Codemasters latest racing game marks the return of a racer to our benchmark suite. As the first DX11 racer, DIRT 2 makes pretty through use of the DX11’s tessellation abilities, not to mention being the best looking racer we have ever seen.

DIRT 2 finally turns the tables for NVIDIA when it comes to DX11. The GT 430 is still neck-and-neck with the 5570, but now it’s in the lead. We were actually surprised to find just how smooth this game ran at medium settings for as good as it looked at these settings. It’s not a bad tradeoff for cards at this level of performance.

STALKER: Call of Pripyat Mass Effect 2
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  • esc923 - Monday, October 11, 2010 - link

    Well you answered which means you do care, which is why I fully agree when you say that you could care less how smart anyone thinks you are.

    I'm not going to bother with reasoning out your obsession with video game FPS as the main 'objective' measure of an HTPC card while dismissing all else, as it's lost on you. Instead, let's try it the man no way instead: your argument is not correct because I say so.
  • manno - Tuesday, October 12, 2010 - link

    Don't take this the wrong way, but just because someone responds to a forum post does not mean they care what anybody thinks of them.

    From the article:

    "Whether it’s by NVIDIA’s design or matters out of their hands, GT 430 simply isn’t competitive with AMD’s 5570 and 5670 in gaming performance, with the latter cleaning the GT 430’s clock every single time. NVIDIA isn’t pushing the GT 430 as a gaming performance card so we aren’t going to recommend it as one. If you need budget gaming, then the only choice to make is to go AMD."

    again for all intents and purposes the 430 and the 5570 are the same card. Same performance same price-point one is not superior to the other. Of course the 5670 is better, it's aimed at a different segment. My issue with the article isn't with you it's with "Ryan Smith & Ganesh T S" who draw the wrong conclusion. From the article:

    "We always hate to rely so much on a single benchmark, but at this point HQV 2 provides the best tests we can get our hands on."

    This is wrong to test image quality the best test they could use is a subjective one ie: a double blind test where they play the same clip on the two different platforms to random test subjects. Using AMD's IQ benchmarks to judge any card is inherently biased I don't care what AMD says. Just like using Nvidia's CUDA benchmarks.

    The article's conclusion regarding the 430 vs 5770 is wrong for the time being do a double-blind test and revisit it. Regarding then430 vs 5770 in gaming performance conclusion, well that's just plain wrong.
  • ganeshts - Tuesday, October 12, 2010 - link

    I am not sure where you got the idea that HQV is an AMD benchmark.

    HQV is an independent company and has their own video processing chip. They are not related in any way to AMD or nVidia.
  • manno - Tuesday, October 12, 2010 - link

    My mistake and thank you for the correction.
  • geok1ng - Tuesday, October 12, 2010 - link

    well manno, that is the trollest behavior i have ever witnessed on the subject of $79 video cards.

    assuming you are NOT a troll, then TomsHardware and HardOCP are also wrong in the comparison with the 5570. Hardly.

    Since AMDs 785G there is no need for a VGA in order to play blurays , except for 2 situations:

    The very few that own a high end sound system ( $1500+) and swear that they can hear the "gap" in quality when going from 7.1 bitstreaming to lossless HD audio. These buyers do NOT pick a $79 VGA, they build a custom PC-based digital audio system to work with theirs bitperfect setup. If you dont know what bitperfect is, then dont bother trolling that the 430 is better than the 5570.

    The not so very few that own a 3D TV: in 3D playback since it is lost half the resolution and/or half the brigthness image quality becomes even more important. After spending 3k+ on the TV i fail to see the reasoning on choosing the 430 over the 450, or the 460, that at least can game.

    I say that HTPCs cards are a thing of the past since the 785G, HD audio is a much hyped and rarely used feature and 3D Bluray is a niche.

    And the fair competitor for the 430 in 3D Bluray comes from the PS3, hence the need to compare this card image quality with the PS3, with camera pictures to silence the trolls.
  • 8steve8 - Monday, October 11, 2010 - link

    the next htpc king is sandy bridge graphics.

    i mean even westmere is good enough for most.
  • Lolimaster - Monday, October 11, 2010 - link

    You mean Fusion Llano?

    SB is on par with the low end IGP Fusion Ontario.
  • 8steve8 - Monday, October 11, 2010 - link

    no i didn't mean llano, but any integrated graphics solution in 2011 will be fine for most people's HTPC needs
  • hmcindie - Monday, October 11, 2010 - link

    I don't get the point of HQV? PowerDVD and WinDVD do all the processing themselves so the drivers shouldn't have anything to do with it.

    HQV also has a couple of completely ridiculous tests and hasn't been used seriously to gauge image quality in DVD's for a long while now.
  • hmcindie - Monday, October 11, 2010 - link

    And why don't you guys tell what software you were even using? Wtf?

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