noise benchmarking, as Crysis 3 was our second choice and has a similar degree of consistency to it as Metro while scaling very nicely across both AMD and NVIDIA multi-GPU setups. For single-GPU cards the impact on noise is measurably minor, as the workloads are similar, however power consumption will be a bit different due to the difference in CPU workloads between the benchmarks.

We also want to make quick note of our testing methodologies and how they are or are not impacted by temperature based throttling. For years we have done all of our GPU benchmarking by looping gaming benchmarks multiple times, both to combat the inherent run-to-run variation that we see in benchmarking, and more recently to serve as a warm-up activity for cards with temperature based throttling. While these methods have proved sufficient for the Radeon 7000 series, the GeForce 600 series, and even the GeForce 700 series, due to the laws of physics AMD's 95C throttle point takes longer to get to than NVIDIA's 80C throttle point. As a result it's harder to bring the 290X up to its sustained temperatures before the end of our benchmark runs. It will inevitably hit 95C in quiet mode, but not every benchmark runs long enough to reach that before the 3rd or 4th loop.

For the sake of consistency with past results we have not altered our benchmark methodology. However we wanted to be sure to point out this fact before getting to benchmarking, so that there’s no confusion over how we’re handling the matter. Consequently we believe our looping benchmarks run long enough to generally reach sustained performance numbers, but in all likelihood some of our numbers on the shortest benchmarks will skew low. For the next iteration of our benchmark suite we’re most likely going to need to institute a pre-heating phase for all cards to counter AMD’s 95C throttle point.

The Drivers

The press drivers for the 290X are Catalyst 13.11 Beta v5 (The “v” is AMD’s nomenclature), which identify themselves as being from the driver branch 13.250. These are technically still in the 200 branch of AMD’s drivers, but this is the first appearance of 250, as Catalyst 13.11 Beta v1 was still 13.200. AMD doesn’t offer release notes on these beta drivers, but we found that they offered distinct improvements in GRID 2 and to a lesser extent Battlefield 3, and have updated our earlier results accordingly.

Meanwhile for NVIDIA we’re using the recently released “game ready” 331.58 WHQL drivers.

CPU: Intel Core i7-4960X @ 4.2GHz
Motherboard: ASRock Fatal1ty X79 Professional
Power Supply: Corsair AX1200i
Hard Disk: Samsung SSD 840 EVO (750GB)
Memory: G.Skill RipjawZ DDR3-1866 4 x 8GB (9-10-9-26)
Case: NZXT Phantom 630 Windowed Edition
Monitor: Asus PQ321
Video Cards: AMD Radeon R9 290X
XFX Radeon R9 280X Double Dissipation
AMD Radeon HD 7970 GHz Edition
AMD Radeon HD 7970
AMD Radeon HD 6970
AMD Radeon HD 5870
NVIDIA GeForce GTX Titan
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 770
Video Drivers: NVIDIA Release 331.58
AMD Catalyst 13.11 Beta v1
AMD Catalyst 13.11 Beta v5
OS: Windows 8.1 Pro


Meet The Radeon R9 290X Metro: Last Light
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  • ninjaquick - Thursday, October 24, 2013 - link

    I don't see the problem with this, though... 'Tis the nature of the beast called GCN. AMD could have thrown the extra TrueAudio hardware into the mix for the full range, but it really isn't needed. There are far too few games that would be implementing it, and taping out a full range of GCN1.1 cards would have cost more than you'd think.

    This node has been around for far too long, and any gains from an actual redesign would be minimal at best. The 290X literally performs exactly on par with what would be expected from its core configuration, think of it as intel's Core2Quad, just two Core2Duo's welded together. Except, thousands of them. Obviously much simpler, but that is the overall principle of GCN.
  • Whitereflection - Thursday, October 24, 2013 - link

    Sum it up: The best price/performance on the high end market, And absolutely a steal comparing to Titan. The heatsink can use some work, But I am sure we are going to see the custom cooler version within a month or two which will hopefully dropped the loaded temperature under 70.
  • Shark321 - Thursday, October 24, 2013 - link

    There will be no custom cooling solutions (according to computerbase). Just the same as with Titan. There is limited chip supply so 100% of the cards will be manufactured by AMD.
  • ninjaquick - Thursday, October 24, 2013 - link

    So, if I go and install a custom-built water-cooler on my 290X, AMD will come and take it away?

    Besides, AMD has never locked manufactures out of using their own cooler designs (at least I can't recall them ever doing that).

    There won't be any initial sales (for early adopters) that are non-reference, however give it a month after release and ASUS/HIS/Sapphire will all have custom coolers.
  • JDG1980 - Thursday, October 24, 2013 - link

    Whether or not that is AMD's plan currently (and I'd like to see an official English-language source saying that), I doubt it will hold up after the first wave of reviews, which all seem to like the card but dislike the cooler. Nvidia held the line on Titan because its cooler was actually good. This one sucks, and I don't see why AMD would deliberately handicap their cards by refusing to allow, for example, Asus or MSI to design better-than-reference versions.
  • taserbro - Thursday, October 24, 2013 - link

    To be fair, when I shop for high end, I don't look at the price tag and when I'm looking for value, I don't look at high end.
    The best performance per dollar in each generation will still be from multi-card setups of mid-end cards overclocked on custom designs and the folks who bought titans still got to actually use their cards for many many months with an incontestable advantage.
  • favro - Thursday, October 24, 2013 - link

    The modern day Radeon 9700....
  • JDG1980 - Thursday, October 24, 2013 - link

    AMD definitely deserves kudos for getting back to parity on the single-GPU front. That said, I find the power consumption and especially the temperature figures to be somewhat problematic - I'd be a bit concerned about longevity when the chip runs at 94 degrees under load. Perhaps the standard 290 will get TDP down to something closer to the 250W level and reduce temperatures accordingly. I think they pushed the architecture a bit hard for this one, but I can't really blame them since gamers usually care about performance above all else and since they are constrained by the process node. If only Hector Ruiz hadn't sold off the fabs...
    I wonder what their profit margins are on the 290X. Between this and the Mac Pro design win, I'm hoping that AMD can roll some money back into R&D to stay competitive in the future.
  • Dribble - Thursday, October 24, 2013 - link

    Great performance, I want a $500 titan now. That said "uber" figures should really read "water cooled" cause the temps and noise are just silly with the stock cooler - they are pretty bad with the normal 290X.
  • BHZ-GTR - Thursday, October 24, 2013 - link

    Great, Price ! I Buying R9 290X .

    Than 780 GTX Stronger And Cheap .

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