Testing Methodology

As we alluded to on the front page, designing a set of testing methodologies that would be consistent and repeatable for the Killer NIC is nearly impossible. It still is to be quite honest. However, we feel like the test criteria we devised is fair for both BigFoot Networks and our readers. There is a phrase that we had to abide by during testing and it makes sense when reviewing our results: Sometimes close enough is good enough.

How do you test a card when the two most critical variables in the online gaming experience, our network connection and the game's server performance, are totally out of our control? Besides these two variables it is impossible to guarantee the movements, actions, experience level, character class, and quantity of players on the servers we connected to would be the same or at the very least close enough for each of our tests. Our testing methodology is by no means perfect we found it to be good enough so this is what we decided to do.

We set up two identical systems for testing as our main focus is to determine if the $279.99 Killer NIC provides a better overall online gaming experience in a wide variety of games than the onboard and essentially free NIC on the Asus P5N32-SLI Premium. Each system had the exact same software image with the only differences being the driver load for the Killer NIC and the nForce 590SLI. Each system was connected to a D-Link Gamer Lounge router with all GameFuel options disabled. We have both Cable and DSL service but decided to strictly use the DSL connection to further reduce the variables. Our Cable connection speed varies greatly depending upon the time of day so this option was not viable. We have enough variables to contend with and adding yet another one was not in our best interest.

We utilized FRAPS to capture our frame rates in each game and the ping time measurements came from the games internal ping rate value where applicable. The ping rates were captured by a third party every sixty seconds and then averaged over the length of game play. We played each game for an average of fifteen minutes online for a total of ten separate sessions at different periods during the day or night. We typically logged on to servers that were fully populated when possible or were close to the maximum amount of players for the selected map.

We utilized each test system at the same time, each player played as the same character class when possible, and connected to the same game server simultaneously. Each player stayed together, followed the same path, and performed the same actions as much as possible during testing. If one player was killed during action then we started the process over until we reached our fifteen minute mark except in Counter Strike: Source and Quake 4 where the time limits ranged anywhere from seven to twenty minutes. Our World of WarCraft play time was 30 minutes in each section due to our play locations and character travel requirements.

Our testing routine was fairly methodical in nature for the FPS and MMO games. We will not mention names but one particular tester took a significant amount of time to learn how to stay out of harms way in most games. It was so bad at one point that we thought about calling Dick Cheney to give him a lesson on how to use a shotgun. Overall, we spent about 300 hours online to bring you around a 100 hours worth of results.

In our RTS testing we had to change our testing methods slightly. Each player played the same map and as the same class each time in a single versus single player game. We scripted out a series of events for each player to follow and probably had a 98% success rate in following the script. We also tried random two on two player matches on the same map and server to see if there would be any noticeable differences in our results. There were not any real differences so we will present our one on one player results. Our outside test party hosted the game utilizing the same DSL service and had a similar system setup on their end. Ping rates could not be accurately measured in our RTS games so they will not be presented, although they were typically very low at game startup due to our test routine.

We also will present results with our D-Link Gamer Lounge DGL-4100 router with GameFuel technology implemented. This router basically promises to accomplish several of the Killer NIC features on the router. This includes providing a platform that reduces latency and boosts network efficiency and performance while intelligently managing and automatically prioritizing network traffic. Sounds familiar right? We are including results from our D-Link DGE-550T PCI Gigabit network adapter to show the results from using a standard PCI NIC in your system with and without our D-Link DGL-4100 optimized.

Since we did not have four identical systems our test plan for the Gaming Router and PCI NIC consisted of powering down our test systems, inserting our D-Link PCI NIC card into each system, removing the Killer NIC and disabling the nForce 590SLI NIC in the BIOS, swapping out the hard drives for a D-Link NIC image, rebooting, and then setting up the D-Link router for optimized operations with our games. We then tested each machine in the same manner listed earlier. The difference being that we ran our tests with GameFuel on and then ran the tests again with GameFuel off. This meant there was usually a ninety minute difference in test results between our Killer NIC / nForce 590SLI combination and our D-Link Router / D-Link NIC results.

A lot can happen in ninety minutes when playing online but fortunately our variables were not off the map after each individual test session. The greatest variability we noticed in the results actually came from the time differences between running our D-Link NIC with GameFuel enabled and disabled. Please be aware of this when reviewing the numbers. However, considering our results are averaged from ten different sessions the overall variability is fairly minimal between test sessions. We set the Killer NIC to Game mode for all of our gaming benchmarks.

There were so many different combinations that we could have tried but in the end we decided to utilize this combination of components to present our results. We could have utilized a standalone PCI-E NIC, used a different video card or processor, and tested strictly on a LAN to remove most variables. We actually did all of that and the results were different but the percentage differences in scores between each solution were always about the same except when using a single processor in World of WarCraft. We will explain that issue shortly. It is time to take a look at the benchmarks and see how well this Killer NIC performs in a high-end gaming system.

Test Setup Gaming Performance
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  • stmok - Tuesday, October 31, 2006 - link

    Yeah, I do agree.

    Its targetting at the wrong crowd. This product should be really for the hardcore enthusiasts. (I'm talking about those who actually use the command line on a regular basis). You don't expect clueless Windows users start tinkering with Linux, do you? :)

    As for SLI and Crossfire? Its a bloody joke.

    You buy two video cards today, and in 12 months time, they'll be outperformed by a single next generation video card. Yeah, money well spent there, isn't it?
  • stmok - Tuesday, October 31, 2006 - link

    To be honest, if they opened up the specs for the card, and work with the community, you'd have a different product. (So they only focus on selling hardware and advising enthusiasts in how to develop software solutions for the card).
  • yyrkoon - Tuesday, October 31, 2006 - link

    So the fact that Intels NIC cards regularly perform better than atleast 99% of the competition, and the fact they have made a PCI-E card is completely lost on you ?

    BTW the price of the Intel card is FAR less . . .
  • Zebo - Tuesday, October 31, 2006 - link

    It's you who is stupid. Video you get your monies worth unlike this POS, anywhere from 60-75% inprovement moving to that second card in SLI/xfire config.
  • mlau - Tuesday, October 31, 2006 - link

    as i said, i think this card is targeted at the wrong crowd. but then i don't doubt
    that the windows network stack is a POS and offloading it completely to a piece of
    hardware will free the host cpu for other tasks.

    as for sli/xfire, performance improvements are almost not noticeable (and sometimes
    perf decreases). noone except a few impressionable 12 year olds care about your fps
    in fear and other shooters. i play games to be entertained and not to watch the fps
    meter and tell my "friends" that "oooo i can play far cry in 2560x1200 8aa16af and still
    get 120 fps!!!1!!11oneone, you cant!!". you people are pathetic.
  • Frumious1 - Tuesday, October 31, 2006 - link

    "as for sli/xfire, performance improvements are almost not noticeable"

    Clearly you have never used a higher end gaming PC on modern title. I can assure that the improvements are VERY noticeable if you play with a larger LCD (even 1920x1200) and want smooth frame rates, or if you even load up Oblivion at moderate resolutions. Yes, an increase from 100 to 170 FPS in some titles is basically meaningless, but going from 20 to 35 FPS in Oblivion makes the difference between sluggish and smooth gameplay. Whether or not it's worth the price is up for debate, but just because you can't afford it and don't play enough games to justify the purchase doesn't make is pathetic.

    BTW, I've got news for you moron: 12 year olds are NOT the people running SLI/Crossfire setups! But then your penis envy probably blinds you to that fact. Even in Linux, I doubt this card is worth the price of admission. $280 for another "coprocessor"? Lovely, except in another week or so $250 would add two more CPU cores and make the whole situation meaningless. Now let's just hope Vista has network stack improvements so that mutliple cores are truly useful for offloading audio and network tasks in games. Actually, that's probably at least partially a matter of getting game developers to do things more threaded-like.

    Hey Gary, did you test Quake 4 with a non-SMP configuration? I understand Q4 optimizations for SMP essentially consist of running the client and server code in separate threads, so maybe the server is already offloaded and there's nothing new for the Killer to do? Gee why can't other devs do this? Lazy bums!
  • KAZANI - Tuesday, October 31, 2006 - link

    "Whether or not it's worth the price is up for debate, but just because you can't afford it and don't play enough games to justify the purchase doesn't make is pathetic."

    To my mind going into a 600$ expenditure so that you can play overhyped duds such as Oblivion counts as pathetic. I am still not convinced that it's the heavy gaming that warrants dual-GPU's and not dual-GPU's warranting heavy gaming.
  • bob661 - Tuesday, October 31, 2006 - link


    To my mind going into a 600$ expenditure so that you can play overhyped duds such as Oblivion counts as pathetic. I am still not convinced that it's the heavy gaming that warrants dual-GPU's and not dual-GPU's warranting heavy gaming.
    In MY mind (the ONLY mind that's important), people that criticize others choice in computer hardware and games IS indeed pathetic. I AM convinced that you are as jealous, self-righteous, asshole that probably drives in the left lane on the freeway at the speed limit because no one needs to go faster than the almighty YOU.
  • rushfan2006 - Wednesday, November 1, 2006 - link

    Agreed...there is a lot of people being dicks on this thread. I just don't understand it.

    If you don't like a game or something, just don't buy it - you can make your opinion about it so long as it offers some kind of value -- calling out the performance or problems with the product. But to associate someone's buying choice then calling them names its just gets ridiculous....its like grow the hell up already.

  • KAZANI - Wednesday, November 1, 2006 - link

    Escuse me? You're spending 600$ to play Oblivion and you're telling me to "grow up"? DUDE, YOU NEED TIME OFF THE COMPUTER!

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