Final Words

To paraphrase a great quote from Anand’s original Pre review when comparing the Pre and iPhone: There are some things that Pixi does better than the Pre. There are also some things that the Pixi does not do better than the Pre.

Recently Palm CEO Jon Rubenstein sent out a company-wide missive following Palm’s preannouncement of its less-than-stellar financial results. In it he admits that the launch of Pre/Pixi – Plus on the Verizon network did not go as well as planned, and explains that Palm and Verizon Wireless have met and mapped out a strategy to jump start sales. It was apparently obvious that Verizon didn’t do a great job of pushing Palm’s products, and that Verizon’s sales staff just wasn’t knowledgeable of them.

This week Palm followed up on that pre-annoucement by posting their Q3 earnings which were uh, not good, nor was the guidance the company offered for its fiscal 4th quarter. Following the call, shares dropped nearly 30% amid another flurry of downgrades. Sales were and continue to be poor and there now appear to be a growing inventory surplus.

How they change this over the next 6 months and how sales across all networks over the next year look, will be very important to both the future of the WebOS platform and Palm itself. Niether the Pre or Pixi has made major inroads, at least not in such a way to appear as more than a blip on the radar. Gartner’s latest results show that WebOS devices accounted for a mere 0.7% of smartphone OS’s in 2009. That’s, well, not very much and isn’t a good sign for devices based on an OS that was so well received. Is there just no interest from the general public? Is it smartphone fatigue from the consumer? Even with the release this year on Verizon of the Pre Plus and Pixi Plus, Palm hasn’t exactly seen major market penetration and the consensus seems to be that we’ll see more of the same when Pre Plus and Pixi Plus hit AT&T later this year. (Update: if you believe the rumors, it appears that release is now being delayed – more bad news) With the dismal sales data, resulting flurry of downgrades from Wall Street and precipitous drop by their stock, you have to be a little worried about the future of both the company and thus the platform.

It really is a shame. WebOS is truly a revolutionary, game-changing OS that does things that none of the top smartphone OS’s can do (yet). Palm has a lot to be proud of here, but they are clearly coming up just a bit short, especially in hardware, and that’s coming at a bad time for the company, especially given the speed at which the industry is moving. Microsoft’s announcement of Windows Phone 7 has cast another hot coal into an already broiling fire. Will we see Palm license the WebOS to phone OEMs as a means of gaining market penetration and staying financially solvent? Will we see a brand new WebOS device – and WebOS 2.0 - before year’s end, and will it turn the industry on its other ear?

Pre Plus and Pixi Plus – Still Ticking
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  • Johnmcl7 - Wednesday, March 24, 2010 - link

    There's no 'apologist' aspect about it at all - regardless of what you think of Nokia, their platform has considerable merit particularly in the scope of this article. S60 had a simple, efficient multitasking long before the Pre did and the N900 currently has a better system than the Palm Pre uses. In addition the N900 has full flash support well in advance of any other smartphone.

    These are just simple technical facts which there's no disputing yet as per usual, AT reference most of the current smartphone platforms and entirely ignore Nokia.
  • Taft12 - Wednesday, March 24, 2010 - link

    That's nice that it had flash and multitasking a long time ago. What have you done for me lately, Nokia?
  • Johnmcl7 - Wednesday, March 24, 2010 - link

    It's not 'nice', it's something that was blatantly overlooked in the article - AT were quick to bash S60 but now Nokia have produced a newer OS that addresses their criticisms and surpasses many other smartphones it doesn't even get a mention despite praising phones such as the Palms for having an inferior implementation.
  • djc208 - Tuesday, March 23, 2010 - link

    I want Palm to do well I really like the Web OS, but these exclusive contracts are doing more to hurt them than help. Even now, sure the Pre+ is on Verizon, but it becomes difficult to want to buy a Sprint Pre (with the much cheaper Everything plans) when you know you're not getting as much phone as the Verizon guys are.

    I was so ready to go to a Pre when they came out on Sprint. I'd still consider it except that I'm still stuck with not being allowed to have a camera phone at work, which means all but one or two Blackberries are off limits if I want to take it to work, which is where I spend the most time out of the house. And honestly I don't need a smart phone bad enough to want to pay for a BB and the service to go with it. The Pre was cool enough to justify it, the BB is not IMO.

    I know I can remove the camera but buying a device and then voiding the waranty by purposely breaking it just seems stupid. Sure, us camera restricted people are a small portion of the market, but it's really frustrating to watch all this cool tech come down the pipe and outside BB be completely ignored by every other cell phone maker on the market.

    Well, have fun in smartphone land, I'll probably have my little old Sanyo for the rest of my life now.
  • Sherlock - Tuesday, March 23, 2010 - link

    2 mins 40 secs to boots a lot quicker than that.
  • neogodless - Tuesday, March 23, 2010 - link

    [quote]Of course when we’re talking about performance, the Pre still has a leg up on the Pixi, and the Pixi Plus has the same leg up on its non-plussed predecessor, in that the original Pixi still lacks WiFi.[/quote]

    [quote]If you are going to be viewing a lot of media and browsing the web, you probably want the extra real estate the Pre’s screen provides, as well as the WiFi (assuming you’re on Sprint, if you’re on Verizon it’s moot, so congrats). If you’re used to having a phone that feels more indestructible, you’re going to prefer the Pixi. I’ve been using both phones for a few months and it’s a very hard decision for me. Most of the time I say Pre – it’s just a little more powerful with its WiFi and larger screen.[/quote]

    I swear you just updated it because earlier I was very confused as to whether the Pixi Plus had WiFi or not. You seem to omit the fact that it does in several places! Anyway, this does seem to clear it up for me. Thanks!
  • neogodless - Tuesday, March 23, 2010 - link

    Well, the Quote button doesn't work... but neither does doing it by hand. Neat!
  • MonkeyPaw - Tuesday, March 23, 2010 - link

    Yeah I'd love to see the comment section fixed (at least to kill the spammers). I'm also pining for a mobile friendly version on the site-- it's just a little tough on the eyes on my iTouch. Just friendly requests, Mr Anand. :)
  • Anand Lal Shimpi - Tuesday, March 23, 2010 - link

    The comments section will be much improved with the new site :)

    We can talk about Mobile AT after the new site launch :)

    Take care,
  • MonkeyPaw - Wednesday, March 24, 2010 - link

    Music to my ears! I love your content over the other sites I visit. It's gotta say something when your readers are willing to squint through your articles. ;)

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