Last night we published our Radeon HD 6870 and 6850 review. In it we made a decision to include a factory overclocked GeForce GTX 460 from EVGA (the EVGA GeForce GTX 460 FTW). For those who aren't aware, NVIDIA has allowed a number of its partners to ship GTX 460s at higher than stock clock speeds. A practice that has been done in the past. The cards are available in retail with full warranties.

A number of you responded in the comments to the article very upset that we included the EVGA card. Even going as far to accuse us of caving to NVIDIA's pressure and demands. Ryan and I both felt it was necessary to address this front and center rather than keep the discussion in the comments.

Let's start with the obvious. NVIDIA is more aggressive than AMD with trying to get review sites to use certain games and even make certain GPU comparisons. When NVIDIA pushes, we push back. You don't ever see that here on AnandTech simply because I don't believe this is the place for it. Both sides (correction, all companies) have done nasty things in the past but you come here to read about products, not behind the scenes politics so we've mostly left it out of our reviews.

NVIDIA called asking for us to include overclocked GTX 460s in the 6800 series article. I responded by saying that our first priority is to get the standard clocked cards tested and that if NVIDIA wanted to change the specs of the GTX 460 and guarantee no lower clocked versions would be sold, we would gladly only test the factory overclocked parts. NVIDIA of course didn't change the 460's clocks and we ended the conversation at that. We gave NVIDIA no impression that we would include the card despite their insistence. The decision to include the EVGA GeForce GTX 460 FTW was made on our own entirely.

We don't like including factory overclocked parts in our reviews for reasons we've already mentioned in the article itself. This wasn't a one off made for the purpose of reviewing only, it's available from online vendors and a valid option from a price comparison. Furthermore it presented us with an interesting circumstance where the overclock was large enough to make a significant impact - the 26% overclock pushed the card to a performance level that by all rights could have (and should have) been a new product entirely.

From my standpoint, having more information never hurts. This simply provides another data point for you to use. We put hefty disclaimers in the article when talking about the EVGA card, but I don't see not including a publicly available product in a review as a bad thing. It's not something we typically do, but in this case the race was close enough that we wanted to cover all of our bases. At the end of the day I believe our conclusion did just that:

At $179 buy the 6850. At $239 buy the 6870 for best performance/power. If you want the best overall performance, buy the GTX 470. However, as long as they are available the EVGA GeForce GTX 460 FTW is a good alternative. You get the same warranty you would on a standard GTX 460, but you do sacrifice power consumption for the performance advantage over the 6870.

We were honestly afraid that if we didn't include at least a representative of the factory overclocked GTX 460s that we would get accused of being too favorable to AMD. As always, this is your site - you ultimately end up deciding how we do things around here. So I'm asking all of you to chime in with your thoughts - how would you like to handle these types of situations in the future? Do we never make exceptions even in the case of a great number of factory overclocked cards being available on the market? Do we keep the overclocked comparison to a single page in the review? Or does it not matter?

And if you're worried about this being tied to financial gain: I'll point out that we are one of the only sites to have a clear separation of advertising and editorial (AnandTech, Inc. doesn't employ a single ad sales person, and our 3rd party sales team has no stake in AT and vice versa). The one guarantee that I offer all of our writers here at AnandTech is you never have to worry about where your paycheck is coming from, just make sure you do the best job possible and that your conclusions are defensible.

If we've disappointed you in our decision to include the EVGA FTW in last night's review, I sincerely apologize. At the end of the day we have to maintain your trust and keep you all happy, no one else. We believed it was the right thing to do but if the overwhelming majority of you feel otherwise, please let us know. You have the ability to shape how we do things in the future so please let us know.

Whether you thought it was an issue or not, we'd love to hear from you. I do appreciate you reading the site and I want to make it better for you in the future.


Take care,

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  • Belard - Tuesday, October 26, 2010 - link

    or Close to it?
  • Belard - Tuesday, October 26, 2010 - link


    Got it - 500!!!

    Do I get a Prize?
  • ppeterka - Tuesday, October 26, 2010 - link

    You get an OC'd EVGA 460 card :)
  • Belard - Wednesday, October 27, 2010 - link

    I'd rather have an ATI 6950... :)

    Or even a 6870...
  • Hemi345 - Tuesday, October 26, 2010 - link

    Isn't it a little odd that the BENCH section shows a picture of EVGA cards for the GPU bench section?

    Obviously two video cards fit in that little image... so why not use a Palit or XFX or maybe to keep things unbiased, a reference design nVidia card and a reference design ATI/AMD card ? Oh that's right, nevermind... i get it now.
  • quickbunnie - Tuesday, October 26, 2010 - link

    If it's on the market, with warranty, and the user doesn't have to OC anything themself, its fair game for comparison. It's hard NOT to find an OC version of the 460, with many different OC SKU's. This was a completely valid review, and it was NEVER hidden that the 460 in the review was a reference clocked card. Even at OC speeds, the power consumption is still within the ballpark of the barts' cards, so its a fair comparison.

    So what if Nvidia asked to have it put in the review? It's their chip, and their partner is confident enough to back up those speeds with a warranty. By the time the warranty runs out, the card will be obsolete anyways.

    Anand, keep up the great work. Your reviews may take a day or two longer, but they are way more informative than other sites. This is a classic case of haters gonna hate. You are absolutely correct in assuming that if you did NOT include the OC card, people would accuse you of ATI favoritism.

    The only thing I would say is that if you are going to include OC cards from nVidia, you should probably see how well barts overclocks as well. Now, if the ATI cards are difficult to overclock, well that's a valid point too. It's easy to get OC nvidia cards, or perhaps OC them yourselves, but hard to OC ATI cards. This should be discussed if possible

    In the end, reviews are most useful to consumers, the people who actually want to spend their money on a product. They should know what they can buy with their money, including factory OC cards. To reinforce my previous point, they should also know what their cards are capable of with some user modification - even if that involves more risk.
  • quickbunnie - Tuesday, October 26, 2010 - link

    I meant it was never hidden in the review that it wasn't a reference clocked card (1st paragraph).
  • lakrids - Tuesday, October 26, 2010 - link

    I can agree with you, but Anand clearly doesn't agree with you.

    Look at the gtx 460review and the gts 450 review and the hd 6800 review. They have one thing in common, lots of factory overclocked nvidia cards, but NO factory overclocked ATI card.

    This isn't fair game, this is heavy bias towards nvidia. Deception.
  • crazzeto - Tuesday, October 26, 2010 - link

    Personally I like the position expressed here by Anand, if there is a publically available OCed part, then I think including it in a review is fair game. After all, part of the point is to make a purchasing decission, if there is a factory OCed part with full warrentee available then I think it's fair game.
  • lakrids - Tuesday, October 26, 2010 - link

    That's fine. But for some reason, Anand only wants to show factory overclocked nvidia cards.
    Is it fair game to only show nvidia's overclocks?

    Next time when nvidia's high end launches, I want to see some ATI based factory overclocked XFX black edition cards.

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