The user interaction paradigm that I found the most impressive with the KIN - if you're going to choose something to read into which the platform executed flawlessly - is how photos are handled. You can take - in theory - infinitely many photos, and never run out of space on the device. When you take a photo, it's stored in local storage in full resolution until a sync occurs, or for a few days.

All of the photos from the device, in full resolution.

When that sync finally happens, say overnight or during idle time, the photo gets uploaded to the KIN Studio entirely over the air, and the local copy is then replaced with a slightly higher than display resolution copy. It's still in the photo library on the device, but whenever you view it from now on, the KIN streams in the photo in completely over the air if you zoom in.

Opening one of the first photos I took on the KIN ONE results in it being streamed to the device in realtime.

It happens fast, and the result is that you can take photos indefinitely. That's impressive.

The first time I encountered this feature, I was confused and initially thought the KIN had deleted my photos. I was connected to the desktop using the Zune software, trying to get copies of the test images I had taken with the camera, and saw there were only four photos on the phone. After nearly two hours of shooting test photos, I thought I had been soundly defeated, and began gnashing my teeth in consternation. I suspected a glitch - I could view the photos on the device just fine, but they were nowhere to be found in the correct directory. What the heck?

Photos with the sync symbol crossed out in the top left haven't been backed up yet - these are still only stored locally.

Then it occurred to me. I realized they were deliberately backed up to the cloud, waiting for me. I was viewing copies of the photos right off the cloud on the device. Sure enough, I checked the KIN studio, and the full resolution photos were there, waiting to be downloaded in full resolution or uploaded to Facebook without ever touching my computer. That's right, you can dump gobs of photos onto Facebook without having them ever touch your bandwidth - it's that kind of cloud to cloud connection where the future lies.

Hit Facebook in the top left, and all the photos will get dumped to Facebook at lightning fast speed.

Interestingly enough, it's probably likely that the sheer amount of upload bandwidth the KIN used uploading all your photos and videos led to Verizon mandating smartphone data plans. Depending how many photos you take, uploading all of that to the cloud definitely consumes gobs of data.

In that same interface, you can view photo geotagging data on a big Bing map. It's similar to the places view inside the photos app on the iPhone, except with high resolution thumbnails and natively on the web.

Geotagged photos downtown - also my photo testbench locations

The KIN spot is also in the Studio, though admittedly it doesn't make as much sense on the web as it does on the device.

But it's useful for uploading lots of photos en-masse to Facebook without having them ever come close to using your bandwidth. As I noted, the transaction takes place from Microsoft's cloud to Facebook's. Unfortunately, downloading lots of your photos locally is a bit laborious. Even for the example shots I had taken for this article, it was at times a frustratingly slow matter, requiring you to visit each photo, click more, click download, and then wait for it to complete before moving on to the next one. The studio desperately needs batch operations for deletion, downloading native resolution copies, and perhaps some more speed tweaks. The recent Silverlight update for OS X improved speed on that platform considerably, but even on my Windows 7 desktop, it felt a bit slow.

All the contacts are in the cloud

The other notable KIN Studio functionality is backups - wipe your a device, login with the same Windows Live account, and everything is restored. Similarly, lose your device while swaggering home, buy a new one, and you'll instantly have everything restored over the air. Android is drawing close to doing the same thing - use a google account and every time you get a new device or replacement, applications will automatically install alongside contacts, emails, and calendars - but photos, application data, and other media are still gone forever. The KIN neglects to give music the same treatment, but it's clear given rumblings over Google and Apple both brewing their own cloud music platforms that this is next.

The real war being waged here isn't over just what brand of mobile device you're carrying around, but what services you're using up in the cloud - and as a consequence, who has your data. If you subscribe to Android, you're tightly tied into Google's suite of services and will probably use Google Sync. Choose Apple, and like it or not, you're up in the iTunes purchase cloud, possibly Mobile Me, and even more in the future when iTunes' cloud rolls around. Microsoft is also vying for that data, and at the same time hopes to hook you into the other suite of services - Xbox, Zune, and Live. Tying you into a specific camp of cloud services - and keeping you there - is what this is about, and Microsoft is still in a good position to roll the cloud integration IP from Danger into Windows Phone 7.

If you can, think back to the Sidekicks and how tightly they integrated with the cloud. Eight years later, it's intriguing that the Sidekicks were massively cloud focused devices before the phrase was even mainstream. They backed virtually all their data up to Danger's servers, including contacts, notes, calendars, photos, to-do lists, and messages. True to form, Danger's lasting impression on Windows Phone is a hugely cloud integrated experience.

I did experience the occasional sync that would refuse to complete

Of course, the downside to this approach is that sometimes the cloud itself is the weak link. Look no further than the all too recent Sidekick data loss that happened in October of 2009.

Microsoft's Cloud - KIN Studio The Reasons KIN Failed
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  • aebiv - Wednesday, July 14, 2010 - link

    HD2 is a great device except for the capacitive screen. The resistive is far more accurate.
  • s1ugh34d - Tuesday, July 13, 2010 - link

    WinMo really does take all those points, and put them in a more business approached user interface, while taking notes from classic IT user requirements.

    My TyTn II definitely does everything the KIN, iOS, WebOS, and android phones can, just it's been able to since before them...

    Now I can't say it has the flare, GUI or app style. The Microsoft app store is the worst software I ever thought to install. The graphics are something HTC has been holding back forever. Otherwise functionality speaking, I can do anything you can do, just it may take me a day to figure it out.

    What it comes down to is what YOU do. I read about 75 RSS feeds daily(long commute.) I also listen to Pandora the whole time. Meanwhile between my feed reader, the browser or browsers I may be running, Pandora, and typically word/excel/foxit, I still make it 5-8 hours constant usage(which translates into a day adding in time I actually have to do stuff IRL) oh and Wifi is on for at least three of those hours.

    I upload pictures directly after taking them via email, which is one click from the after-shot menu. Facebook conveniently is on my homescreen(I don't use the other sites so much) as well as my favorite feature, contacts stay as is, until I open them click, the Facebook link, and from the UI I can pick any info I want synced.

    Wifi syncing on Activesuck, works(only because there isn't any good open source alternative.) and Google sync keeps my online calendar up to date with stuff I have to do, as well as backs up my contacts. Since I don't text(yea smartphone user so long I've replaced SMS with POP...)backing up messages is my gmail. Plus my backup for microSD is Wifi at home(yea networking try that iOS and android playaz) When I connect to my network, bam my SD is ghosted(as real files) and sync occurs with my file server.

    I like the KIN's web app. I really hope that transfers into the WP7 features. Danger definitely had something going for them, hope M$ uses a few hint from there world. The Dell mini 5 is on my next list, but the HD2 is my very next.
  • jonup - Wednesday, July 14, 2010 - link

    Kids need educated from their parents not parental control. What's with the control obsession of today's society!? These people think they are liberal because they equate freedom with gun rights. Give me a brake!

    Two thumbs up for lack of parental control!
  • Finally - Wednesday, July 14, 2010 - link

    "A brake"?
    That's what those parents give their kids, alright. :)
  • jabber - Wednesday, July 14, 2010 - link

    The best way to get kids to 'NOT' go looking, is to not tell them not to.

    You tell a kid not to touch something you can bet as soon as your back is turned they'll touch it..probably with bad results.

    My folks would let me examine most dangerous things (hedge trimmers/knives etc.) while they watched me to make sure nothing bad happend. I'd pick them up then realise there was nothing interesting about them and then put them down and carry on playing.

    My parents always had a full booze cabinet (for parties etc.) and never forbid me from drinking as a kid. In fact they encouraged me to drink a small glass of wine or a beer at a special occasion as a small kid. Because of that I was never interested in breaking into the drinks cabinet as a teen and getting slaughtered like a lot of my buddies did that had never been allowed. It was always there for the taking. Whats fun in that?

    Forbidden things are what kids want. Dont make them forbidden and they wont be quite so interesting.
  • SimKill - Wednesday, July 14, 2010 - link

    Heh, sounds a lot like mine :P

    If anything, they'd say, "Do it and see" and I'd lose all enthusiasm and excitement for it, be it drinking or anything. No fun at all when nobody cares if you do it or not :P

    Seems my parents understood that psychology very well and used it on me. [I still hate beer/any other alcohol]
  • jabber - Wednesday, July 14, 2010 - link

    ......I was a bit dissapointed that the KIN was killed off so soon.

    I really wanted a KIN One as I too felt it was a great looking phone. I hate the current smartphones with touchscreens and such.

    The KIN One was 'different' and with a bit more development could have offered another way.

    Oh well back to the sheeple phones.
  • Penti - Wednesday, July 14, 2010 - link

    It was worthless, not at all building on the Danger heritage, a totally failed acquisition with all the people fleeing danger/Microsoft leaving them with nothing and the former owner with 500 million :)

    It didn't even have IM features something that was Hiptops main selling point, it didn't build on T-mobiles brand, it didn't even act like a continuum off that tech. It basically failed at being a 50 dollar featurephone. Building on Win CE would be fine, but without an SDK at all, without a common toolkit and framework/API or a way to install apps easily it's just useless. Lots of other misses too.

    Like look at Nokia now, they use the QT toolkit for both Symbian and MeeGo devices from now on. Making it easy to get your apps to any phone, even if it's third parties building Symbian and MeeGo phones (Symbian is still used by the japanese makers in Japan). Any phone now days ofcourse also needs a web runtime/widget environment and SDK now days, the Symbian and MeeGo devices will share the same WRT widget SDK and soft.

    It's simply not going to work to have 10 different smart phone environments and 10 different development environments with 10 different frameworks and APIs. Which is basically Microsoft's problem now. .NET in all it's glory it won't make the game developers OpenGL ES based games work, they'll have to port to Microsofts OGL ES APIs, they'll have to port to the platform specific APIs, they will not port if they can't get their C/C++ game engines running on the platform. Nokia will have several hundreds of millions of phones running the same developing environment and framework. Microsoft won't even have the niche business products as they will move to custom devices with Win CE6/7 or even old WinMo. I don't think XNA/Silverlight under .NET is a good strategy here, it would have been 4-3 years ago. But why would anyone jump on it today? There best shoot is rather third party mobile development frameworks. Bada is going to have the same problem, but that's an OS supported by the second biggest phone maker. Is Microsoft moving out of the smartphone and consumer devices market? .NET is good, but doesn't the app makers want to reach as many devices as possible? They won't by making .NET mobile apps. Many apps will just come to the most popular platforms and for example Spotify is only released for iOS, Android and Symbian (Symbian C++, ones ported to QT it will of course come to MeeGo too). Apps like Spotify also preferably needs background tasks or real multitasking. Platforms like webOS can garner some development just because of it's former underdog status and technical enthusiasm. Microsoft will be a strictly business decision. Without having a good partner no one will care about the WP7 phones they'll put out. Development is everything. Just like nobody would have cared to put out some games on Android without the NDK. At least players like RIM have the enterprise customers (which they can loose quickly though.). Microsoft hasn't any more. Hoping for XNA/.NET C# games and game engines is probably too much.

    Well apps (and good built in features) is everything today. Too small platforms simply won't garner any attention and development. And nobody will develop for 10 different platforms (thus APIs) and several different programming languages. It would probably look something like development wise - Android SDK Java / NDK C/C++, iOS SDK Obj-C, Nokia qt SDK C++ for MeeGo and Symbian. Stuff like Brew will probably largely be ignored and stuff like LiMo will disappear or be largely compatible with Nokias environment. WP7 .NET/XNA/Silverlight SDK will probably be the odd one. Plug-in/Widget developers will have pretty identical environment on all platforms. C++ developers are probably pretty comfortable with both Symbian/MeeGo, Android NDK (you don't have a full compatible c-library there though), they could probably accept the Bada platform ones they get use to the API which is also in C++, as well as the WebOS platform. SDL should probably be runnable in at least Android, Symbian (maybe not natively), MeeGo and WebOS to top that. Java-developers have Android SDK and Blackberry SDK. With their respective APIs and VMs. .NET developers only has .NET compact framework on WinMo/WP7 or third party C# frameworks like Unity game engine which doesn't even target WinMo devices. .NET developers can target one platform, C++ developers can probably target 5 with just 4 APIs. Theres a whole lot of targets now days. I believe much more in Win CE7/Win embedded compact then in WP7 actually. Blackberry won't garner any consumer interest either. I'm unsure about Samsung's approach to release anything, every platform there is including its own too. They got Android, WinMo, Symbian, Bada etc. Nokias approach seems to make more sense. Good thing Motorola went with Android instead of its own though.
  • Stuka87 - Wednesday, July 14, 2010 - link

    Microsoft (or more directly, Terry Myerson ruined any chance the Kin had of being a success. And anybody that blows a half billion dollars into the wind should be fired.

    It was just one thing after another. From changing the phone's OS from Java (Original Sidekick OS) to Windows CE causing it to be delayed by 18 months, to its outrageous pricing. Whats sad is that Danger as a company no longer exist really, along with the people that lost their jobs. All because of Mr. Myerson.
  • strikeback03 - Wednesday, July 14, 2010 - link

    One factor which might significantly hamper cloud integration is data caps. AT&T has already moved this way, and it seems unlikely the other carriers won't follow suit. Constantly streaming photos to and from the phone would take up significant additional bandwidth over what is already used for standard services. If they decide to back music or transferred movies up that would be much more a problem. I have ~4GB of music on my phone and wouldn't want to blow a significant chunk of my bandwidth having that all backed up off the SD card, or worse backed up then streamed back to me. Also, there are going to be times (on an airplane, in another country, etc) where you can't/don't want to have a data connection, if everything is in the cloud that significantly impacts the usability of the device for even basic tasks.

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