The Test

To keep the review length manageable we're presenting a subset of our results here. For all benchmark results and even more comparisons be sure to use our performance comparison tool: Bench.


ASUS P7H57DV- EVO (Intel H57)
Intel DP55KG (Intel P55)
Intel DX58SO (Intel X58)
Intel DX48BT2 (Intel X48)
Intel DP67BG (Intel P67)
Intel H67 Motherboard for Quick Sync and IGP Tests

Hard Disk: Intel X25-M SSD (80GB)
Crucial RealSSD C300
Memory: Corsair DDR3-1600 2x4GB (9-9-9-24)
Corsair DDR3-1333 4x1GB (7-7-7-20)
Corsair DDR3-1333 2x2GB (7-7-7-20)
Patriot DDR3-1600 2x4GB (9-9-9-24)
Video Card: eVGA GeForce GTX 280 (Vista 64)
ATI Radeon HD 5870 (Windows 7)
MSI GeForce GTX 580 (Windows 7)
Video Drivers: AMD Catalyst 10.12 (Windows 7)
NVIDIA ForceWare 293.09 (Windows 7)
ATI Catalyst 9.12 (Windows 7)
NVIDIA ForceWare 180.43 (Vista64)
NVIDIA ForceWare 178.24 (Vista32)
Desktop Resolution: 1920x1200
OS: Windows Vista Ultimate 32-bit (for SYSMark)
Windows Vista Ultimate 64-bit
Windows 7 x64

Special thanks to Corsair for sending an 8GB Vengeance kit for this review:

As well as Patriot for sending an 8GB Viper Xtreme kit:

All of our brand new tests (Civilization V, Visual Studio) use 8GB memory configurations enabled by both Corsair and Patriot.

Overclocking Intel's HD Graphics SYSMark 2007 & Photoshop Performance
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  • nuudles - Monday, January 3, 2011 - link

    Anand, im not the biggest intel fan (due to their past grey area dealings) but I dont think the naming is that confusing. As I understand it they will move to the 3x00 series with Ivy Bridge, basically the higher the second number the faster the chip.

    It would be nice if there was something in the name to easily tell consumers the number of cores and threads, but the majority of consumers just want the fatest chip for their money and dont care how many cores or threads it has.

    The ix part tells enthusiasts the number of cores/threads/turbo with the i3 having 2/4/no, the i5 having 4/4/yes and i7 4/8/yes. I find this much simpler than the 2010 chips which had some dual and some quad core i5 chips for example.

    I think AMD's gpus has a sensible naming convention (except for the 68/6900 renaming) without the additional i3/i5/i7 modifier by using the second number as the tier indicator while maintaining the rule of thumb of "a higher number within a- generation means faster", if intel adopted something similar it would have been better.

    That said I wish they stick with a naming convention for at least 3 or 4 generations...
  • nimsaw - Monday, January 3, 2011 - link

    ",,but until then you either have to use the integrated GPU alone or run a multimonitor setup with one monitor connected to Intel’s GPU in order to use Quick Sync"

    So have you tested the Transcoding with QS by using an H67 chipset based motherboard? The Test Rig never mentions any H67 motherboard. I am somehow not able to follow how you got the scores for the Transcode test. How do you select the codepath if switching graphics on a desktop motherboard is not possible? Please throw some light on it as i am a bit confused here. You say that QS gives a better quality output than GTX 460, so does that mean, i need not invest in a discrete GPU if i am not gaming. Moreover, why should i be forced to use the discrete GPU in a P67 board when according to your tests, the Intel QS is giving a better output.
  • Anand Lal Shimpi - Monday, January 3, 2011 - link

    I need to update the test table. All of the Quick Sync tests were run on Intel's H67 motherboard. Presently if you want to use Quick Sync you'll need to have an H67 motherboard. Hopefully Z68 + switchable graphics will fix this in Q2.

    Take care,
  • 7Enigma - Monday, January 3, 2011 - link

    I think this needs to be a front page comment because it is a serious deficiency that all of your reviews fail to properly describe. I read them all and it wasn't until the comments came out that this was brought to light. Seriously SNB is a fantastic chip but this CPU/mobo issue is not insignificant for a lot of people.
  • Wurmer - Monday, January 3, 2011 - link

    I haven't read through all the comments and sorry if it's been said but I find it weird that the most ''enthusiast'' chip K, comes with the better IGP when most people buying this chip will for the most part end up buying a discreet GPU.
  • Akv - Monday, January 3, 2011 - link

    It's being said in reviews from China to France to Brazil, etc.
  • nimsaw - Monday, January 3, 2011 - link

    Strangely enough i also have the same query. what is the point of better Integrated graphics when you cannot use them on a P67 mobo?
    also i came across this screen shot

    where on the right hand corner you have a Drop Down menu which has selected Intel Quick Sync. Will you see a discrete GPU if you expand it? Does it not mean switching between graphics solutions. In the review its mentioned that switchable graphics is still to find its way in desktop mobos.
  • sticks435 - Tuesday, January 4, 2011 - link

    It looks like that drop down is dithered, which means it's only displaying the QS system at the moment, but has a possibility to select multiple options in the future or maybe if you had 2 graphics cards etc.
  • HangFire - Monday, January 3, 2011 - link

    You are comparing video and not chipsets, right?

    I also take issue with the statement that the 890GX (really HD 4290) is the current onboard video cream of the crop. Test after test (on other sites) show it to be a bit slower than the HD4250, even though it has higher specs.

    I also think Intel is going to have a problem with folks comparing their onboard HD3000 to AMD's HD 4290, it just sounds older and slower.

    No word on Linux video drivers for the new HD2000 and HD3000? Considering what a mess KMS has made of the old i810 drivers, we may be entering an era where accelerated onboard Intel video is no longer supported on Linux.
  • mino - Wednesday, January 5, 2011 - link

    Actually, 890GX is just a re-badged 780G from 2008 with sideport memory.

    And no HD4250 is NOT faster. While some specific implementation of 890GX wthout sideport _might_ be slower, it would also be cheaper and not really a "proper" representative.
    (890GX withou sedeport is like sayin i3 with dual channel RAM is "faster" in games than i5 with single channel RAM ...)

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