Final Words

The Galaxy Tab 10.1 4G is expensive, as are Verizon's LTE dataplans. If you're concerned about cost then this isn't the tablet for you. Even if you're not scared away by the cost, there's the concern about timing. The first Kal-El tablets are due out in the next two months and even if they're delayed we're still expecting something before the end of the year. Investing in a high-end Honeycomb tablet today seems ill advised unless you absolutely need one now.

If that hasn't scared you off, the Galaxy Tab 10.1 4G is probably the best Honeycomb tablet on the market today. You get the same performance as its competitors, the best form factor out of the bunch and the absolute fastest network performance possible.

Being able to pull down data at up to 35Mbps while on the road is nothing short of amazing. While web browsing still isn't as quick as on a modern notebook with a good WiFi connection, it's a lot better than on more traditional 3G tablets. With a faster SoC you'll really be able to duplicate the home PC browsing experience on the road with an LTE tablet.

The bigger story is you can actually download tons of content with this thing. High bandwidth video and torrent applications already exist for Honeycomb tablets. The only thing holding you back from actually using LTE to its fullest are the costs associated with actually downloading anything huge.

Ultimately that's the biggest issue I have with the Galaxy Tab 10.1 on Verizon's LTE network. It's probably the most useful tablet on the market, but it's one I wouldn't want to pay for.

Display Quality: Still Great
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  • jigglywiggly - Monday, August 15, 2011 - link

    such a useless device with the shit plans
  • ATOmega - Monday, August 15, 2011 - link

    At $699 on contract, there is absolutely zero reason to buy one of these things. Not to mention, data plan prices are prohibitively expensive.

    This device should be tops $350 and available without a contract at any store that wishes to carry it.

    Android tablets will *never* take off so long as this kind of nonsense is happening.
  • Lord 666 - Monday, August 15, 2011 - link


    Hold that unit in both hands, twist, and watch the screen flicker. The Xoom and iPads have great torsion resistance. The Samsung 10.1 series could be snapped in half.
  • medi01 - Monday, August 15, 2011 - link

    Did you try hitting it with a hammer?
  • EnerJi - Monday, August 15, 2011 - link

    GTFOH!! A total, and blatant rip-off, which I suppose they feel they can get away with as the only game in town. This device will be selling for (at least) $100 less by Thanksgiving, by which time the Xoom, PlayBook, and possibly others will also be shipping with LTE. Most folks should probably wait for more options and for competition to drive down prices later this year.
  • heulenwolf - Monday, August 15, 2011 - link

    I agree with earlier comments that the price of the device and plans severely limit the product offering. VZW is no dummy so I wonder whether they are, in fact, aiming for lower volume. If they keep the customer count down on their 4G LTE network while they're still rolling it out, they can delay the capital upgrade investments for the additional backhaul bandwidth that would be required and, at the same time, make their existing 4G offering a premium service because its not so busy. Were there suddenly a few hundred thousand 4G LTE devices on-line simultaneously in the Charlotte area, I wonder whether they'd all be getting the incredible bandwidth shown in Anand's results. If, instead, they keep both the device and service plan costs high, they can simultaneously limit the data load on their new network so it appears hyperfast and make a high profit. Until they have viable competition, lower volume may be the better business case.
  • eanazag - Monday, August 15, 2011 - link

    I don't think it looks enough alike to justify the patent infringement. I can see some similarities on the front side, but on the back end - no. The button and camera placement is different also. I think if Samsung had went with a different color other than black (and now white) on the front bezel of the screen or some extra distinguishing mark it would have not had an issue at all. I don't agree with the sales blocking, but I can see how if someone is looking to block the device that they would have a better chance than some other devices. I don't see how the OS side could provide a "look and feel" issue. It is mostly a cheap trick unless there is something that most reasonable people are missing. I would guess Apple is just trying to buy time till the next hardware release and knock off the best competing hardware available. I have an iPad 2 and would consider this device as the best alternative in the Android environment. I like Samsung as a manufacturer.

    The killer feature here is 4G. After using the iPad 2 and BB Playbook I would say that 4G speeds make this type of device much more useful. 3G where I am sucks. It is adequate for some web, but the next gen uses will require 4G such as remote desktop. Remote desktop is still pretty weak because of 3G, but can be done.

    I use my device for work and play.
  • jrs77 - Monday, August 15, 2011 - link

    A MiFi I can use with basically any of my mobile devices and overall it's cheaper aswell. I'm way more flexible with MiFi and I can even have friends use it, as good MiFi allows for more then one connection simultanously.

    So yeah... MiFi all the way.
  • milan03 - Tuesday, August 16, 2011 - link

    Just did a few tests on Thunderbolt in NYC just for testing sake. I'm sure Samsung Galaxy Tab would hit even higher here in NYC especially on the uplink: [IMG][/IMG]
  • shenjing - Tuesday, August 16, 2011 - link

    Come go and see, will not regret it Oh look


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