I would like to thank everyone for their honest feedback on the new site. All I ask for is your patience as we continue to tweak and improve the site; I've taken all of your comments to heart and while I can't promise that we'll implement every last tweak you all want I'm absolutely committed to making the site as close to what you all want as possible.

A number of changes will be implemented this week so keep a look out for it :)
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  • Guspaz - Tuesday, July 6, 2004 - link

    Here's an experiment. I've written a PHP script that uses the Anandtech RSS feeds to generate a page with a full list of articles and news, a bit like how the old site used to present it.


    I'm sending off an email to Anand to see if he approves; Anand might not like my use of his logo, or that I mimmick his design, or he might not like the whole thing, and ask that I take it down. But I figure, it is a big improvement over the new layout.

    BTW, what you see is a static page that is generated every 5 minutes with the newest content.
  • Jan - Tuesday, July 6, 2004 - link

    I like the look of the new Anandtech - a good job in my view

    I am an overseas visitor to the site and can't help but notice the international welcome text at the top of the page. At the moment it reads "Welcome, from Australia it's 7:10 PM EDT on July 6, 2004"

    The problem is what does this mean:

    a. "Welcome, in Australia the time is 7:10 PM EDT on July 6, 2004"; or

    b. "Welcome, visitor from Australia, here in the US, the time is 7:10 PM on July 6, 2004".

    If the welcome message is meant to be a., then the time check function is wrong because this text appeared when it was 9:10 AM EDT on July 7, 2004 here in Canberra Australia.

    If it was meant to be b., then I sugest you reword the message.

    Hope this is helpful
  • araczynski - Tuesday, July 6, 2004 - link

    I agree with many above in that: Move the News articles up to the top on the right column, I don't come here for your blog (or anybody else's enywhere else that matter)...or for your picks, both are 100% your personal choices/opinions and 100% meaningless to me, and most definately not more important then the news.

    Also there either seems to be more stupid flashing ads or the layout makes it seem that way, either way, its extremely annoying.

    i'll say again, ease on on the delivery of the world, sites like that end up sucking cuz they tend to get watered down eventually.

    NOBODY goes to one site for everything they need on the net (unless they're an AOL user perhaps), so stop trying to throw up a bunch of content in hopes of keeping everyone glued here for hours on end.

    FOCUS FOCUS FOCUS on your core product.
  • Your Best Friend - Tuesday, July 6, 2004 - link

    I really don't like the new site at all. I'm sorry. I appreciate wanting a refresh every so often, but there are waay too many ads, the ads at the bottom duplicate (triplicate).

    I don't like the Anand's Pick's to the right. What happened to keeping it simple? Too much flash and now even more difficult to find the information that drove me back here. I'll still keep checking back but much less often. I like the reviews and the hard work. I'd almost wish you would just change it back.
  • GrimReapa - Tuesday, July 6, 2004 - link

    I'd have to agree with everyone about the number of advertisements. It's totally ridiculous. We all understand that you need to make money off of the site, but 10 advertisements is just crazy. As far as the “Anand’s Blog”, “AT DealFinder”, and “Anand’s Picks”, I really don’t think that they need to be so prominent. The “Latest News” should be the most prominent, as this is one of the reasons many people visit the site.

    The look of the homepage of the old design was so much better. The one thing that would make the homepage a lot better is to make the reviews more like how the old design had them as well as killing a majority of the banner advertisements.
  • jliechty - Tuesday, July 6, 2004 - link

    Comments require horizontal scrolling in Mozilla 1.7. It sucks very much having to read the comments so wide; the eye does not follow lines that long very well.
  • Anonymous - Tuesday, July 6, 2004 - link

    I think sites shouldn't down grade their design because it was too slow, instead leave it alone and let time do its work.
  • Phillip Doede - Tuesday, July 6, 2004 - link

    Well put nowayout99.

    Anand, Jason; look closely at this post when making your design changes.
  • Guspaz - Tuesday, July 6, 2004 - link

    Too many ads, an image:


    9 ads on the front page! There's so much movement I can't concentrate on the content.

    It's so bad I'm considering writing a PHP script to present Anandtech's front page in an easier to read format.
  • nowayout99 - Tuesday, July 6, 2004 - link

    I'm not going to say anything that hasn't already been said, but:

    - It's a *little* presumptuous to put the Anand blog and "picks" on the top, scrolling News off the visible page. Move the News bar back up to the top. The Blog link is redundant (remove), and the "Picks" are glorified ad links. Move them to the bottom.

    - Anandtech is known for News and Reviews... but now we have "Top Insider Stories." I don't understand what that means. "Stories" has a News-based connotation that doesn't match the content. If it's the site's most popular articles among the entire site, then it'd be better understood as "Anandtech's Top Articles" plain and simple.

    - I'm gonna agree that I'd like more Latest Reviews with graphics before archiving them to the column to the right. I'll go one step further and say that the "More Reviews" column also takes too much focus away from the "Latest" content. Too cluttered.

    - The "Product Coverage" section does what the tabs SHOULD be doing. I like that it is targeted by subject, rather than by date. The tabs should be organized by subject, and then there's no need for Product Coverage.

    - The location/date/time stamp... I'm not sure why this might be useful. But it's not in the way, so hey whatever. :)

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