Video Kinect

Last but not least is video Kinect. It’s awesome to see Kinect leverage the color camera for videoconferencing, if Microsoft hadn’t included something like this, they’d be missing a huge opportunity. It’s simple too, just launch the application, and you get a view of yourself which is cropped and panned to stay centered on your face, at the left are friends online. Your video stream will stay cropped around your face whenever you’re in the field of view. 

At first, you’re given the option to video chat with other Xbox Live friends, but you can also sign in with a Live Messenger account and video chat that way as well. I initially set out to try video Kinect just between two Kinects. If you can find a friend online, inviting them to a kinect video chat looks just like an Xbox Live party or game invite - video Kinect presents itself just like a game you want your friend to join.

I dialed up my friend Brayden, and we were almost successful initially. The problem was that he had no voice. In the bottom of his video window, the speaker was greyed out, and it said Audio Off. This was confusing as there’s no readily apparent way to mute or unmute audio inside of the video Kinect interface. The problem - that party audio chat setting I mentioned earlier.

If you set this to off, you won’t get audio here, and you’ll inevitably spend lots of time scratching your head as to why. It’s confusing too - I don’t want to use the Kinect for party chat, I want to use my wireless headset. At the same time, I want to use Kinect for audio when video chatting.

Regardless, after we got it working the experience was pretty seamless. Video Kinect uses about 600 kilobits/s of bandwidth both ways, which isn’t a lot. There are come compression artifacts in the remote client’s video, but nothing out of the ordinary. My biggest complaint about video chat is that the color camera in Kinect really doesn’t seem impressive here. 

There are really only two complaints I have - first is noise and low light sensitivity. If you don’t have lots of ambient light, the camera will expose and integrate for much longer, and tends to smear a lot more than I’ve seen on other cameras unless you have room lights cranked way up. I’d rather get noise from huge gain than become a smear when all the lights aren’t on. The other problem is that the stream itself isn’t very high resolution - it’s just VGA. While the camera sensor might be higher (as has been suggested by developers working with the platform), the Kinect will only expose a VGA stream. 

The result is that video is noticeably upscaled. It’s probably the reason you can’t bring the conversation full screen. I guess that’s the other complaint I have - it’d be nice to be able to go full screen with the other party instead of have two equally sized boxes for video. 

Between two Kinects, video chat works fine. You can optionally pause your video stream or turn auto zoom and crop off. 

So what about between Kinect and Live Messenger clients? This was a bit more frustrating. The first time we tried logging into Live Messenger on the Xbox, we couldn’t see the other party on the desktop. After some troubleshooting and confusion, we decided to powercycle everything and login again, at which point we could finally see each other. Firing up a video chat like one normally would with a desktop worked fine.

Between a desktop and the Kinect, you can really see how the video stream isn’t of the highest quality. It’s tolerable, but a bit disappointing. I was chatting from a 720P webcam, and my friend noted my video quality was much improved on his end compared to the Kinect video.

The other interesting note is that when he paused video, I saw nothing but grey. One more pause and unpause, and I was stuck at a grey screen until we terminated chat and started over again. It works, however, minus those small glitches. 

I should note also that the Kinect audio quality is actually amazing, no doubt in part to that 4-microphone array and some spatial processing. It really does a great job singling out a single person and gain was kept at a comfortable level the entire time. I have to say I’m impressed with how clear audio was - there was no feedback, echo, or strange artifacts. The one thing I didn’t test was how video chat functioned between Kinect and the older Xbox Live Vision webcam, though I hear it does work and is supported.

Video chat is becoming the rage once more, the problem is that each video chat platform is isolated to such a small sect of protocols. We’ve got FaceTime and iChat if you live in the Apple ecosystem, Qik video and a few smaller ones if you live in Android land, PS3 PlayStation Eye video chat, and now Kinect Video and Live Messenger if you live in this ecosystem. I’m reminded of how SMS used to work before carriers decided that there should be inter-carrier exchanges. I’m sure we’ll get there someday, but for video chat to be more than a quick novelty, it needs to work on a common, simple platform. 

It’s hard to really complain about Kinect video chat - it’s there if you want to use it. There are better commercial alternatives that are designed specifically for this purpose, and Kinect won’t replace them, but it does make the occasional video chat possible. I find myself wanting much more resolution however, and the ability to maybe leverage video party chat with more than one other person, or even have it actually integrated into games. No doubt in time we’ll see more of that.

Kinect Apps - ESPN, Zune, Gaming with Kinect - Dance Central
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  • Quidam67 - Friday, December 10, 2010 - link

    I agree with this. The distance is just not realistic for most lounge set ups. I could go minimalist and ditch the sofa, and you know, just sit on the floor, but really, that's asking a lot just so I can play Kinnect games.
  • Aloonatic - Friday, December 10, 2010 - link

    Unrealistic for most living rooms, so how on earth they expect this to fly in many kids bedrooms too, I have no idea. And how many kids have TVs taht would be big enough to be viewed that well from those sorts of distances too.

    Kinect seems like a great idea and tech that is perhaps just a little ahead of it's time, so unusable by many, even if they really really really* wanted to.

    * One would need to really really really really want to use Kinect to justify moving to a new house so that you might be able to :o)
  • Nataku - Monday, December 13, 2010 - link

    I've actually seen the toy in action at the mall and people were standing only 4~5' away and it seems to work ok... im getting the feeling that the bigger you are the further back you need to be and if your only a kid you can be much closer than an adult would be able to...

    i don't see how screen size is an issue though, they are demoing these things off of 27"~30" TV sets...
  • Patrick Wolf - Thursday, December 9, 2010 - link

    Kinect is going to be the new Wii, everyone will have one but no one will use it. Actually not everybody since not everyone can use it.
  • Quidam67 - Friday, December 10, 2010 - link

    Not that I want to come across all negative, but given how long ms have been working on this complex project (I assume as a means to stretch the 360's lifespan and to invade the Wii's market at the expense of snubbing their existing one) I have to say this is just a big non-event for me. Honestly, I wish they had put their resources into putting out an "evolutionary" upgrade.

    I mean, this idea that the next gen of console has to be based on completely new hardware, with incompatible development tools, so everyone is starting froom zero is a paradigm I challenge. Why couldn't they treat it like a PC upgrade? Release a new xbox 540 that is fully software compatible with all the old 360 games I own now (without resorting to buggy and expensive software emulation) but has at least twice the memory, perhaps an extra couple of cores, a more powerful gpu. eg true 1080p gaming support.

    Then they could start transitioning over to the new machine by releasing a game that will run on both machines, but will allow better graphic settings if you are running it on the new rig. I don't know, maybe I'm just bummed out that this gen of consoles is really starting to show its technological age, and I don't see how tacking on an impractical new control device prolongs the lifespan of such dated hardware. To say nothing of what this means for PC games, which are now largely driven by the console market.

  • mcnabney - Friday, December 10, 2010 - link

    I thought the purpose of the console is to 100% compatibility for all owners with all games?

    What you are describing is more like a PC with incrementle improvements to the system from year to year.
  • Quidam67 - Friday, December 10, 2010 - link

    In a sense, yes, but the hardware is still far more controlled. It's not like you can buy a GPU and swap it out with the old one. I'm just suggesting a more evolutionary approach, and one that offers better compatibility with the technology that preceeded it.

    The game console industry has never worked that way, but I don't think that is in itself a reason why this is not a good idea. I know for a fact some high profile developers abandoned the console industry precicely because all their assets were rendered redundant every time a new round of consoles came out.

    It doesn't have to be that way.
  • dustcrusher - Friday, December 10, 2010 - link

    Almost every incremental console upgrade attempted thus far has been a huge failure. Atari 5200, Sega CD, Sega 32X- need I go on? Coleco had a couple of minor successes in the Expansion Module 1 and the ADAM but neither were money makers- in fact, the ADAM was one of the first consoles with cheap and easy piracy, so Coleco lost a ton on it.

    The cost in time and money would be better spent on the Xbox 720, or whatever the next system will be.

    And for a Springer-esque Final Thought, it's the fun that counts. The latest and greatest tech means nothing if the games aren't fun, and the majority of new games that tout bleeding edge graphics engines seem to be derivatives of the same tired formulas. Honestly, with a couple of exceptions I've gotten the most mileage from my 360 out of Live Arcade, because the games there focus on being fun first.
  • Quidam67 - Friday, December 10, 2010 - link

    With all due respect, those consoles are hardly comparable to the sort of market-share and brand recognition that that the Xbox 360 now enjoys.

    You say the time would be better spent developing the 720,which I assume entails the same as all the other new gen consoles, ie. no legitimate backwards compatibility, and an architecture designed to reduce manufacturing costs at the expense of requiring a whole new set of development tools -an extremely complex and expensive re-enineering task just to get you back to where you were before.

    I can only speak for myself, and yes maybe I do think differently from the masses, but if ms had launched a xbox 540 with say a Gears of War 3 enhanced version that ran in 1080p on the new console, I'd be all over it. The Kinnect, on the other hand is not something I'd want on my machine even if they offered to me for free. All it would do is gather dust.
  • gvaley - Friday, December 10, 2010 - link

    "...267 ms is seriously laggy, but right now it doesn’t matter too much. Maybe when we get FPS titles that’ll change."

    The way businesses work, I expect to see a ton of intentionally crippled AI in upcoming Kinect FPS games so you can have enough time to shoot the target.

    Not that this will be a one off. Every time something goes hip the technology bends back to cash in on it, pushing back progress with years in some cases. (Think of the iPhone/Android and the way smartphones are built today. For us people who were used to their high-end pre-smartphone era Sony Ericssons or Nokias, smartphones are a huge setback in terms of usability. [The volume rockers regulate ringer volume? Really? That's the dumbest idea ever. Not only it's not helpful, it's actually dangerous 'cause you can incidentally turn silent mode off and miss that important call.])

    Having said that, I'm eager on Kinect 2 in several years when the technology (and price) would allow for most kinks to be ironed out.

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