AMD Comments on GPU Stuttering, Offers Driver Roadmap & Perspective on Benchmarking
by Ryan Smith on March 26, 2013 2:28 AM ESTAMD & Multi-GPU Stuttering: A Work In Progress
When it comes to stuttering there’s really two classes of stuttering that need to be discussed. The first is single-GPU stuttering as we’ve discussed in the previous pages, where driver issues, application issues, and the context buffer all interact to influence the pace for how frames are doled out before finally being rendered and presented. The second type of stuttering, micro-stuttering, is endemic to multi-GPU configurations. In micro-stuttering on top of all of the other issues encountered with single-GPU stuttering, there are also further variance and frame interval issues introduced due to how multi-GPU configurations split their workloads.
In brief, in multi-GPU setups, be it single-card products like the GTX 690 or multiple cards such as a pair of 7970s, the primary mode of splitting up work is a process called Alternate Frame Rendering (AFR). In AFR, rather than have multiple GPUs working on a single frame, each GPU gets its own frame. This method has over time proven to be the most reliable method, as attempting to split up a single frame over multiple GPUs (with their relatively awful interconnect) has proven to be unreliable and difficult to get working. AFR in contrast is by no means perfect and has to deal with inter-frame dependency issues – where the next frame relies in part on the previous frame – but this is still easier to implement and more consistent than previous efforts at splitting frames.
Moving on, due to the mechanisms of AFR, it can further impact the frame intervals and as a result whether stuttering is perceived. To do AFR well it’s necessary to pace the output of each GPU such that each GPU is delivering a rendered frame at as even a rate as possible; not too soon after the previous frame, and not too late such that the following frame comes up quickly. In a 2 GPU setup, which is going to be the most common, this means the second GPU needs to produce a finished frame when the first GPU is roughly half-way done with its current frame. Should this fail to happen then we have micro-stuttering.
Micro-stuttering has been a longstanding issue on multi-GPU setups. Both NVIDIA and AMD have worked on the issue to various degrees, but at the end of the day multi-GPU setups have never proven to be as reliable as single-GPU setups, which is why our editorial position on the matter has been to always favor single powerful GPUs over multiple GPUs when at all possible. To that end, just as FRAPS has ignited an interest in single-GPU stuttering issues, it has also ignited an interest in multi-GPU stuttering issues.
The bulk of AMD’s presentation – and consequently our own article – has been focused on single-GPU issues. AMD is working on multi-GPU issues too, but the team that is handling microstuttering is not the team we were speaking to. The team we were speaking to is the team that has been handling single-GPU issues. As such AMD’s statements on the matter are meaningful, but brief.
Multi-GPU stuttering has become an important issue for AMD just as single-GPU stuttering has, and AMD is working on a resolution for it. That resolution will come in or around a July driver drop, at which point AMD will introduce some new driver options to control how their cards deal with the issue. In the meantime however micro-stuttering and how AMD’s multi-GPU technology compares to NVIIDA’s multi-GPU technology is likely to become a bigger issue before AMD can push out their new driver. So AMD may be spending the next couple of months on the defensive.
AMD’s current position on micro-stuttering is that they are favoring latency (and not frame intervals) above all else. By keeping their latency low and as even as possible the resulting input lag from multi-GPU setups is reduced, making the experience more responsive for the user. This is a position that’s essentially in alignment with how they’re handling single-GPU stuttering too, but in the single-GPU world there isn’t a deliberate frame pacing aspect to take into consideration since they merely need to render frames as fast as they receive them.
In any case, AMD’s position on the issue has been one where they clearly still think they’re right, but also one where they’re going to lighten up on their position regardless. The alternative approach to favoring latency is to favor the frame interval, which in the case of multi-GPU setups means focusing on frame pacing. By deliberately delaying frames AMD can ensure they arrive more evenly, but in doing so they would increase the latency in the rendering pipeline, and ultimately the latency the user experiences. AMD already does this to some degree, but today it’s not being done explicitly and favored over latency concerns, which is what’s going to change.
In a typical AMD move, AMD will ultimately be leaving this up to the user. In their July driver AMD will be introducing a multi-GPU stuttering control that will let the user pick between an emphasis on latency, or an emphasis on frame pacing. The former of course being their current method, while the latter would be their new method to reduce micro-stuttering at the cost of latency.
We don’t have any more details on this driver or AMD’s frame pacing method at this time, but in our conversation with AMD they didn’t sound like they were worried about having any problems implementing explicit frame pacing, and that it was merely a matter of the process taking a while. Frame pacing itself can cause its own stutter issues – holding back one frame but not another can sometimes make the frame display evenly, but from a simulation step only a few milliseconds after the previous step – but ultimately the pacing process will cause the simulation to try to match the GPU and pace itself accordingly, so it would be a transient issue.
On a final note, more so than even single-GPU stuttering, multi-GPU stuttering is something that unfortunately FRAPS is poorly prepared for. By looking at Present calls it’s completely blind to how the GPU is doing any frame pacing, which means it’s currently difficult to see the impact of frame pacing short of a high-speed camera. As further tools are developed that let us analyze the end of the rendering chain, this will allow us to more properly analyze how frame pacing works and what its true impact on the user is.
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Tuvok86 - Tuesday, March 26, 2013 - link
This is great victory for all of the tech press.When people started complaining about stuttering years ago we were only dreaming of getting so much attention from gpu brands.
I still remember someone constantly saying "micro-stuttering doesn't exist", I wonder how they feel now that they enjoy the fps and smoothness benefits.
In any case I praise constructive journalism that triggered a significant leap in the technology.
BrightCandle - Tuesday, March 26, 2013 - link
One important fact I feel is missing in your treatment of what it is fraps is measuring and why its more representative of problems than you and AMD think it is. For some reason everyone who makes this argument that fraps is isn't very useful seems to skip this one, but its really really important.Fraps measures at the present call and that isn't a random choice. Because the present call has a few different modes of operation, but all games use blocking mode. What that means is that if the context queue is full (which it normally is) then game thread is held up waiting for that present call to complete. Subsequent present calls are regulated by the GPU's driver in this case as the thread is held and when it chooses to accept the completion of that frame only then can the games thread continue. Since Fraps is measuring this it can see when the driver is accepting frames in an uneven fashion, so while you might see even frames presented to the monitor due to the buffering there is still a knock on effect.
Game simulations produce particular frames of their simulation, sometimes in the same thread as the present call and sometimes in a different thread. Regardless they use the release of the present call as the end of their rendering step and that allows another frame to be started or delivered. So if the present calls are coming back unevenly the game simulation itself will stutter as it tries to produce as many simulation steps as the rendering is producing. If the present calls are stuttering there is a feedback loop into the game simulation that is too causing it to stutter.
Its this feedback loop on the rendering and game simulation which causes much of the problem, and it starts in the GPU driver. It might very well be caused by Windows but the big difference we see in the manufacturers solutions tells us that its almost entirely the manufacturers fault when it happens and impacts on gameplay.
So quite rightly fraps does not measure stuttering out to the screen, it measures the GPUs regulation of the frame rate of the game rendering and its simulation and that does cause real stuttering, both of the subsequent present calls and the game simulation.
Of course pcperspective have now shown that AMD's SLI stuttering out the DVI port is considerably worse than Fraps, so much so they considered what they are doing is a cheat as the frames aren't real. But you need bothperspectives, the output and the input to the pipeline to see the impact on the game. Its not just the frames themselves that have to be regulated to be smooth its also the game simulation that must run smoothly, and it is regulated by the handling of the context queue.
JPForums - Tuesday, March 26, 2013 - link
There are two things you need to keep in mind:1) Nvidia also agrees with the limitation of FRAPS. In fact, IIRC they were the first to voice the issue that FRAPS recordings are in the wrong place and can only infer what actually needs to be recorded. The author is correct, when Ati and Nvidia agree, we should at least pay attention.
2) Though your your points are AFAIK correct and well articulated, they still point to the issue of FRAPS inferring, rather than recording the the targeted information. The difference is, rather than consistency of output frames, you are looking for consistency of simulation steps. I agree that this is a metric that really needs to be covered. In fact, I would even go as far as matching simulation steps to their corresponding frame times to expose issues when short steps are accompanied by long frames or vice versa.
Unfortunately, FRAPS can't measure any of this directly and even for your points proves to be limited to inference. That said, until a reviewer gets tools that can reveal this information, inference via FRAPS is better than no information at all. Pcperspective's comments on AMD's stuttering issues are related (as they state) to crossfire setups. I could see the differences between CF and SLI in blind tests (though SLI also has some microstutter) and this only confirms it. The runt frames only add fuel to the fire. I'm open to using AMD in single GPU builds, but only use Nvidia for multiGPU builds. Perhaps this will change in July, but I'm guessing there will still be plenty of work to do.
JPForums - Tuesday, March 26, 2013 - link
I should probably expand a little on what I consider a limitation of FRAPS for stutter caused by simulation steps. FRAPS inserts itself at the output of the render and is therefore subject to a variable delay between the simulator time step through the render. Important information can still be inferred, like simulation stutter in AMD's heartbeat waveform. However, I'd still rather get a timestamp directly at the output of the simulator rather than at the output of the renderer, if it ever becomes an option. Unfortunately, that would probably require cooperation with the game developer, so I'm not sure that will ever happen.tipoo - Tuesday, March 26, 2013 - link
The third page makes me wonder, just how much would a real time operating system improve performance? QNX on BB10 is real time, the PS4 OS may be too.juampavalverde - Tuesday, March 26, 2013 - link
Time to update the GPU review template guys... At least copy&paste PCPer and TechReport methods.cjb110 - Tuesday, March 26, 2013 - link
Sounds like there's a market for a tool then, something that does what GPUView does but in simpler manner (like Fraps presents).drbaltazar - Tuesday, March 26, 2013 - link
sadly the issue they find isn't exsactly caused by the gpu!it is at the os end!data fragmentation at various level is often the cause.and this happen everywhere,at the processor cache level to the server cache level!ms say it doesn't mather !they re wrong!it affect everything related to image quality.bufferbloat also is the main problem.mtu,udp fragmentation ,multithreading and rss fragmentation etc etc etc!oh they say they can reconstruct the data in the proper maner that wont impact performance or quality!again ms is either wrong or unknowing of the problem these various issue cause .I haven't event started on the gpu side yet!all that data manipulation etc is the main issue !how to fix it?mm!probably use official standard limit like the 1460 for mtu and add udp to that also so that it is also at 1460.(just a random exemple cause these will need to be tweaked ,why?so that packet don't get fragmented anywhere in the computer or the server.or they tell people how to make it happen ,because right now not many have 1080p quality even most have a 1080p imagine if amd is using window idea to tweak their gpu?like .net4 etc !(yep it become a nightmare)hopefully they ll fix this but all side have been on a race for performance .(wouldn't want to sell a = performing w8 instead of w7 .it wouldn't sell!i am all for getting better performance but not at the expense of subpixel quality of graphic.nvidia is probably better because they noticed ms error and have worked to avoid the os mistake by using standard and proper ways .I aint saying ms is wrong maybe they can really fragment packet and have everything being fine and dandy looking in 1080p.but I will tell you most area of computing it feels like this:os is saying 255.0.0 and at the other end for some reason its like our old phone game,at the other end what is being done isn't at all what the os said the beginning (and viceversa)hopefully these idea of new data mining and testing tool will go deeper and test what is actually going on in our computer,network and server datapath so they all can work together.cause right now?our game look 1080i even tho we are all set at 1080pmi1stormilst - Tuesday, March 26, 2013 - link
I love you guys, but this article comes off a bit like sour grapes. The Tech Report dove into this issue head first and admitted from the beginning the testing methods may not be perfect. They have continued to be clear on this and you made no mention of the high speed video tests that they performed. The bottom line is The Tech Report is primarily responsible for getting AMD to get on the ball with this issue. Regardless of AMD's bag of excuses and their sudden clarity on the best methods for testing we would not be where we are without the sold work of The Tech Report. I feel that if the FRAPS method of testing was sufficient for bringing these issues to light then a job well done. The situation will only improve from there and Scott Wasson and company deserve more praise than this sour attempt of an article to discredit the good work they have done. If that we not your intention then I apologize, but it comes off as such.brybir - Tuesday, March 26, 2013 - link
I did not see it this way at all. Instead, I read it as TechReport started a trend in evaluating stuttering that most were not looking for, and that while there is some merit to their methods, there are other better ways of evaluating the issue. I did not see any effort to hide, obscure, or otherwise show "sour grapes" to them for their testing.As to the merit of the article, if AMD, Nvidia, and Anandtech folks all agree that the methods used by TechReport are okay but could be improved upon with better tools, then the end result will be better for everyone. Much as standard bench-marking software has evolved a lot over the the last decade, the bench-marking for this type of testing will change dramatically as people find interesting and new ways to really get in depth with the issue and generate data that is easy to aggregate and report. I think that is a net benefit for all of us!