Demise of OpenSolaris?

You may have heard some troubling news about the fate of OpenSolaris recently.  Based on some of the rumors floating around, you might think OpenSolaris is going away, never to be seen again.  Admittedly, OpenSolaris has never been an open source project in quite the same way that Linux has.  Sun launched the OpenSolaris project to help promote its commercialware Solaris product.  Sun seemed to do a decent job of managing the OpenSolaris project, but Sun is no longer in charge.  The project is now at the mercy of Oracle.

The OpenSolaris Governing Body (OGB) has struggled to get Oracle to continue to work with the OpenSolaris project.  Oracle’s silent treatment has gotten so bad that the OGB threatened to dissolve itself and return control of the OpenSolaris community to Oracle on August 23 if Oracle did not appoint a liaison to the community by August 16, 2010.  It is pretty safe to assume that Oracle, clearly a for profit company, would benefit more from allowing the OGB to dissolve.  That would give Oracle the option to do what ever they wanted with OpenSolaris, including simply killing the project.

At this point, two possible outcomes seem the most likely.  One possible outcome is that Oracle will continue to offer OpenSolaris but will tighten its grip over the direction of the project.  Perhaps Oracle would use the opportunity to make some technical changes within OpenSolaris to limit the scope of the product so as not to compete directly with commercialware offerings.

The other outcome is that a fork will occur in the project, possibly resulting in several different projects.  Regardless of Oracle, OpenSolaris appears to be living on through the Illumos project located at - There hasn't been much activity yet in the Illumos project, but it's only been announced for a few weeks.  We will be closely monitoring this to see if it will be a suitable replacement for OpenSolaris.  Illumos was initiated by Nexenta employees in collaboration with OpenSolaris community members and volunteers. While Nexenta does sponsor some of the work, Illumos is independent of Nexenta. Illumos aims to be a common base for multiple community distributions. It is run by the community on a system of meritocracy.  Distributions like Nexenta, Belenix and Schillix will move to using Illumos as the base for their distributions, and other distributions have shown interest as well.

Personally, I don’t think the situation is as dire as some people suggest.  Oracle now owns MySQL as well as OpenSolaris, yet millions of us continue to use these products.  If Oracle does over exert control to the point that it chokes off these open source products, then we can always resort to forking the code and getting behind the new open source projects.

As far as using OpenSolaris, I don’t see Oracle’s ownership as a reason to give up on using OpenSolaris.  If you are considering deploying a ZFS based SAN using OpenSolaris or Nexenta, don’t let all of this talk about the OGB and Oracle scare you off. 

A final note on the possible demise of OpenSolaris is that OpenSolaris may now be officially dead.  According to an internal Oracle announcement that was posted into some mailing lists, Oracle is killing off OpenSolaris and replacing it with Solaris 11 Express.  Additionally, Oracle claims they will continue to release open source snapshots of Solaris after each major release instead of releasing nightly builds, but that does not sound like a typical open source project. 

Benchmark Results Shortcomings of OpenSolaris
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  • sfw - Wednesday, October 13, 2010 - link

    I'm just wondering about SAS bandwidth. If you connect the backplane via 4 SAS lanes you have a theoretical peak throughput of around 1,200MB/s. The RE3 has an average read/write spead of around 90MB/s so you could already saturate the backplane connection with about thirteen RE3s at average speed. Given the fact you also connect the SSDs this seems to a bottleneck you may wish to consider on your "areas where we could have improved the original build" list.

    By the way: really great article! Thanks for it...
  • Mattbreitbach - Wednesday, October 13, 2010 - link

    While in pure sequential reads (from all drives at the same time) would yield a bottleneck, I don't know of any instances where you would actually encounter that in our environment. Throw in one random read, or one random write, and suddenly the heads in the drives are seeking and delivering substantially lower performance than in a purely sequential read situation.

    If this was purely a staging system for disk to tape backups, and the reads were 100% sequential, I would consider more options for additional backplane bandwidth. Since this isn't a concern at this time and this system will be used primarily for VM storage, and our workloads show a pretty substantial random write access pattern (67 write/ 33 read is pretty much the norm, fully random) the probability of saturating the SAS bus is greatly reduced.
  • sfw - Thursday, October 14, 2010 - link

    Concerning random IO you are surely right and the impressing numbers of your box prove this. But even if you don't have sequential workload there is still "zpool scrub" or the possible need to resilver one or more drives which will fill your bandwidth.

    I've checked the options at Supermicro and beside the SC846E1 they are offering E16, E2 and E26 versions with improved backplane bandwidth. The difference in price tag isn't that huge and should not have much impact if your are thinking of 15k SAS or SSD drives.
  • Mattbreitbach - Thursday, October 14, 2010 - link

    The E2 and E26 are both dual-controller designs, which are meant for dual SAS controllers so that you can have failover capabilities.

    The E16 is the same system, but with SAS 2.0 support, which doubles the available bandwidth. I can definately see the E16 or the E26 as being a very viable option for anyone needing more bandwidth.
  • solori - Thursday, October 21, 2010 - link

    Actually (perhaps you meant to say this), the E1 and E16 are single SAS expander models, with the E16 supporting SAS2/6G. The E2 and E26 as dual SAS expander models, with the E26 supporting SAS2/6G.

    The dual expander design allows for MPxIO to SAS disks via the second SAS port on those disks. The single expander version is typical of SATA-only deployments. Each expander has auto-sensing SAS ports (typically SFF8088) that can connect to HBA or additional SAS expanders (cascade.)

    With SAS disks, MPxIO is a real option: allowing for reads and writes to take different SAS paths. Not so for SATA - I know of no consumer SATA disk with a second SATA port.

    As for the 90MB/s average bandwidth of a desktop drive: you're not going to see that in a ZFS application. When ZIL writes happen without an SLOG device, they are written to the pool immediately looking much like small block, random writes. Later, when the transaction group commits, the same ZIL data is written again with the transaction group (but never re-read from the original ZIL pool write since it's still in ARC). For most SATA mechanisms I've tested, there is a disproportionate hit on read performance in the presence of these random writes (i.e. 10% random writes may result in 50%+ drop in sequential read performance).

    Likewise, (and this may be something to stress in a follow-up), the behavior of the ZFS transaction group promises to create a periodic burst of sequential write behavior when committing transactions groups. This has the effect of creating periods of very little activity - where only ZIL writes to the pool take place - followed by a large burst of writes (about every 20-30 seconds). This is where workload determines the amount of RAM/ARC space your ZFS device needs.

    In essence, you need 20-30 seconds of RAM. Writing target 90MB/s (sequential)? You need 2GB additional RAM to do that. Want to write 1200MB/s (assume SAS2 mirror limit)? You'll need 24GB of additional RAM to do that (not including OS footprint and other ARC space for DDT, MRU and MFU data). Also, the ARC is being used for read caching as well, so you'll want enough memory for the read demand as well.

    There are a lot of other reasons why your "mythical" desktop sequential limits will rarely be seen: variable block size, raid level (raidz/z2/z3/mirror) and metadata transactions. SLOG, L2ARC and lots of RAM can reduce the "pressure" on the disks, but there always seem to be enough pesky, random reads and writes to confound most SATA firmware from delivering its "average" rated performance. On average, I expect to see about 30-40% of "vendor specified average bandwidth" in real world applications without considerable tuning; and then, perhaps 75-80%.
  • dignus - Sunday, October 17, 2010 - link

    It's still early sunday morning over here, but I'm missing something. You have 26 disks in your setup, yet your mainboard has only 14 sata connectors. How are your other disks connected to the mainboard?
  • Mattbreitbach - Sunday, October 17, 2010 - link

    The 24 drives in the front of the enclosure are connected via a SAS expander. That allows you to add additional ports without having to have a separate cable for each individual drive.
  • sor - Sunday, February 20, 2011 - link

    I know this is old, but it wasn't mentioned that you can choose between gzip and lz type compression. The lz was particularly interesting to us because we hardly noticed the cpu increase, while performance improved slightly and we got almost as good compression as the fastest gzip option.
  • jwinsor566 - Wednesday, February 23, 2011 - link

    Thanks guy's for an excellent post on your ZFS SAN/NAS testing. I am in the process of building my own as well. I was wondering if there has been any further testing or if you have invested in new hardware and ran the benchmarks again?

    Also Do you think this would be a good solution for Disk Backup? Would backup software make use of the ZIL you think when writing to the NAS/SAN?

  • shriganesh - Thursday, February 24, 2011 - link

    I have read many great articles at Anandtech. But this is the best so far! I loved the way you have presented it. It's very natural and you have mentioned most of the pit falls. It's a splendid article and keep more like these coming!

    PS: I wanted to congratulate the author for this great work. Just for thanking you, I joined Anandtech ;) Though I wanted to share a thought or two previously, I was just compelled enough to go through the boring process of signing up :D

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