AnandTech Storage Bench 2011—Light Workload

Our light workload actually has more write operations than read operations. The split is as follows: 372,630 reads and 459,709 writes. The relatively close read/write ratio does better mimic a typical light workload (although even lighter workloads would be far more read centric). The I/O breakdown is similar to the heavy workload at small IOs, however you'll notice that there are far fewer large IO transfers:

AnandTech Storage Bench 2011—Light Workload IO Breakdown
IO Size % of Total
4KB 27%
16KB 8%
32KB 6%
64KB 5%

As with the Heavy 2011 Workload, the Light testing again puts the Force LS in the bottom third of our charts. While that may look bad in comparison to the faster SSDs, we're still looking at a massive speedup relative to hard drives and even HDD + SSD caching solutions, and that's the target market for budget SSDs.

Light Workload 2011—Average Data Rate

Light Workload 2011—Average Read Speed

Light Workload 2011—Average Write Speed

Light Workload 2011—Disk Busy Time

Light Workload 2011—Disk Busy Time (Reads)

Light Workload 2011—Disk Busy Time (Writes)


AnandTech Storage Bench 2011 Power Consumption
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  • LtGoonRush - Wednesday, September 25, 2013 - link

    Crucial has had a pretty poor record with firmware issues, particularly on the M4. Even given the lower endurance of TLC NAND I think it is a reasonable to expect the Samsung 840 Evo to be a more reliable drive for most users.
  • Bob Todd - Wednesday, September 25, 2013 - link

    Other than the admittedly awful SMART Power On Hours bug that was fixed a long time ago, I think you need to back up that statement. Crucial has been one of the go-to SSD makers for a lot of people specifically for the reliability (along with Intel/Samsung).
  • 1Angelreloaded - Tuesday, October 1, 2013 - link

    As long as it lasts 3-5 years, Who cares? by then you should be migrating to newer ones anyways and recycle it as a cache drive.
  • JDG1980 - Wednesday, September 25, 2013 - link

    I'd be concerned about reliability with a new, unproven controller - especially when it comes from a company I've never heard of before.
    It sounds like Marvell controllers are inexpensive, but the cost of each company writing its own firmware drives prices up. I'd like to see a Marvell-based SSD with open-source firmware.
  • SteelCity1981 - Wednesday, September 25, 2013 - link

    I would have liked to have seen the Samsung 840 250gb EVO in rapid mode in this benchmark to see the extra performance increase.
  • red12355 - Wednesday, September 25, 2013 - link

    Sort of unrelated, but is there ever going to be an Intel 530 SSD review? It got released a while back but hardly has any reviews.

    I remember there was a 520 review before the SSD was even out.
  • Kristian Vättö - Wednesday, September 25, 2013 - link

    Intel has not approached us about the SSD 530 yet. Let me check with them to see if we can get a review sample.
  • romrunning - Wednesday, September 25, 2013 - link

    The colors on these graphs are very hard to distinguish, especially when you hit over-laying "pastel" type of colors. Is it too difficult to get colors that are easier to distinguish?
  • Kristian Vättö - Wednesday, September 25, 2013 - link

    What kind of colors would work the best in your opinion? We are always open to suggestions in order to make our content more user-friendly :)
  • bobbozzo - Thursday, September 26, 2013 - link

    RGB + CMYK might work out.
    Yellow on white is usually hard to see though.
    Also, you'd need one more color as there are 8 drives tested.

    I wonder what Tufte would say...

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