Good Things in a Small Package

I love the Eurocom Monster. There’s no other way to say it. This isn’t to say that it’s a perfect system, because it isn’t close. The design is dull, the screen is miserable, and apparently the design team forgot that cooling is part of thermal design. It’s crazy that this system exists, and that’s why I love it. Like I said in the introduction, the spec sheet reads like a pipe dream—it’s the kind of thing that makes me giddy inside. The power/size ratio of the Monster is absolutely mind boggling. Having a 4 pound laptop that has nearly as much power as my desktop? Sign me up, yesterday.

It used to be that this kind of insanity was routinely served up by the likes of Alienware—anyone remember the original M15x from 2008 with the 8800M GTX? That one was also a 90C special, something with way more horsepower than cooling. That Alienware doesn’t seem to exist anymore. Between killing off the M11x and the relatively tame M14x (it’s potent, but not as out there as it could be—the GT 650M and IVB quad match the W110ER, but it’s two size classes up), I think Dell’s bean counters are putting a bit too much sense into a brand that used to be all about pushing boundaries (not to mention thermal envelopes).

I’ve been torn by the Monster. I’m a guy who really appreciates industrial design—I’m a fan of Apple notebooks, I loved the Razer Blade, hell, I even own a Dell Adamo. The Clevo appeals to absolutely none of those senses—it’s boring, doesn’t really look great, and generally doesn’t feel like ID was a huge part of the design process. It’s not an offensive design, but not one that’s particularly pleasing in any way. However, I’m also someone attracted to the crazy and unusual things in tech, and the Monster exemplifies those qualities in every way. It’s quirky and weird and in some cases not particularly functional. The computing horsepower is probably overkill. And I want one immensely.

Should you buy one? That depends. The upcoming Ivy Bridge replacement for the Sony VAIO SA will probably be a more well-rounded system (in fact, I’d argue that the current one is as well) with a better screen, a better design, better battery life, more portability, but way less computing power. And I am certain that there are a number of other upcoming IVB-based systems that similarly combine portability and GPU power, but I predict that none of them will hit upon a combination this potent in a package this portable. If it meets your needs and you know what you’re getting into from a design and thermal packaging standpoint, you’ll be as thrilled as I am.

Eurocom Monster - Display
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  • JarredWalton - Friday, May 18, 2012 - link

    Your circle of friends and acquaintances must be a heck of a lot more tech savvy than mine, because I can count the number of people I've helped with computer issues that have wired home networks on one hand. I've even encouraged many to consider running wires, and they almost always decline. Granted, I don't live in an area where there are tons of apartment buildings, and neither do most of my family/friends (Washington, Colorado, Utah, Wyoming, Arizona is where we're all located).
  • Daniel Egger - Sunday, May 20, 2012 - link

    > ... computer issues that have wired home networks on one hand

    Over here every non-mobile internet user gets a router free or heavily subsidised when closing a contract or changing the provider. 4 ethernet ports are the undisputed standard (though some vendors try to cut costs by only providing 2) on those things and the latest when WLAN problems pop up people will try to use them; usually earlier.

    In fact I used to design software for routers and although (thanks to mobile phones) WLAN became more and more important over the years I do not know of a single end-customer or acquaintance who doesn't have at least one Ethernet connection in use.
  • JarredWalton - Monday, May 21, 2012 - link

    A single Ethernet connection doesn't constitute a "wired network" -- it's just a link to the cable modem/router. I know plenty of people with a single computer doing something like this. I'm talking about people that actually have multiple PCs in different rooms where there are Ethernet jacks available. Most everyone I know uses wireless for their console, sometimes wired if the cable/DSL modem is inside in the office -- I know plenty who have their modem installed in the garage, which leads to horrible wireless coverage but apparently avoids unsightly wires. :-\
  • Visual - Friday, May 18, 2012 - link

    If they added a multitouch enabled wacom digitizer and a hinge that can convert it to a tablet without bumping the weight too much, I could see myself paying up to $500 more for this.
    Even better, also drop the keyboard and hinge and make it a pure tablet to shave some weight, include a bluetooth keyboard/touchpad and again they would have my money.
  • Blindsay04 - Friday, May 18, 2012 - link

    Is it too much to ask for for a fairly potent gaming machine (maybe a hair better video card performance then this machine, in around a 13.3" form factor with a GOOD screen? Sick of these terrible screens.
  • kyuu - Friday, May 18, 2012 - link

    Agreed, that's exactly what I'd like. A dual-core would be fine though, for better thermals and battery. Or a Trinity with a discrete AMD GPU that can be asymmetrically crossfired.

    And the screen... why oh why can't they stop sourcing these PoS screens.
  • Blindsay04 - Friday, May 18, 2012 - link

    Id give up the quad and take a better gpu :D

    Ive seen so many machines that come close but it seems no one can just quite get it right
  • bhima - Saturday, May 19, 2012 - link

    Well, you can opt for the better screen at least, so there is an option. The problem is that only the BEST mobile gaming GPUs should be running native 1920x1080 screens. Pretty much anything between 13-16" should have mostly 1600x900 options because these GPUs just aren't powerful enough unless you roll the highest, most expensive ones like the 7970m.

    This is what PC manufacturers should be doing... building properly balanced systems that take into account screen resolution with the performance of the GPU they cram into the machine.
  • Eidorian - Friday, May 18, 2012 - link

    I'm going to wait for Ivy Bridge ULV options first.
  • versesuvius - Friday, May 18, 2012 - link

    "Spiritual Successor"? Aren't you taking this a little too far?

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