The Test

Although NVIDIA is not promoting the card as a competitive gaming card, we’ve gone ahead and run our full benchmark suite. For the sake of comparison with other cards we have run 1680x1050, however the GT 430 isn’t meant for that resolution. For the GT 430 and similar budget cards we have run separate results at 1280x1024 with appropriate quality settings.

For simplicity’s sake we’re only listing the DDR3 versions of the Radeon 5570 and GT 240; there’s really not much to say once we look at performance as even the DDR3 versions paint a clear picture. Conversely we’re using a DDR3 version of the GT 220 as it’s what we had on hand, although today you’re more likely to find the DDR2 version than you are the DDR3 version.

CPU: Intel Core i7-920 @ 3.33GHz
Motherboard: Asus Rampage II Extreme
Chipset Drivers: Intel (Intel)
Hard Disk: OCZ Summit (120GB)
Memory: Patriot Viper DDR3-1333 3 x 2GB (7-7-7-20)
Video Cards: AMD Radeon HD 5850
AMD Radeon HD 5770
AMD Radeon HD 5750
AMD Radeon HD 5670
AMD Radeon HD 5570 DDR3
AMD Radeon HD 4870 1GB
AMD Radeon HD 4850
AMD Radeon HD 3870
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 470
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 275
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 260 Core 216
NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460 1GB
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460 768MB
NVIDIA GeForce GTS 450
NVIDIA GeForce GT 240 DDR3
NVIDIA GeForce GT 220 DDR3
Asus ENGT430
Video Drivers: NVIDIA ForceWare 197.13
NVIDIA ForceWare 257.15 Beta
NVIDIA ForceWare 260.62
NVIDIA ForceWare 260.77 Beta
AMD Catalyst 10.3a
AMD Catalyst 10.8b
OS: Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit
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  • Mumrik - Monday, October 11, 2010 - link

    From the Final Words:
    "We opened up this article talking about how NVIDIA is FORGING performance in the name of (...)"

    Surely you don't mean "forging"...
  • knutjb - Monday, October 11, 2010 - link

    I can see this and similar under performing cards showing up in consumer HTPCs further turning the general public off computer based products giving yet another reprieve to blue ray set top boxes.

    It seems every time the PC comes closer to taking a key role in the entertainment center a company releases a pos product like this.
  • manno - Monday, October 11, 2010 - link

    I can not agree with your conclusions and I'm an ATI/AMD fan. I will not touch fermi with a 10' pole, but to say from your benchmarks that the 430 is not competitive with the 5570 is just plain wrong. Let's do the numbers

    Benchmark : AMD 5570 | Nvidia 430
    Image Quality : +1 | 0
    Crysis : +1 | 0
    BattleForge : +1 | 0
    HAWX : 0 | +1
    Left 4 Dead : 0 | +1
    Battlefield: BC2 : +1 | 0
    STALKER : 0 | +1
    DiRT 2 : +1 | 0
    Mass Effect 2 : 0 | +1
    Wolfenstein : +1 | 0

    On power consumption: I personally feel that a lower idle power consumption is more important than load as my system would sit idle way more frequently that it would be under load, but that depends on the user: Draw or +1 Nvidia

    Noise : 0 | +1

    AMD: 5 | Nvidia: 5

    Looks dead even to me both cards would make great HPC cards. I find a lot of image quality dbenchmarks are highly subjective and fail under a double blind test. It's like asking an audiophile for advice on weather you should use MP3's or FLAC's very few people can tell the difference between the two and unless you're highly tuned to it it's not noticable. Not to mention I haven't even gotten to the fact that it's an AMD made denchmark, I wouldn't put any weight in an Nvidia benchmark for an ATI card. I've made 0 purchases based on 3D Mark Vantage scores that handicap Nvidia a rediculous amount due to the GPU compute portion of the benchmark, otherwise I'd own no AMD cards.


    Full disclosure:
    10% of my portfolio is AMD
    0.0% of my portfolio is Nvidia
  • cknobman - Monday, October 11, 2010 - link

    Please read the article correctly. It clearly states that it is on par with 5570 but fails every time against the 5670.

    Given the pricing of this card it is not out of the question to compare it against the 5670 in gaming tests.

    This card at its current price point is a huge failure for Nvidia.

    The companies banking on 3D tech are going to find hard time in the near future because consumers arent buying in on it. Heck Ive already read about GIGANTIC price cuts in the LCD market coming in the next month because supply is through the roof and no one is buying.
  • manno - Monday, October 11, 2010 - link

    looks like their priced evenly...
  • manno - Monday, October 11, 2010 - link

    "GT 430 simply isn’t competitive with AMD’s 5570 and 5670 in gaming performance"

    Does not read as "on par"
  • Stuka87 - Monday, October 11, 2010 - link

    Well, that would be true if those points were all equal. However they are not. Especially in regards to image quality where the nVidia lost horribly in a test for the market that this card is specifically aimed at.

    As for gaming, you can pick up 5670's for the same price as the 430, and the 5570 for less. So the 5670 is really the card that nVidia is up against. Which easily beat it in every single performance test.

    The lower idle power/temps of the 430 are nice to have, but not if it means significantly worse performance in other areas.
  • manno - Tuesday, October 12, 2010 - link

    You're correct, and I want to nake this clear, my issue isn't with your post it's with this articles conclusion which states:

    "GT 430 simply isn’t competitive with AMD’s 5570 and 5670 in gaming performance"

    in which it states that Nvidia is in an unenviable position HTPC wise because the 5570 is superior to the 430. Which is not true based on their own benchmarks. Of course the 5670 is better but that's not the card this Nvidia is positioning against it that will be the GT 440 or maybe 435's job.

    The 5770 and 430 are the exact same card benchmark and price wise:

    As for AMD's Image Quality test, that is not the best test/benchmark they had at their disposal. A double blind comparison where you play two clips one after the other to random people and give them an similar, better, worse question is the best test for something as subjective as image quality. Using an AMD test to judge any card is inherently biased in AMD's favor. Their conclusion is wrong.
  • esc923 - Monday, October 11, 2010 - link

    Lol. You seem to think highly of yourselves asking others to defend their position when you can't even defend your own.

    You've thrown a lot of opinions (e.g. "I personally feel..." or "I find..."). All I can say is let's ignore your personal feelings as they're irelevant, ok?

    That just leaves your basic reasoning, and you've failed even more miserably here. Weighing the performance of something like "Battlefield 2" equally to that of video "image quality" to get your conclusion (i.e. "looks dead even to me") is just plain idiotic considering we're talking about the HTPC market where image quality is more imporant than video game frame rates. Which is pretty frigging obvious.... Note that I'm not calling you idiotic, just your reasoning.

    You see a lot of crap on the internet that you ignore, but the thing is, your memo was written in such a serious way that even includes a disclaimer as well as a DEMAND in caps that you've just got to laugh because the end result comes across as someone trying too hard to look smart, and failing.
  • manno - Monday, October 11, 2010 - link

    From my previous post:

    The 5570 and the 430 are priced exactly the same their performance for all intents and purposes is exactly the same. ATI and Nvidia are both taking the same position in this category, why is ATI's position superior? Because an Nvidia card doesn't perform as well as an ATI card on an ATI created benchmark. That is a poor reason to state one card is superior to another.

    As I stated previously a metric like image quality is purely subjective unlike a FPS score which is objective. What looks like garbage to one person looks great to another.

    Regarding my intelligence, my argument is correct regardless of how smart I am. Furthermore I could care less how smart anyone here thinks I am, for all I care your can hold a mental image of me squatting in mud smiling as I shove berries up my nose.

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