Read Benchmark

Hold your mouse over to compare to Seagate's 250GB 7200.8 x 4 in RAID 5.

Hold your mouse over to compare to Seagate's 250GB 7200.8 x 4 in RAID 5.

Hold your mouse over to compare to Seagate's 250GB 7200.8 x 4 in RAID 5.

Hold your mouse over to compare to Seagate's 250GB 7200.8 x 4 in RAID 5.

The read benchmark results show that the ReadyNAS NV has little to no improvement in read performance, as the graphs for both models are extremely close. Read performance, unlike the write performance, is all over the place with no noticeable trend across the various transfer sizes.

Iozone Results IOMeter Results
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  • MikeRocker - Friday, March 17, 2006 - link

    Sorry, couldn't resist the joke. ;-) Maybe 'perforated' is a more accurate description.

    Nice piece of kit, though it gets owned by the RAID performance-wise. How much is that actually down to the network interface? Pity its so expensive too.
  • brownba - Friday, March 17, 2006 - link

    ehhh, looks like a space heater to me
  • latrosicarius - Monday, March 20, 2006 - link

    I bought one about a month ago. It's good b/c it has RAID-5 on a Gigabit connection. It's small and looks awesome, but the fan is loud as s***. It's basically a micro Linux box.

    Anyway, I use it as a BACKUP only, b/c it doesn't have a "real" CPU or Mobo and is a tad slow to work from directly. For my Server, I use a real PC with four identical slave drives, also in RAID-5, so the backup can be 1:1. I wish it had RAID-6 b/c my Arcea 1210 RAID controller card in my server has the possibility of RAID-6.

    Just FYI, four 300GB Maxtor MaxLineIII 7200RPM SATA drives do work great, even tho they are not listed on the Infrant HW compatability page. It will give you a 1.2TB array (1200GB) of total space if you stripe the 4 drives (RAID-0), and Will give you around 850GB if you use RAID-5 (one quarter of each drive is reserved to cache a third of each other drive so one drive can fail without any data loss.)

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