Samsung Galaxy Tab - Camera Performance

The Galaxy Tab comes with two cameras - a rather pedestrian 3.2 megapixel rear shooter and a VGA front facing camera. On the good side, this is two more cameras than the iPad. On the bad side, both are pretty mediocre.

Let me explain. The rear camera fares reasonably well in outdoor lighting and indoor areas with lots of natural light, and compressed to web resolutions they look great. Look at the native resolution photos and you’ll see a lot of fuzziness. Things get even worse when you start shooting purely on artificial light - there’s a lot of visible noise even at web resolutions, and the pictures are painful to look at up close. For a midrange phone camera, that’s about as expected, but I wish that Samsung would have spent a little bit more and given the Galaxy Tab a higher end camera.

Outdoor shot taken at 1:45pm in an Audi dealership parking lot. Note the brand new A8.

Indoor shot taken in my extremely messy house. Note the grainy quality, also seen in some of the other indoor shots.

Your humble narrator, taken with the self potrait camera.

The front facing camera has the same issues with indoor lighting, but otherwise functions normally for video calling and “Facebook profile” self-portraits.

HD video recording is sadly not supported, the Galaxy Tab only shoots at 720 x 480. However, the video is actually pretty decent quality, as you can see in the sample below. No re-encoding, just a straight upload to YouTube.


Samsung Galaxy Tab - Performance Samsung Galaxy Tab - Battery Life
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  • tipoo - Thursday, December 23, 2010 - link

    No problem.
  • SimKill - Thursday, December 23, 2010 - link

    This is a minor pet peeve but when you( you != Specific author, you == general) write your reviews I think there was one more where you'd written '[Product] - The Anandtech review' instead of '[X] review' like before.

    I'm coming to Anandtech, it would be fairly obvious to me that the reviews on this site would be AnandTech reviews and wouldn't be rip offs from other websites.

    Oh, and good job.
  • tipoo - Thursday, December 23, 2010 - link

    I love how you used !=. Do I detect a CS student/graduate?
  • SimKill - Thursday, December 23, 2010 - link

    Nah, mech grad here with boatloads of programming. I find != the most unambiguous way to 'I don't mean X when I say Y'.
  • tipoo - Thursday, December 23, 2010 - link

    Ah, I see. From what I've seen people who haven't done any programming use =/= to denote "does not equal", whereas people who have programed like us use !=.
  • TheStu - Thursday, December 23, 2010 - link

    I would say that the reason for saying [Product - The Anandtech Review] instead of just calling it [Product Review] is that Anandtech reviews tend to includ more technical information than others, there is still subjectivity in the writing, but what I take away from Anandtech's reviews is a better objective view of the product.

    So, although it is self serving, and a bit narcissistic to label it as [Product - The Anandtech Review], it does serve the purpose of making it clear what you are getting.
  • synaesthetic - Thursday, December 23, 2010 - link

    I find it helpful because I read most of my tech blows in an RSS feed reader, and can't always immediately tell which blog posted the article!
  • SimKill - Sunday, December 26, 2010 - link

    This is a fair point. But I generally group my RSS by websites. So if I click on Anandtech I can see AT reviews and so on and so forth.
  • SimKill - Sunday, December 26, 2010 - link

    We know what we get from them which is exactly why we come here time and again. I found this to be a little immature for such an awesome set of people.

    And why not let the review speak for itself instead.

    Don't get me wrong, there's a reason why I wait for AT reviews before deciding on anything major but I felt that as a group of highly professional writers I believe that there should be no place for self-serving and narcissism. But then again as the subject title indicates clearly, it's a minor peeve.

    I still love AT reviews.
  • ATOmega - Thursday, December 23, 2010 - link

    I have two major complaints over how manufacturers are approaching android tablets:

    First, it's very difficult if not impossible to get one not as part of a carrier plan. So currently Apple has zero competition for their iPads without 3G/4G. As much as some people will see this as an outdated market, here in Canada lots of people are avoiding our major carriers because they're a bunch of greedy a$$holes. There's very little point in having their data plans on tablets because you're still stuck rationing out MBs...Kind of takes the fun out of it.

    Second, they're way overpriced. If as a result of the price being designed to encourage data plans, or if the manufacturers actually think they're worth that...The SOCs are dirt cheap as advertised by the people who make them and as part of the Android promise. The additional hardware used to make up the systems aren't nearly enough to reach $700 either. At the very least, we should be seeing sub $400 prices for non 3G/4G models.

    I want Android tablets on the shelfs of local computer stores (big box or wholesale alike) and available without data plans.

    I'd love to see Anandtech take on these details in future reviews. But I'm glad they're looking at Android the way they are already. Good show.

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