I titled this section final thoughts but left off the word conclusions because I feel that I need to spend longer with WP8 before really drawing any major conclusions - think of this as something of a big preview. At the same time, my first impressions and thoughts are indeed beginning to solidify. For the platform WP8 is absolutely an evolutionary step, rather than another dramatic re-imagining of Microsoft's vision for smartphones. Reimagining the start screen and including another size of live tiles is a nice touch, but the majority of the WP8 interface is the same as it was before. In fact, the most dramatic of changes with WP8 aren't even really visible to end users immediately with the move to the NT based kernel - the fruits of that move will only come later on in the future of the platform with increased hardware portability, better performance, and easier execution for OEMs and silicon vendors. 

Anand made this great observation a while back that each platform was ultimately a reflection of the desktop position of the company behind it. For Google's smartphone platform, that means a full standalone computing environment complete with filesystem, since the search giant lacks its own desktop OS. Android essentially has to compensate for that lack of a real desktop platform by being everything. For iOS, what started as a clear evolution of the iPod has slowly evolved into a standalone platform, but still separate and distinct from OS X. iOS on an iPad for example can exist without a desktop, but doesn't try to supplant one. For Windows Phone, I can't shake the feeling that Microsoft still views the smartphone story as an accessory to everything else - Xbox, Windows 8, and Windows RT. They're three very distinct strategies with subtle differences, but absolutely drive the software decisions that get made each update. 

At the same time WP8 feels like a dramatic update over WP7.5, and I find myself wondering what position Windows Phone would be in had it launched with the NT kernel and with this overall platform. The reality is that WP7 was a time to market play and that at the same time Microsoft was busy porting all of the software to deliver a Windows RT, Windows 8, Windows Phone 8 trifecta. Now that it's upon us hopefully some of the real advantages of this triple play will finally be made clear, and to really be the judge of that I need to actually sit down with all three and experience it. From a feature perspective I just wish that WP8 had tweaked a few more things - fast app switching still is a view with JPEG-compressed screenshots and visible artifacts, there's no VPN support, and messaging needs support for more IM protocols to be truly useful. Application support has gotten better over time on Windows Phone, but now the big drive will be getting existing apps updated to support the new features like live tiles and faster app switching. The big question is how many Windows RT or Windows 8 apps developers will end up porting over to WP8, a process which should be relatively painless given the shared frameworks. 

For what it is, WP8 is a great update. It brings us the framework necessary to finally get modern hardware for Windows Phone, and will launch with what is without a doubt the best hardware from OEM partners in the 8X and Lumia 920. My time with HTC's 8X has been extremely positive - I think they nailed the industrial design, in hand feel, and the right balance of features for a Windows Phone 8. The OS feels smoother than it ever has everywhere I look and in every app I've tried out.  

HTC's Windows Phone 8X
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  • mantikos - Tuesday, October 30, 2012 - link

    There isn't an XBOX MUSIC s/w - it is a Windows Phone connector s/w
  • Bob Todd - Monday, October 29, 2012 - link

    I'm excited that I'm today's fictional 100,000 visitor, but you guys are getting served some annoying full page ads (with audio no less).


    Can you please track these down and kill them with fire?
  • Sabresiberian - Tuesday, October 30, 2012 - link

    This is one reason I use NoScript on Firefox; I don't see those at all.

    Anandtech really should kill these ASAP though, sleaze advertising reflects on the site, poorly.

  • Sufo - Tuesday, October 30, 2012 - link

    Bah, NoScript is a pain in the ass. A decent adblock will catch it all.
  • von Krupp - Monday, October 29, 2012 - link

    ...has forgotten its identity. The elements that gave Metro character have been removed, such as ellipses and arrows. The same applies to Windows RT/8...it's increasingly all squares and increasingly less Metro.

    I feel like Microsoft has lost sight of what the Metro design language was about: simplicity, efficiency, and intuitiveness. With Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8, they've lost the "intuitive" part.
  • NCM - Tuesday, October 30, 2012 - link

    Glad not to be the only one who feels that way. As an established iPhone user (3G, 4, 5) I've always found the UI-formerly-known-as-Metro to be elegant and distinctive. That distinction seems to be much diminished with WP8, although it appears that its functionality remains.

    But functionality isn't something that the casual buyer, which is to say most buyers, can readily appreciate when they're looking at options in the phone store.
  • von Krupp - Tuesday, October 30, 2012 - link

    Too true. Newcomers will pick up that fancy new HTC 8X and not have any idea that there are more applications to the right because there is no arrow to bounce around and tell them there is more. I'm sure they'll discover it just by playing around, but to me that isn't enough. You shouldn't have to discover by accident how a UI works.

    As a result of the above grievances, I'm not sure I want to upgrade my WP7.5 device to WP7.8 when released into the wild. Sure, I'll be missing out on some functionality, but from what I've seen the added features of 7.8 won't be enough to make up for the loss in character for the phone, and character is one of the reasons I bought it.

    If I wanted pure functionality, I would have gone with Android.
  • Dorek - Friday, November 2, 2012 - link

    I agree, I won't be upgrading to 7.8 either. 7.5 was the perfect design and I'm kind of mad they caved to pressure to change it.

    Don't know what kind of smartphone I'll be going with next, to be honest.
  • Chaser - Monday, October 29, 2012 - link

    I'll have to be convinced that 8 improves Windows phone to make it competitive to Android. feature wise. And Anandtech gave W7P an overrated review when it launched IMO.

  • darwinosx - Tuesday, October 30, 2012 - link

    Android is just a poor copy of iOS so it shouldn't be hard to do.

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