Kinect Adventures

The title that ships with Kinect really has to be awesome, and luckily Kinect Adventures is pretty much exactly what I’d expect it to be. It’s sort of a bundle of simple games that lend themselves to full body control, and the whole collection is packaged up almost like a tour of various minigames. 

Most of the minigames have already been shown off, but there are a bunch more to talk about. Blocking and bouncing kickballs in a virtual tunnel of sorts, an obstacle course with full body movements, water rafting, and another which involves plugging leaks in a virtual aquarium. They’re bundled together either in an adventure mode or through free play, and can have single player or two-player support.

If Kinect Adventures is analogous to Wii Sports, (in that it ships with the platform and establishes the baseline level of expectations for immersion), then the bar is set pretty high. Adventures leverages the depth sensor and full body tracking quite well, and all of the minigames require a lot of movement. 

Adventures also leverages the color camera and takes pictures of you while you’re playing. Most of the time the photo events are marked with a camera coming up on screen and are carefully placed to coincide with some jump or large movement, and the results are generally pretty hilarious. Again here the color camera seems a bit noisier and lower resolution than what I’d consider ideal, and if you’re playing in low light you can turn into a smear if Kinect tries to take a photo of you while jumping. Provide lots of ambient light, however, and the results are pretty good. I’m a bit puzzled by why they seem to be smashed into the wrong aspect ratio when played back at the end of the game (sure, they’re supposed to look like Polaroid photos, but aspect-incorrect scaling is annoying), but the photos themselves are fine. You can then upload these to and from there download directly or post to Facebook if you want to embarrass yourself. There isn’t any auto-upload functionality (thankfully) so you don’t have to really worry about photos of yourself playing in nothing but underwear uploading automatically. 

In fact, basically all the media that’s recorded on Kinect (there are also videos recorded in several other applications, and videos encoded from motion capture) is cleared through I guess while we’re on the subject of motion-capture and media that’s uploaded we can talk about Kinect Adventures’ trophy concept. 

Complete enough adventures, and you’ll get to record a trophy. This is essentially full body motion capture and audio, which some avatar is then set to. There’s a hamster looking creature for single player, and a shark for 2 player - I’m sure there are more beyond there that I haven’t gotten to as well. The concept and result are actually remarkably polished. You can then upload the resulting video to Kinect Share where it remains (like all media) for 14 days for you to download. 

Gaming with Kinect - Dance Central Kinect Sports
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  • bplewis24 - Thursday, December 9, 2010 - link

    I agree... and I find it pretty sad. When calling this thing anything but a disappointment from a gaming perspective, you've pretty much lost all credibility. This site is really letting me down lately after many great years.
  • ExarKun333 - Thursday, December 9, 2010 - link

    Find a new site to troll. You will not be missed.
  • petenagurski - Friday, December 10, 2010 - link

    All gaming is subjective. My kids and I find playing the Kinect games a blast. Anandtech has "pretty much lost all credibility" because of a positive gaming review???? Get a grip and go back to fondling your wii wii.
  • ExarKun333 - Thursday, December 9, 2010 - link

    Your a fool sir. Thanks. :)
  • cmdrdredd - Thursday, December 9, 2010 - link

    Yes it's true and the games utterly SUCK! The number of things they can do with no pointer interface is mindblowingly small.

    It's a gimmick, so much more than the Wii ever was. At least the Wii is honest with what it is. This is a "me too!" item that tried to be different for the sake of being different. Microsuck is alienating the userbase that made the Xbox brand huge, and that is retarded.
  • c1dv1c1ous - Friday, December 10, 2010 - link

    I for one, bought my 360 6-7 mths after it released. After several years it RROD on me and they fixed it for free. The thing is still going strong too. I plan on buying a Slim when I get back home from Army deployment. I have no problem with this the past a new console buy would be due by now, but the current ones are still usable. I will enjoy the smaller, quieter and sleeker Xbox 360 S.

    There is logic in this, if you dont agree, maybe you should go out and start your own console company. Show us how you think you could do it better. Competition only brings out better stuff for us to buy in the long run.
  • Nataku - Friday, December 10, 2010 - link

    u sir, need to do more research... even canadian price for Kinect + Xbox is only 299 not ur 150 + 300

    if u don't find a use for it don't buy, but some of us can see the potential and entertainment in these systems

    don't troll any of the comment section in any of the article on this site, they are reserved for actual useful comment
  • petenagurski - Friday, December 10, 2010 - link

    ...this little piggy said wii, wii, wii, all the way home....
  • neogodless2 - Thursday, December 9, 2010 - link

    350 vs 360
  • Brian Klug - Thursday, December 9, 2010 - link

    OOps, my bad!



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